commit d6231bab89d634da5564491196b7c478db038505 Author: Hisham Muhammad Date: Sat Mar 4 18:16:49 2006 +0000 Initial import. diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de8bf3f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Hisham H. Muhammad diff --git a/AvailableColumnsListBox.c b/AvailableColumnsListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4f91372 --- /dev/null +++ b/AvailableColumnsListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ + +#include "AvailableColumnsListBox.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "Header.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" +#include "ColumnsListBox.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct AvailableColumnsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + ListBox* columns; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; +} AvailableColumnsListBox; + +}*/ + +AvailableColumnsListBox* AvailableColumnsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ListBox* columns, ScreenManager* scr) { + AvailableColumnsListBox* this = (AvailableColumnsListBox*) malloc(sizeof(AvailableColumnsListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, LISTITEM_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = AvailableColumnsListBox_delete; + + this->settings = settings; + this->scr = scr; + super->eventHandler = AvailableColumnsListBox_eventHandler; + + ListBox_setHeader(super, "Available Columns"); + + for (int i = 1; i < LAST_PROCESSFIELD; i++) { + if (i != COMM) + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new(Process_fieldNames[i], 0)); + } + this->columns = columns; + return this; +} + +void AvailableColumnsListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + AvailableColumnsListBox* this = (AvailableColumnsListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this); +} + +HandlerResult AvailableColumnsListBox_eventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + AvailableColumnsListBox* this = (AvailableColumnsListBox*) super; + char* text = ((ListItem*) ListBox_getSelected(super))->value; + HandlerResult result = IGNORED; + + switch(ch) { + case 13: + case KEY_ENTER: + case KEY_F(5): + { + int at = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(this->columns) + 1; + if (at == ListBox_getSize(this->columns)) + at--; + ListBox_insert(this->columns, at, (Object*) ListItem_new(text, 0)); + ColumnsListBox_update(this->columns); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + } + return result; +} diff --git a/AvailableColumnsListBox.h b/AvailableColumnsListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d771e201 --- /dev/null +++ b/AvailableColumnsListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_AvailableColumnsListBox +#define HEADER_AvailableColumnsListBox + +#include "Settings.h" +#include "Header.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct AvailableColumnsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; + ListBox* columns; +} AvailableColumnsListBox; + + +AvailableColumnsListBox* AvailableColumnsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ListBox* columns, ScreenManager* scr); + +void AvailableColumnsListBox_delete(Object* object); + +HandlerResult AvailableColumnsListBox_eventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + +#endif diff --git a/AvailableMetersListBox.c b/AvailableMetersListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..757cd59d --- /dev/null +++ b/AvailableMetersListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ + +#include "AvailableMetersListBox.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "Header.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct AvailableMetersListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ListBox* leftBox; + ListBox* rightBox; + ScreenManager* scr; +} AvailableMetersListBox; + +}*/ + +AvailableMetersListBox* AvailableMetersListBox_new(Settings* settings, ListBox* leftMeters, ListBox* rightMeters, ScreenManager* scr) { + AvailableMetersListBox* this = (AvailableMetersListBox*) malloc(sizeof(AvailableMetersListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, LISTITEM_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = AvailableMetersListBox_delete; + + this->settings = settings; + this->leftBox = leftMeters; + this->rightBox = rightMeters; + this->scr = scr; + super->eventHandler = AvailableMetersListBox_EventHandler; + + ListBox_setHeader(super, "Available meters"); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Swap", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Memory", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Clock", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Load", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("LoadAverage", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Uptime", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Tasks", 0)); + if (settings->pl->processorCount > 1) + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("CPUAverage", 0)); + for (int i = 1; i <= settings->pl->processorCount; i++) { + char buffer[50]; + sprintf(buffer, "CPU(%d)", i); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new(buffer, 0)); + } + return this; +} + +void AvailableMetersListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + AvailableMetersListBox* this = (AvailableMetersListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this); +} + +/* private */ +inline void AvailableMetersListBox_addHeader(Header* header, ListBox* lb, char* name, HeaderSide side) { + Header_createMeter(header, name, side); + int i = Header_size(header, side) - 1; + Meter* meter = (Meter*) Header_getMeter(header, i, side); + ListBox_add(lb, (Object*) Meter_toListItem(meter)); +} + +HandlerResult AvailableMetersListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + AvailableMetersListBox* this = (AvailableMetersListBox*) super; + Header* header = this->settings->header; + + ListItem* selected = (ListItem*) ListBox_getSelected(super); + char* name = selected->value; + HandlerResult result = IGNORED; + + switch(ch) { + case KEY_F(5): + case 'l': + case 'L': + { + AvailableMetersListBox_addHeader(header, this->leftBox, name, LEFT_HEADER); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + case KEY_F(6): + case 'r': + case 'R': + { + AvailableMetersListBox_addHeader(header, this->rightBox, name, RIGHT_HEADER); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + } + if (result == HANDLED) { + this->settings->changed = true; + Header_calculateHeight(header); + Header_draw(header); + ScreenManager_resize(this->scr, this->scr->x1, header->height, this->scr->x2, this->scr->y2); + } + return result; +} diff --git a/AvailableMetersListBox.h b/AvailableMetersListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..be6da95b --- /dev/null +++ b/AvailableMetersListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_AvailableMetersListBox +#define HEADER_AvailableMetersListBox + +#include "Settings.h" +#include "Header.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct AvailableMetersListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ListBox* leftBox; + ListBox* rightBox; + ScreenManager* scr; +} AvailableMetersListBox; + + +AvailableMetersListBox* AvailableMetersListBox_new(Settings* settings, ListBox* leftMeters, ListBox* rightMeters, ScreenManager* scr); + +void AvailableMetersListBox_delete(Object* object); + + +HandlerResult AvailableMetersListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + +#endif diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a43ea212 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/CPUMeter.c b/CPUMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c59c2c4f --- /dev/null +++ b/CPUMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* +htop - CPUMeter.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "CPUMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct CPUMeter_ CPUMeter; + +struct CPUMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + int processor; +}; + +}*/ + +#ifndef MIN +#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) +#endif +#ifndef MAX +#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) +#endif + +CPUMeter* CPUMeter_new(ProcessList* pl, int processor) { + CPUMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(CPUMeter)); + char* caption; + if (pl->processorCount == 1 || processor == 0) { + caption = String_copy("CPU"); + } else { + caption = (char*) malloc(4); + sprintf(caption, "%-3d", processor); + } + Meter_init((Meter*)this, NULL, caption, 3); + ((Meter*)this)->name = malloc(20); + sprintf(((Meter*)this)->name, "CPU(%d)", processor); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = CPU_NICE; + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[1] = CPU_NORMAL; + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[2] = CPU_KERNEL; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = CPUMeter_setValues; + ((Object*)this)->display = CPUMeter_display; + ((Meter*)this)->total = 1.0; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, BAR); + this->processor = processor; + this->pl = pl; + return this; +} + +void CPUMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + CPUMeter* this = (CPUMeter*)cast; + cast->values[0] = this->pl->nicePeriod[this->processor] / (double)this->pl->totalPeriod[this->processor]; + cast->values[1] = this->pl->userPeriod[this->processor] / (double)this->pl->totalPeriod[this->processor]; + cast->values[2] = this->pl->systemPeriod[this->processor] / (double)this->pl->totalPeriod[this->processor]; + double cpu = MIN(100.0, MAX(0.0, (cast->values[0]+cast->values[1]+cast->values[2])*100.0 )); + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 7, "%5.1f%%", cpu ); +} + +void CPUMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + char buffer[50]; + Meter* this = (Meter*)cast; + RichString_prune(out); + sprintf(buffer, "%5.1f%% ", this->values[1] * 100.0); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], ":"); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, "%5.1f%% ", this->values[2] * 100.0); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], "sys:"); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, "%5.1f%% ", this->values[0] * 100.0); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], "low:"); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[CPU_NICE], buffer); +} diff --git a/CPUMeter.h b/CPUMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22589dc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/CPUMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_CPUMeter +#define HEADER_CPUMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct CPUMeter_ CPUMeter; + +struct CPUMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + int processor; +}; + + +CPUMeter* CPUMeter_new(ProcessList* pl, int processor); + +void CPUMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void CPUMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/CRT.c b/CRT.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0858164c --- /dev/null +++ b/CRT.c @@ -0,0 +1,513 @@ +/* +htop - CRT.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "CRT.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "String.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +#define ColorPair(i,j) COLOR_PAIR((7-i)*8+j) + +#define Black COLOR_BLACK +#define Red COLOR_RED +#define Green COLOR_GREEN +#define Yellow COLOR_YELLOW +#define Blue COLOR_BLUE +#define Magenta COLOR_MAGENTA +#define Cyan COLOR_CYAN +#define White COLOR_WHITE + +//#link curses + +bool CRT_hasColors; + +/*{ + +typedef enum ColorElements_ { + RESET_COLOR, + DEFAULT_COLOR, + FUNCTION_BAR, + FUNCTION_KEY, + FAILED_SEARCH, + PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS, + PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS, + PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS, + PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS, + LARGE_NUMBER, + METER_TEXT, + METER_VALUE, + LED_COLOR, + UPTIME, + TASKS_TOTAL, + TASKS_RUNNING, + SWAP, + PROCESS, + PROCESS_SHADOW, + PROCESS_TAG, + PROCESS_MEGABYTES, + PROCESS_TREE, + PROCESS_R_STATE, + PROCESS_BASENAME, + PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY, + PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY, + BAR_BORDER, + BAR_SHADOW, + GRAPH_1, + GRAPH_2, + GRAPH_3, + GRAPH_4, + GRAPH_5, + GRAPH_6, + GRAPH_7, + GRAPH_8, + GRAPH_9, + MEMORY_USED, + MEMORY_BUFFERS, + MEMORY_CACHE, + LOAD, + LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN, + LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE, + LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE, + CHECK_BOX, + CHECK_MARK, + CHECK_TEXT, + CLOCK, + CPU_NICE, + CPU_NORMAL, + CPU_KERNEL, + HELP_BOLD, + LAST_COLORELEMENT +} ColorElements; + +extern int CRT_delay; + +extern int CRT_colors[LAST_COLORELEMENT]; + +}*/ + +// TODO: centralize these in Settings. + +/* private property */ +int CRT_delay; + +/* private property */ +int CRT_colorScheme; + +/* private property */ +int CRT_colors[LAST_COLORELEMENT]; + +// TODO: pass an instance of Settings instead. + +void CRT_init(int delay, int colorScheme) { + initscr(); + noecho(); + CRT_delay = delay; + CRT_colorScheme = colorScheme; + halfdelay(CRT_delay); + nonl(); + intrflush(stdscr, false); + keypad(stdscr, true); + curs_set(0); + if (has_colors()) { + start_color(); + CRT_hasColors = true; + } else { + CRT_hasColors = false; + } + char* termType = getenv("TERM"); + if (String_eq(termType, "xterm") || String_eq(termType, "xterm-color") || String_eq(termType, "vt220")) { + define_key("\033[H", KEY_HOME); + define_key("\033[F", KEY_END); + define_key("\033OP", KEY_F(1)); + define_key("\033OQ", KEY_F(2)); + define_key("\033OR", KEY_F(3)); + define_key("\033OS", KEY_F(4)); + define_key("\033[11~", KEY_F(1)); + define_key("\033[12~", KEY_F(2)); + define_key("\033[13~", KEY_F(3)); + define_key("\033[14~", KEY_F(4)); + define_key("\033[17;2~", KEY_F(18)); + } +#ifndef DEBUG + signal(11, CRT_handleSIGSEGV); +#endif + signal(SIGTERM, CRT_handleSIGTERM); + use_default_colors(); + if (!has_colors()) + CRT_colorScheme = 1; + CRT_setColors(CRT_colorScheme); + + mousemask(BUTTON1_CLICKED, NULL); +} + +void CRT_done() { + curs_set(1); + endwin(); +} + +int CRT_readKey() { + nocbreak(); + cbreak(); + int ret = getch(); + halfdelay(CRT_delay); + return ret; +} + +void CRT_disableDelay() { + nocbreak(); + cbreak(); + nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); +} + +void CRT_enableDelay() { + halfdelay(CRT_delay); +} + +void CRT_handleSIGSEGV(int signal) { + CRT_done(); + fprintf(stderr, "Aborted. Please report bug at"); + exit(1); +} + +void CRT_handleSIGTERM(int signal) { + CRT_done(); + exit(0); +} + +void CRT_setColors(int colorScheme) { + CRT_colorScheme = colorScheme; + if (colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_BLACKNIGHT) { + for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) + init_pair((7-i)*8+j, i, j); + } else { + for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) + init_pair((7-i)*8+j, i, (j==0?-1:j)); + } + + if (colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_MONOCHROME) { + CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR] = A_REVERSE; + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_KEY] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS] = A_REVERSE; + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS] = A_REVERSE; + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS] = A_REVERSE | A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS] = A_REVERSE; + CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH] = A_REVERSE | A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[UPTIME] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[METER_TEXT] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[METER_VALUE] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[LED_COLOR] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[TASKS_RUNNING] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PROCESS] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW] = A_DIM; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] = A_DIM; + CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW] = A_DIM; + CRT_colors[SWAP] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_1] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_2] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_3] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_4] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_5] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_6] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_7] = A_DIM; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_8] = A_DIM; + CRT_colors[GRAPH_9] = A_DIM; + CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN] = A_DIM; + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[LOAD] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CPU_NICE] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CLOCK] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[CHECK_TEXT] = A_NORMAL; + } else if (CRT_colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_BLACKONWHITE) { + CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_KEY] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Blue,White); + CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH] = ColorPair(Red,Cyan); + CRT_colors[UPTIME] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER] = ColorPair(Red,White); + CRT_colors[METER_TEXT] = ColorPair(Blue,White); + CRT_colors[METER_VALUE] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[LED_COLOR] = ColorPair(Green,White); + CRT_colors[TASKS_RUNNING] = ColorPair(Green,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG] = ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES] = ColorPair(Blue,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME] = ColorPair(Green,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE] = ColorPair(Blue,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE] = ColorPair(Green,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,White); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,White); + CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER] = ColorPair(Blue,White); + CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[SWAP] = ColorPair(Red,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_1] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_2] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_3] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_4] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_5] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_6] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_7] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_8] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_9] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED] = ColorPair(Green,White); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS] = ColorPair(Cyan,White); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE] = ColorPair(Yellow,White); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[LOAD] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD] = ColorPair(Blue,White); + CRT_colors[CPU_NICE] = ColorPair(Cyan,White); + CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL] = ColorPair(Green,White); + CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL] = ColorPair(Red,White); + CRT_colors[CLOCK] = ColorPair(White,White); + CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX] = ColorPair(Blue,White); + CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[CHECK_TEXT] = ColorPair(Black,White); + } else if (CRT_colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_BLACKONWHITE2) { + CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_KEY] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH] = ColorPair(Red,Cyan); + CRT_colors[UPTIME] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[METER_TEXT] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[METER_VALUE] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[LED_COLOR] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[TASKS_RUNNING] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG] = ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[SWAP] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_1] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_2] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_3] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_4] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_5] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_6] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_7] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_8] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_9] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD] = ColorPair(White,Black); + CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_NICE] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[CLOCK] = ColorPair(White,Black); + CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[CHECK_TEXT] = ColorPair(Black,Black); + } else if (CRT_colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_MIDNIGHT) { + CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR] = ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR] = ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_KEY] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH] = ColorPair(Red,Cyan); + CRT_colors[UPTIME] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Red,Blue); + CRT_colors[METER_TEXT] = ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[METER_VALUE] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[LED_COLOR] = ColorPair(Green,Blue); + CRT_colors[TASKS_RUNNING] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS] = ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES] = ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE] = ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE] = ColorPair(Green,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Blue); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Blue); + CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW] = ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[SWAP] = ColorPair(Red,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_1] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_2] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_3] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_4] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_5] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_6] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_7] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_8] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_9] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Blue); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Blue); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Blue); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE] = A_NORMAL | ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[LOAD] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[CPU_NICE] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Blue); + CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Red,Blue); + CRT_colors[CLOCK] = ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX] = ColorPair(Cyan,Blue); + CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(White,Blue); + CRT_colors[CHECK_TEXT] = A_NORMAL | ColorPair(White,Blue); + } else if (CRT_colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_BLACKNIGHT) { + CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_KEY] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH] = ColorPair(Red,Cyan); + CRT_colors[UPTIME] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[METER_TEXT] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[METER_VALUE] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[LED_COLOR] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[TASKS_RUNNING] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[SWAP] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_1] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_2] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_3] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_4] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_5] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_6] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_7] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_8] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_9] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_NICE] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[CLOCK] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[CHECK_TEXT] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + } else { + /* Default */ + CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR] = ColorPair(White,Black); + CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR] = ColorPair(White,Black); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[FUNCTION_KEY] = ColorPair(White,Black); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Green); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,Cyan); + CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS] = ColorPair(Black,White); + CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH] = ColorPair(Red,Cyan); + CRT_colors[UPTIME] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[METER_TEXT] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[METER_VALUE] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[LED_COLOR] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[TASKS_RUNNING] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[SWAP] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_1] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_2] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_3] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_4] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_5] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_6] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_7] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_8] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[GRAPH_9] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE] = ColorPair(Yellow,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Black,Black); + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE] = A_NORMAL; + CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[LOAD] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD] = A_BOLD | ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_NICE] = ColorPair(Blue,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL] = ColorPair(Green,Black); + CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL] = ColorPair(Red,Black); + CRT_colors[CLOCK] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX] = ColorPair(Cyan,Black); + CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK] = A_BOLD; + CRT_colors[CHECK_TEXT] = A_NORMAL; + } +} diff --git a/CRT.h b/CRT.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32a94812 --- /dev/null +++ b/CRT.h @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_CRT +#define HEADER_CRT +/* +htop - CRT.h +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "String.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +#define COLORSCHEME_DEFAULT 0 +#define COLORSCHEME_MONOCHROME 1 +#define COLORSCHEME_BLACKONWHITE 2 +#define COLORSCHEME_BLACKONWHITE2 3 +#define COLORSCHEME_MIDNIGHT 4 +#define COLORSCHEME_BLACKNIGHT 5 + +//#link curses + +bool CRT_hasColors; + + +typedef enum ColorElements_ { + RESET_COLOR, + DEFAULT_COLOR, + FUNCTION_BAR, + FUNCTION_KEY, + FAILED_SEARCH, + PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS, + PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS, + PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS, + PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS, + LARGE_NUMBER, + METER_TEXT, + METER_VALUE, + LED_COLOR, + UPTIME, + TASKS_TOTAL, + TASKS_RUNNING, + SWAP, + PROCESS, + PROCESS_SHADOW, + PROCESS_TAG, + PROCESS_MEGABYTES, + PROCESS_TREE, + PROCESS_R_STATE, + PROCESS_BASENAME, + PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY, + PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY, + BAR_BORDER, + BAR_SHADOW, + GRAPH_1, + GRAPH_2, + GRAPH_3, + GRAPH_4, + GRAPH_5, + GRAPH_6, + GRAPH_7, + GRAPH_8, + GRAPH_9, + MEMORY_USED, + MEMORY_BUFFERS, + MEMORY_CACHE, + LOAD, + LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN, + LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE, + LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE, + CHECK_BOX, + CHECK_MARK, + CHECK_TEXT, + CLOCK, + CPU_NICE, + CPU_NORMAL, + CPU_KERNEL, + HELP_BOLD, + LAST_COLORELEMENT +} ColorElements; + +extern int CRT_colors[LAST_COLORELEMENT]; + +extern int CRT_colorScheme; + +extern int CRT_delay; + +void CRT_init(); + +void CRT_done(); + +int CRT_readKey(); + +void CRT_handleSIGSEGV(int signal); + +void CRT_handleSIGTERM(int signal); + +void CRT_setColors(int colorScheme); + +void CRT_enableDelay(); + +void CRT_disableDelay(); + +#endif diff --git a/CategoriesListBox.c b/CategoriesListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e846a572 --- /dev/null +++ b/CategoriesListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ + +#include "CategoriesListBox.h" +#include "AvailableMetersListBox.h" +#include "MetersListBox.h" +#include "DisplayOptionsListBox.h" +#include "ColumnsListBox.h" +#include "ColorsListBox.h" +#include "AvailableColumnsListBox.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct CategoriesListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; +} CategoriesListBox; + +}*/ + +/* private property */ +char* MetersFunctions[10] = {" ", " ", " ", "Type ", " ", " ", "MoveUp", "MoveDn", "Remove", "Done "}; + +/* private property */ +char* AvailableMetersFunctions[10] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", "Add L ", "Add R ", " ", " ", " ", "Done "}; + +/* private property */ +char* DisplayOptionsFunctions[10] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "Done "}; + +/* private property */ +char* ColumnsFunctions[10] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "MoveUp", "MoveDn", "Remove", "Done "}; + +/* private property */ +char* ColorsFunctions[10] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "Done "}; + +/* private property */ +char* AvailableColumnsFunctions[10] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", "Add ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "Done "}; + +CategoriesListBox* CategoriesListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr) { + CategoriesListBox* this = (CategoriesListBox*) malloc(sizeof(CategoriesListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, LISTITEM_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = CategoriesListBox_delete; + + this->settings = settings; + this->scr = scr; + super->eventHandler = CategoriesListBox_eventHandler; + ListBox_setHeader(super, "Setup"); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Meters", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Display options", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Colors", 0)); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new("Columns", 0)); + return this; +} + +void CategoriesListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + CategoriesListBox* this = (CategoriesListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this); +} + +HandlerResult CategoriesListBox_eventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + CategoriesListBox* this = (CategoriesListBox*) super; + + HandlerResult result = IGNORED; + + int previous = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(super); + + switch (ch) { + case KEY_UP: + case KEY_DOWN: + case KEY_NPAGE: + case KEY_PPAGE: + case KEY_HOME: + case KEY_END: { + ListBox_onKey(super, ch); + int selected = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(super); + if (previous != selected) { + int size = ScreenManager_size(this->scr); + for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) + ScreenManager_remove(this->scr, 1); + switch (selected) { + case 0: + CategoriesListBox_makeMetersPage(this); + break; + case 1: + CategoriesListBox_makeDisplayOptionsPage(this); + break; + case 2: + CategoriesListBox_makeColorsPage(this); + break; + case 3: + CategoriesListBox_makeColumnsPage(this); + break; + } + } + result = HANDLED; + } + } + + return result; +} + +void CategoriesListBox_makeMetersPage(CategoriesListBox* this) { + ListBox* lbLeftMeters = (ListBox*) MetersListBox_new(this->settings, "Left column", this->settings->header->leftMeters, this->scr); + ListBox* lbRightMeters = (ListBox*) MetersListBox_new(this->settings, "Right column", this->settings->header->rightMeters, this->scr); + ListBox* lbAvailableMeters = (ListBox*) AvailableMetersListBox_new(this->settings, lbLeftMeters, lbRightMeters, this->scr); + ScreenManager_add(this->scr, lbLeftMeters, FunctionBar_new(10, MetersFunctions, NULL, NULL), 20); + ScreenManager_add(this->scr, lbRightMeters, FunctionBar_new(10, MetersFunctions, NULL, NULL), 20); + ScreenManager_add(this->scr, lbAvailableMeters, FunctionBar_new(10, AvailableMetersFunctions, NULL, NULL), -1); +} + +void CategoriesListBox_makeDisplayOptionsPage(CategoriesListBox* this) { + ListBox* lbDisplayOptions = (ListBox*) DisplayOptionsListBox_new(this->settings, this->scr); + ScreenManager_add(this->scr, lbDisplayOptions, FunctionBar_new(10, DisplayOptionsFunctions, NULL, NULL), -1); +} + +void CategoriesListBox_makeColorsPage(CategoriesListBox* this) { + ListBox* lbColors = (ListBox*) ColorsListBox_new(this->settings, this->scr); + ScreenManager_add(this->scr, lbColors, FunctionBar_new(10, ColorsFunctions, NULL, NULL), -1); +} + +void CategoriesListBox_makeColumnsPage(CategoriesListBox* this) { + ListBox* lbColumns = (ListBox*) ColumnsListBox_new(this->settings, this->scr); + ListBox* lbAvailableColumns = (ListBox*) AvailableColumnsListBox_new(this->settings, lbColumns, this->scr); + ScreenManager_add(this->scr, lbColumns, FunctionBar_new(10, ColumnsFunctions, NULL, NULL), 20); + ScreenManager_add(this->scr, lbAvailableColumns, FunctionBar_new(10, AvailableColumnsFunctions, NULL, NULL), -1); +} diff --git a/CategoriesListBox.h b/CategoriesListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60b13b44 --- /dev/null +++ b/CategoriesListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_CategoriesListBox +#define HEADER_CategoriesListBox + +#include "AvailableMetersListBox.h" +#include "MetersListBox.h" +#include "DisplayOptionsListBox.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct CategoriesListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; +} CategoriesListBox; + + + + +CategoriesListBox* CategoriesListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr); + +void CategoriesListBox_delete(Object* object); + +HandlerResult CategoriesListBox_eventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + +void CategoriesListBox_makeMetersPage(CategoriesListBox* this); + +void CategoriesListBox_makeDisplayOptionsPage(CategoriesListBox* this); + +void CategoriesListBox_makeColorsPage(CategoriesListBox* this); + +void CategoriesListBox_makeColumnsPage(CategoriesListBox* this); + +#endif diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c922fccd --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ + +What's new in version 0.6.1 + +* Included icon .desktop and desktop entry + (thanks to Peter Hyman) +* Added a check to make sure that a root-user htop closes + when its parent non-root terminal is closed. + (thanks to Ilya Evseev for the report) +* BUGFIX: does not crash anymore when $HOME is not set + (thanks to Henning Schild for the report) + +What's new in version 0.6 + +* Configuration of columns merged into the Setup screen +* Integrated strace (press 's') + (thanks to Marinho Barcellos for the help) +* BUGFIX: some fixes, aided by Valgrind + (thanks to Wolfram Schlich for the report) +* BUGFIX: fixed bug when switching meter modes + (thanks to Eduardo Righes for the report) +* Show processes of a single user +* "SortBy" function now menu-based +* Improved mouse handling +* ...and on top of that reduced memory consumption! + +What's new in version 0.5.4 + +* Color schemes +* -d flag, to configure delay between updates. + Note that the delay value is saved in ~/.htoprc. +* BUGFIX: Update of meters was halting after help screen. + (thanks to Matt Moore) +* BUGFIX: No longer display incorrect information + in first frame. +* BUGFIX: Fix auto-detection of /proc/stat, + correcting CPU usage information on multiprocessor + systems. + +What's new in version 0.5.3 + +* Read new field "steal" on newer /proc/stat files +* Auto-detects format of /proc/stat, to cope + with patched 2.4 kernels which display 2.6-style + information (most notably those on RHEL 3) + (thanks to Fernando Dotta for the report) +* Support $HOME_ETC initiative + (see + (thanks to Roman Barczynski for the tip) +* The configure script now tests for /proc, so + that it fails early on unsupported platforms + instead of during compilation/execution. +* Made presentation of the function keys in the + status bar consistent across views + (thanks to David Mathog for the report) +* Minor changes to make the codebase more friendly + to possible future ports + (thanks to Jari Aalto and David Mathog for the reports) + +What's new in version 0.5.2 + +* BUGFIX: Correct display of user field + (thanks to Marcin Miroslaw for the report) +* Keyboard support improvements + (thanks to Aury Fink Filho for the report) + +What's new in version 0.5.1 + +* BUGFIX: Correctly displays NPTL threads from + /proc//task subdirectories + (thanks to Mike Pot for the report) +* BUGFIX: Fixes key handling on Signals listbox + (thanks to Ondrej Vlach) +* Renicing no longer displays temporary illegal values + (thanks to Ondrej Vlach) +* 'Hide userland threads' feature for NPTL threads + +What's new in version 0.5 + +* Tree view +* New column, TIME (user + system time, + like in top, 'T' switches to "sort by time") +* Major reorganization of the underlying code of the + setup screen, to manage setup pages +* New setup page: Display options +* Hide kernel threads ('K' key) +* Colorized memory numbers +* Vastly improved support for monochromatic terminals +* Shadow processes that do not belong to user ('U' key) +* Header margin configuration accessible via setup screen +* Visual feedback on failing incremental search +* BUGFIX: fixed keyboard input issues on 64-bit machines +* BUGFIX: hopefully fixed the incorrect values + that show on status bars in some systems +* BUGFIX: doesn't mess with fields list anymore when + canceling after changing the number of items +* Uptime meter no longer says "1 days" ;) + +What's new in version 0.4.1 + +* BUGFIX: compiles on 64-bit architectures again + (thanks to Bartosz Fenski for the report) +* BUGFIX: multi-processor support fixed on kernels 2.6 + (thanks to Wolfram Schlich for the report) + +What's new in version 0.4 + +* Support for multiple processors! +* Basic mouse support +* Modular header based on configurable meters; + supports 4 view modes: bar, text, LED, graph +* Uptime, load average meters + (thanks to Marc Calahan) +* Meters setup screen; should eventually evolve into a + general setup screen, with column setup, keybindings, etc. +* Thread hiding toggleable + (press 'T' to hide the nonstandard dotfiles in /proc) +* BUGFIX: Do not flicker screen on column configuration screen +* Clock and load average meters + (thanks to Marc Calahan) +* BUGFIX: numeric swap indicator was printing bogus value +* BUGFIX: internal fixes on ListBox widget +* Clear the bottom line when exiting +* Press "F3" during search to walk through the results +* Improved navigation on column configuration screen +* BUGFIX: fix segfault on kernels with restricted /proc + enabled +* BUGFIX: a few last-minute bugfixes in the setup UI + (thanks to Gaspare Bruno for the reports) + + +What's new in version 0.3.3 + +* Saves column and sorting configuration in ~/.htoprc +* Displays "hidden" threads on RedHat 9 + (Thanks to Leonardo Godinho) +* BUGFIX: supports process names with spaces + (Thanks to Marc Calahan) +* BUGFIX: ...and parentheses :) +* BUGFIX: long process names overflowed RichString + (Thanks to Marc Calahan) + +What's new in version 0.3.2 + +* Performance and memory usage improvements, aided by gprof +* BUGFIX: quite a few fixes, aided by Valgrind +* Header preview on column configuration screen + (Thanks to Marc Calahan) + +What's new in version 0.3.1 + +* BUGFIX: crash fixes related to process list handling + (thanks to Marc Calahan) +* Man page + (thanks to Bartosz Fenski) +* Tag processes with the space bar +* Kill multiple process based on tag +* BUGFIX: corrected processing order of updates in list +* Screen refresh function on Ctrl-L +* Large numbers are shown in MB/GB notation in order to fit screen + (thanks to Marc Calahan) +* Realtime priority is correctly displayed + (thanks to Marc Calahan) +* Preliminary support for configurable columns, with 'C' + (thanks to Marc Calahan) + -- not all columns display properly yet + +What's new in version 0.3 + +* BUGFIX: no dirt left on screen on horizontal scrolling +* Signal selection on "kill" command +* Color-coding for users, nice and process status +* "Follow" function +* Fully selectable sort order +* Function bar on last line +* Build system now uses autotools + +What's new in version 0.2.1 + +* Sorting by process or memory usage ('P' and 'M', like top) +* Quicker default update (1.5 second, not yet configurable) +* Now the order of the elements in the process list stay + 'locked' for a while after you move the cursor to ease + selecting a process +* Corrected the installation instructions in README + (Thanks to Jeremy Eglen) +* Should now compile cleanly on Conectiva 9 and similar systems + (Thanks to Adriano Frare for the report) +* Friendlier Makefile +* Help screen ('h') + +What's new in version 0.2 + +* Memory indicators in header now show used and total, in MB +* Preliminary support for sorting (CPU% only) +* Memory percentage field (resident memory / used memory) +* BUGFIX: identified source of spurious crashes +* Can search names containing numbers + (Thanks to Rafael Jeffman) +* Correctly calculates memory page size + (Thanks to Rafael Jeffman) + +What's new in version 0.13 + +* Handles terminal resize +* Display all user names (not only those in /etc/passwd) + (Thanks to Julio Biason) + +What's new in version 0.12 + +* Support for 2.6 kernels +* Uses terminal default colors as a background + +What's new in version 0.11 + +* BUGFIX: does not crash when UID is not in /etc/passwd + +What's new in version 0.1 + +* Everything! diff --git a/CheckItem.c b/CheckItem.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ba5bd20d --- /dev/null +++ b/CheckItem.c @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "CheckItem.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct CheckItem_ { + Object super; + char* text; + bool* value; +} CheckItem; + +extern char* CHECKITEM_CLASS; +}*/ + +/* private property */ +char* CHECKITEM_CLASS = "CheckItem"; + +CheckItem* CheckItem_new(char* text, bool* value) { + CheckItem* this = malloc(sizeof(CheckItem)); + ((Object*)this)->class = CHECKITEM_CLASS; + ((Object*)this)->display = CheckItem_display; + ((Object*)this)->delete = CheckItem_delete; + this->text = text; + this->value = value; + return this; +} + +void CheckItem_delete(Object* cast) { + CheckItem* this = (CheckItem*)cast; + assert (this != NULL); + + free(this->text); + free(this); +} + +void CheckItem_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + CheckItem* this = (CheckItem*)cast; + assert (this != NULL); + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX], "["); + if (*(this->value)) + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK], "x"); + else + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[CHECK_MARK], " "); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[CHECK_BOX], "] "); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[CHECK_TEXT], this->text); +} diff --git a/CheckItem.h b/CheckItem.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6cba3e22 --- /dev/null +++ b/CheckItem.h @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_CheckItem +#define HEADER_CheckItem +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" + + +typedef struct CheckItem_ { + Object super; + char* text; + bool* value; +} CheckItem; + +extern char* CHECKITEM_CLASS; + + +CheckItem* CheckItem_new(char* text, bool* value); + +void CheckItem_delete(Object* cast); + +void CheckItem_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/ClockMeter.c b/ClockMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..699c037a --- /dev/null +++ b/ClockMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "ClockMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct ClockMeter_ ClockMeter; + +struct ClockMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + char clock[10]; +}; + +}*/ + +ClockMeter* ClockMeter_new() { + ClockMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(ClockMeter)); + Meter_init((Meter*)this, String_copy("Clock"), String_copy("Time: "), 1); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = CLOCK; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = ClockMeter_setValues; + ((Object*)this)->display = ClockMeter_display; + ((Meter*)this)->total = 24 * 60; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, TEXT); + return this; +} + +void ClockMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + ClockMeter* this = (ClockMeter*) cast; + time_t t = time(NULL); + struct tm *lt = localtime(&t); + cast->values[0] = lt->tm_hour * 60 + lt->tm_min; + strftime(this->clock, 9, "%H:%M:%S", lt); + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 9, "%s", this->clock); +} + +void ClockMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + Meter* super = (Meter*) cast; + ClockMeter* this = (ClockMeter*) cast; + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[super->attributes[0]], this->clock); +} diff --git a/ClockMeter.h b/ClockMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2dd2440f --- /dev/null +++ b/ClockMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_ClockMeter +#define HEADER_ClockMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + + +typedef struct ClockMeter_ ClockMeter; + +struct ClockMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + char clock[10]; +}; + + +ClockMeter* ClockMeter_new(); + +void ClockMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void ClockMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/ColorsListBox.c b/ColorsListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31cfc63b --- /dev/null +++ b/ColorsListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ + +#include "CRT.h" +#include "ColorsListBox.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "CheckItem.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +// TO ADD A NEW SCHEME: +// * Increment the size of bool check in ColorsListBox.h +// * Add the entry in the ColorSchemes array below in the file +// * Add a define in CRT.h that matches the order of the array +// * Add the colors in CRT_setColors + +/*{ + +typedef struct ColorsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; + bool check[5]; +} ColorsListBox; + +}*/ + +/* private property */ +static char* ColorSchemes[] = { + "Default", + "Monochromatic", + "Black on White", + "Light Terminal", + "MC", + "Black Night", + NULL +}; + +ColorsListBox* ColorsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr) { + ColorsListBox* this = (ColorsListBox*) malloc(sizeof(ColorsListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, CHECKITEM_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = ColorsListBox_delete; + + this->settings = settings; + this->scr = scr; + super->eventHandler = ColorsListBox_EventHandler; + + ListBox_setHeader(super, "Colors"); + for (int i = 0; ColorSchemes[i] != NULL; i++) { + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy(ColorSchemes[i]), &(this->check[i]))); + this->check[i] = false; + } + this->check[settings->colorScheme] = true; + return this; +} + +void ColorsListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + ColorsListBox* this = (ColorsListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this); +} + +HandlerResult ColorsListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + ColorsListBox* this = (ColorsListBox*) super; + + HandlerResult result = IGNORED; + int mark = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(super); + + switch(ch) { + case 0x0a: + case 0x0d: + case KEY_ENTER: + case ' ': + for (int i = 0; ColorSchemes[i] != NULL; i++) { + this->check[i] = false; + } + this->check[mark] = true; + this->settings->colorScheme = mark; + result = HANDLED; + } + + if (result == HANDLED) { + Header* header = this->settings->header; + CRT_setColors(mark); + ListBox* lbMenu = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->scr->items, 0); + Header_draw(header); + RichString_setAttr(&(super->header), CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS]); + RichString_setAttr(&(lbMenu->header), CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS]); + ScreenManager_resize(this->scr, this->scr->x1, header->height, this->scr->x2, this->scr->y2); + } + return result; +} + diff --git a/ColorsListBox.h b/ColorsListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..25b56534 --- /dev/null +++ b/ColorsListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_ColorsListBox +#define HEADER_ColorsListBox + + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "CheckItem.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct ColorsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; + bool check[5]; +} ColorsListBox; + + +ColorsListBox* ColorsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr); + +void ColorsListBox_delete(Object* object); + +HandlerResult ColorsListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + + +#endif diff --git a/ColumnsListBox.c b/ColumnsListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3d02eed --- /dev/null +++ b/ColumnsListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ + +#include "ColumnsListBox.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct ColumnsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; +} ColumnsListBox; + +}*/ + +ColumnsListBox* ColumnsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr) { + ColumnsListBox* this = (ColumnsListBox*) malloc(sizeof(ColumnsListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, LISTITEM_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = ColumnsListBox_delete; + + this->settings = settings; + this->scr = scr; + super->eventHandler = ColumnsListBox_eventHandler; + ListBox_setHeader(super, "Active Columns"); + + ProcessField* fields = this->settings->pl->fields; + for (; *fields; fields++) { + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new(Process_fieldNames[*fields], 0)); + } + return this; +} + +void ColumnsListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + ColumnsListBox* this = (ColumnsListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this); +} + +void ColumnsListBox_update(ListBox* super) { + ColumnsListBox* this = (ColumnsListBox*) super; + int size = ListBox_getSize(super); + this->settings->changed = true; + // FIXME: this is crappily inefficient + free(this->settings->pl->fields); + this->settings->pl->fields = (ProcessField*) malloc(sizeof(ProcessField) * (size+1)); + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + char* text = ((ListItem*) ListBox_get(super, i))->value; + for (int j = 1; j <= LAST_PROCESSFIELD; j++) { + if (String_eq(text, Process_fieldNames[j])) { + this->settings->pl->fields[i] = j; + break; + } + } + } + this->settings->pl->fields[size] = 0; +} + +HandlerResult ColumnsListBox_eventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + + int selected = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(super); + HandlerResult result = IGNORED; + int size = ListBox_getSize(super); + + switch(ch) { + case KEY_F(7): + case '[': + case '-': + { + if (selected < size - 1) + ListBox_moveSelectedUp(super); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + case KEY_F(8): + case ']': + case '+': + { + if (selected < size - 2) + ListBox_moveSelectedDown(super); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + case KEY_F(9): + case KEY_DC: + { + if (selected < size - 1) { + ListBox_remove(super, selected); + } + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + } + if (result == HANDLED) + ColumnsListBox_update(super); + return result; +} diff --git a/ColumnsListBox.h b/ColumnsListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9e455e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ColumnsListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_ColumnsListBox +#define HEADER_ColumnsListBox + + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct ColumnsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + TypedVector* columns; + ScreenManager* scr; +} ColumnsListBox; + + +ColumnsListBox* ColumnsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr); + +void ColumnsListBox_delete(Object* object); + +void ColumnsListBox_update(ListBox* super); + +HandlerResult ColumnsListBox_eventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + +#endif diff --git a/DebugMemory.c b/DebugMemory.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f28af61 --- /dev/null +++ b/DebugMemory.c @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "DebugMemory.h" + +#undef strdup +#undef malloc +#undef realloc +#undef calloc +#undef free + +/*{ +typedef struct DebugMemoryItem_ DebugMemoryItem; + +struct DebugMemoryItem_ { + void* data; + char* file; + int line; + DebugMemoryItem* next; +}; + +typedef struct DebugMemory_ { + DebugMemoryItem* first; + int allocations; + int deallocations; + int size; + FILE* file; +} DebugMemory; +}*/ + +/* private property */ +DebugMemory* singleton = NULL; + +void DebugMemory_new() { + if (singleton) + return; + singleton = malloc(sizeof(DebugMemory)); + singleton->first = NULL; + singleton->allocations = 0; + singleton->deallocations = 0; + singleton->size = 0; + singleton->file = fopen("/tmp/htop-debug-alloc.txt", "w"); +} + +void* DebugMemory_malloc(int size, char* file, int line) { + void* data = malloc(size); + DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); + fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d\n", size, file, line); + return data; +} + +void* DebugMemory_calloc(int a, int b, char* file, int line) { + void* data = calloc(a, b); + DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); + fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d\n", a*b, file, line); + return data; +} + +void* DebugMemory_realloc(void* ptr, int size, char* file, int line) { + if (ptr != NULL) + DebugMemory_registerDeallocation(ptr, file, line); + void* data = realloc(ptr, size); + DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); + fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d\n", size, file, line); + return data; +} + +void* DebugMemory_strdup(char* str, char* file, int line) { + char* data = strdup(str); + DebugMemory_registerAllocation(data, file, line); + fprintf(singleton->file, "%d\t%s:%d\n", (int) strlen(str), file, line); + return data; +} + +void DebugMemory_free(void* data, char* file, int line) { + DebugMemory_registerDeallocation(data, file, line); + free(data); +} + +void DebugMemory_assertSize() { + if (!singleton->first) { + assert (singleton->size == 0); + } + DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; + int i = 0; + while (walk != NULL) { + i++; + walk = walk->next; + } + assert (i == singleton->size); +} + +int DebugMemory_getBlockCount() { + if (!singleton->first) { + return 0; + } + DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; + int i = 0; + while (walk != NULL) { + i++; + walk = walk->next; + } + return i; +} + +void DebugMemory_registerAllocation(void* data, char* file, int line) { + if (!singleton) + DebugMemory_new(); + DebugMemory_assertSize(); + DebugMemoryItem* item = (DebugMemoryItem*) malloc(sizeof(DebugMemoryItem)); + item->data = data; + item->file = file; + item->line = line; + item->next = NULL; + int val = DebugMemory_getBlockCount(); + if (singleton->first == NULL) { + assert (val == 0); + singleton->first = item; + } else { + DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; + while (true) { + if (walk->next == NULL) { + walk->next = item; + break; + } + walk = walk->next; + } + } + int nval = DebugMemory_getBlockCount(); + assert(nval == val + 1); + singleton->allocations++; + singleton->size++; + DebugMemory_assertSize(); +} + +void DebugMemory_registerDeallocation(void* data, char* file, int line) { + assert(singleton); + assert(singleton->first); + DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; + DebugMemoryItem* prev = NULL; + int val = DebugMemory_getBlockCount(); + while (walk != NULL) { + if (walk->data == data) { + if (prev == NULL) { + singleton->first = walk->next; + } else { + prev->next = walk->next; + } + free(walk); + assert(DebugMemory_getBlockCount() == val - 1); + singleton->deallocations++; + singleton->size--; + DebugMemory_assertSize(); + return; + } + DebugMemoryItem* tmp = walk; + walk = walk->next; + prev = tmp; + } + DebugMemory_report(); + fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find allocation for memory freed at %s:%d\n", file, line); + assert(false); +} + +void DebugMemory_report() { + assert(singleton); + DebugMemoryItem* walk = singleton->first; + int i = 0; + while (walk != NULL) { + i++; + fprintf(stderr, "%p %s:%d\n", walk->data, walk->file, walk->line); + walk = walk->next; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Total:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "%d allocations\n", singleton->allocations); + fprintf(stderr, "%d deallocations\n", singleton->deallocations); + fprintf(stderr, "%d size\n", singleton->size); + fprintf(stderr, "%d non-freed blocks\n", i); + fclose(singleton->file); +} diff --git a/DebugMemory.h b/DebugMemory.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8261fee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/DebugMemory.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_DebugMemory +#define HEADER_DebugMemory + +#define _GNU_SOURCE + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + + +#undef strdup +#undef malloc +#undef realloc +#undef calloc +#undef free + +typedef struct DebugMemoryItem_ DebugMemoryItem; + +struct DebugMemoryItem_ { + void* data; + char* file; + int line; + DebugMemoryItem* next; +}; + +typedef struct DebugMemory_ { + DebugMemoryItem* first; + int allocations; + int deallocations; + int size; + FILE* file; +} DebugMemory; + + +void DebugMemory_new(); + +void* DebugMemory_malloc(int size, char* file, int line); + +void* DebugMemory_calloc(int a, int b, char* file, int line); + +void* DebugMemory_realloc(void* ptr, int size, char* file, int line); + +void* DebugMemory_strdup(char* str, char* file, int line); + +void DebugMemory_free(void* data, char* file, int line); + +void DebugMemory_assertSize(); + +int DebugMemory_getBlockCount(); + +void DebugMemory_registerAllocation(void* data, char* file, int line); + +void DebugMemory_registerDeallocation(void* data, char* file, int line); + +void DebugMemory_report(); + +#endif diff --git a/DisplayOptionsListBox.c b/DisplayOptionsListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dcf0a8a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/DisplayOptionsListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ + +#include "DisplayOptionsListBox.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "CheckItem.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct DisplayOptionsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; +} DisplayOptionsListBox; + +}*/ + +DisplayOptionsListBox* DisplayOptionsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr) { + DisplayOptionsListBox* this = (DisplayOptionsListBox*) malloc(sizeof(DisplayOptionsListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, CHECKITEM_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = DisplayOptionsListBox_delete; + + this->settings = settings; + this->scr = scr; + super->eventHandler = DisplayOptionsListBox_EventHandler; + + ListBox_setHeader(super, "Display options"); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy("Tree view"), &(settings->pl->treeView))); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy("Shadow other users' processes"), &(settings->pl->shadowOtherUsers))); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy("Hide kernel threads"), &(settings->pl->hideKernelThreads))); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy("Hide userland threads"), &(settings->pl->hideUserlandThreads))); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy("Highlight program \"basename\""), &(settings->pl->highlightBaseName))); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy("Highlight megabytes in memory counters"), &(settings->pl->highlightMegabytes))); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) CheckItem_new(String_copy("Leave a margin around header"), &(settings->header->margin))); + return this; +} + +void DisplayOptionsListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + DisplayOptionsListBox* this = (DisplayOptionsListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this); +} + +HandlerResult DisplayOptionsListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + DisplayOptionsListBox* this = (DisplayOptionsListBox*) super; + + HandlerResult result = IGNORED; + CheckItem* selected = (CheckItem*) ListBox_getSelected(super); + + switch(ch) { + case 0x0a: + case 0x0d: + case KEY_ENTER: + case ' ': + *(selected->value) = ! *(selected->value); + result = HANDLED; + } + + if (result == HANDLED) { + this->settings->changed = true; + Header* header = this->settings->header; + Header_calculateHeight(header); + Header_draw(header); + ScreenManager_resize(this->scr, this->scr->x1, header->height, this->scr->x2, this->scr->y2); + } + return result; +} + diff --git a/DisplayOptionsListBox.h b/DisplayOptionsListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13f5fd35 --- /dev/null +++ b/DisplayOptionsListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_DisplayOptionsListBox +#define HEADER_DisplayOptionsListBox + + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "CheckItem.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct DisplayOptionsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + ScreenManager* scr; +} DisplayOptionsListBox; + + +DisplayOptionsListBox* DisplayOptionsListBox_new(Settings* settings, ScreenManager* scr); + +void DisplayOptionsListBox_delete(Object* object); + +HandlerResult DisplayOptionsListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + + +#endif diff --git a/FunctionBar.c b/FunctionBar.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02f3e0bd --- /dev/null +++ b/FunctionBar.c @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/* +htop - FunctionBar.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include "FunctionBar.h" +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct FunctionBar_ { + Object super; + int size; + char** functions; + char** keys; + int* events; + bool staticData; +} FunctionBar; + +extern char* FUNCTIONBAR_CLASS; + +}*/ + +/* private property */ +char* FUNCTIONBAR_CLASS = "FunctionBar"; + +/* private property */ +static char* FunctionBar_FKeys[10] = {"F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10"}; + +/* private property */ +static char* FunctionBar_FLabels[10] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "}; + +/* private property */ +static int FunctionBar_FEvents[10] = {KEY_F(1), KEY_F(2), KEY_F(3), KEY_F(4), KEY_F(5), KEY_F(6), KEY_F(7), KEY_F(8), KEY_F(9), KEY_F(10)}; + +FunctionBar* FunctionBar_new(int size, char** functions, char** keys, int* events) { + FunctionBar* this = malloc(sizeof(FunctionBar)); + ((Object*) this)->class = FUNCTIONBAR_CLASS; + ((Object*) this)->delete = FunctionBar_delete; + this->functions = functions; + this->size = size; + if (keys && events) { + this->staticData = false; + this->functions = malloc(sizeof(char*) * size); + this->keys = malloc(sizeof(char*) * size); + this->events = malloc(sizeof(int) * size); + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + this->functions[i] = String_copy(functions[i]); + this->keys[i] = String_copy(keys[i]); + this->events[i] = events[i]; + } + } else { + this->staticData = true; + this->functions = functions ? functions : FunctionBar_FLabels; + this->keys = FunctionBar_FKeys; + this->events = FunctionBar_FEvents; + assert((!functions) || this->size == 10); + } + return this; +} + +void FunctionBar_delete(Object* cast) { + FunctionBar* this = (FunctionBar*) cast; + if (!this->staticData) { + for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++) { + free(this->functions[i]); + free(this->keys[i]); + } + free(this->functions); + free(this->keys); + free(this->events); + } + free(this); +} + +void FunctionBar_setLabel(FunctionBar* this, int event, char* text) { + assert(!this->staticData); + for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++) { + if (this->events[i] == event) { + free(this->functions[i]); + this->functions[i] = String_copy(text); + break; + } + } +} + +void FunctionBar_draw(FunctionBar* this, char* buffer) { + FunctionBar_drawAttr(this, buffer, CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR]); +} + +void FunctionBar_drawAttr(FunctionBar* this, char* buffer, int attr) { + attrset(CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR]); + mvhline(LINES-1, 0, ' ', COLS); + int x = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++) { + attrset(CRT_colors[FUNCTION_KEY]); + mvaddstr(LINES-1, x, this->keys[i]); + x += strlen(this->keys[i]); + attrset(CRT_colors[FUNCTION_BAR]); + mvaddstr(LINES-1, x, this->functions[i]); + x += strlen(this->functions[i]); + } + if (buffer != NULL) { + attrset(attr); + mvaddstr(LINES-1, x, buffer); + } + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); +} + +int FunctionBar_synthesizeEvent(FunctionBar* this, int pos) { + int x = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++) { + x += strlen(this->keys[i]); + x += strlen(this->functions[i]); + if (pos < x) { + return this->events[i]; + } + } + return ERR; +} diff --git a/FunctionBar.h b/FunctionBar.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05c8260d --- /dev/null +++ b/FunctionBar.h @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_FunctionBar +#define HEADER_FunctionBar +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +typedef struct FunctionBar_ { + Object super; + int size; + char** functions; + char** keys; + int* events; + bool staticData; +} FunctionBar; + +extern char* FUNCTIONBAR_CLASS; + +FunctionBar* FunctionBar_new(int size, char** functions, char** keys, int* events); + +void FunctionBar_delete(Object* this); + +void FunctionBar_draw(FunctionBar* this, char* buffer); + +void FunctionBar_setLabel(FunctionBar* this, int event, char* text); + +void FunctionBar_drawAttr(FunctionBar* this, char* buffer, int attr); + +int FunctionBar_synthesizeEvent(FunctionBar* this, int pos); + +#endif diff --git a/Hashtable.c b/Hashtable.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..759cbef7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Hashtable.c @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Hashtable.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ +typedef struct Hashtable_ Hashtable; + +typedef void(*Hashtable_PairFunction)(int, void*, void*); +typedef int(*Hashtable_HashAlgorithm)(Hashtable*, int); + +typedef struct HashtableItem { + int key; + void* value; + struct HashtableItem* next; +} HashtableItem; + +struct Hashtable_ { + int size; + HashtableItem** buckets; + int items; + Hashtable_HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm; + bool owner; +}; +}*/ + +HashtableItem* HashtableItem_new(int key, void* value) { + HashtableItem* this; + + this = (HashtableItem*) malloc(sizeof(HashtableItem)); + this->key = key; + this->value = value; + this->next = NULL; + return this; +} + +Hashtable* Hashtable_new(int size, bool owner) { + Hashtable* this; + + this = (Hashtable*) malloc(sizeof(Hashtable)); + this->size = size; + this->buckets = (HashtableItem**) calloc(sizeof(HashtableItem*), size); + this->hashAlgorithm = Hashtable_hashAlgorithm; + this->owner = owner; + return this; +} + +int Hashtable_hashAlgorithm(Hashtable* this, int key) { + return (key % this->size); +} + +void Hashtable_delete(Hashtable* this) { + for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++) { + HashtableItem* walk = this->buckets[i]; + while (walk != NULL) { + if (this->owner) + free(walk->value); + HashtableItem* savedWalk = walk; + walk = savedWalk->next; + free(savedWalk); + } + } + free(this->buckets); + free(this); +} + +inline int Hashtable_size(Hashtable* this) { + return this->items; +} + +void Hashtable_put(Hashtable* this, int key, void* value) { + int index = this->hashAlgorithm(this, key); + HashtableItem** bucketPtr = &(this->buckets[index]); + while (true) + if (*bucketPtr == NULL) { + *bucketPtr = HashtableItem_new(key, value); + this->items++; + break; + } else if ((*bucketPtr)->key == key) { + if (this->owner) + free((*bucketPtr)->value); + (*bucketPtr)->value = value; + break; + } else + bucketPtr = &((*bucketPtr)->next); +} + +void* Hashtable_remove(Hashtable* this, int key) { + int index = this->hashAlgorithm(this, key); + HashtableItem** bucketPtr = &(this->buckets[index]); + while (true) + if (*bucketPtr == NULL) { + return NULL; + break; + } else if ((*bucketPtr)->key == key) { + void* savedValue = (*bucketPtr)->value; + HashtableItem* savedNext = (*bucketPtr)->next; + free(*bucketPtr); + (*bucketPtr) = savedNext; + this->items--; + if (this->owner) { + free(savedValue); + return NULL; + } else { + return savedValue; + } + } else + bucketPtr = &((*bucketPtr)->next); +} + +inline void* Hashtable_get(Hashtable* this, int key) { + int index = this->hashAlgorithm(this, key); + HashtableItem* bucketPtr = this->buckets[index]; + while (true) + if (bucketPtr == NULL) { + return NULL; + } else if (bucketPtr->key == key) { + return bucketPtr->value; + } else + bucketPtr = bucketPtr->next; +} + +void Hashtable_foreach(Hashtable* this, Hashtable_PairFunction f, void* userData) { + for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++) { + HashtableItem* walk = this->buckets[i]; + while (walk != NULL) { + f(walk->key, walk->value, userData); + walk = walk->next; + } + } +} diff --git a/Hashtable.h b/Hashtable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51d8704e --- /dev/null +++ b/Hashtable.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_Hashtable +#define HEADER_Hashtable +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + + +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +typedef struct Hashtable_ Hashtable; + +typedef void(*Hashtable_PairFunction)(int, void*, void*); +typedef int(*Hashtable_HashAlgorithm)(Hashtable*, int); + +typedef struct HashtableItem { + int key; + void* value; + struct HashtableItem* next; +} HashtableItem; + +struct Hashtable_ { + int size; + HashtableItem** buckets; + int items; + Hashtable_HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm; + bool owner; +}; + +HashtableItem* HashtableItem_new(int key, void* value); + +Hashtable* Hashtable_new(int size, bool owner); + +int Hashtable_hashAlgorithm(Hashtable* this, int key); + +void Hashtable_delete(Hashtable* this); + +inline int Hashtable_size(Hashtable* this); + +void Hashtable_put(Hashtable* this, int key, void* value); + +void* Hashtable_remove(Hashtable* this, int key); + +inline void* Hashtable_get(Hashtable* this, int key); + +void Hashtable_foreach(Hashtable* this, Hashtable_PairFunction f, void* userData); + +#endif diff --git a/Header.c b/Header.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c20066d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Header.c @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/* +htop - Header.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Header.h" +#include "CPUMeter.h" +#include "MemoryMeter.h" +#include "SwapMeter.h" +#include "LoadMeter.h" +#include "LoadAverageMeter.h" +#include "UptimeMeter.h" +#include "ClockMeter.h" +#include "TasksMeter.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef enum HeaderSide_ { + LEFT_HEADER, + RIGHT_HEADER +} HeaderSide; + +typedef struct Header_ { + TypedVector* leftMeters; + TypedVector* rightMeters; + ProcessList* pl; + bool margin; + int height; + int pad; +} Header; + +}*/ + +#ifndef MAX +#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) +#endif + +Header* Header_new(ProcessList* pl) { + Header* this = malloc(sizeof(Header)); + this->leftMeters = TypedVector_new(METER_CLASS, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); + this->rightMeters = TypedVector_new(METER_CLASS, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); + this->margin = true; + this->pl = pl; + return this; +} + +void Header_delete(Header* this) { + TypedVector_delete(this->leftMeters); + TypedVector_delete(this->rightMeters); + free(this); +} + +void Header_createMeter(Header* this, char* name, HeaderSide side) { + TypedVector* meters = side == LEFT_HEADER + ? this->leftMeters + : this->rightMeters; + + if (String_eq(name, "Swap")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, SwapMeter_new(this->pl)); + } else if (String_eq(name, "Memory")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, MemoryMeter_new(this->pl)); + } else if (String_eq(name, "Clock")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, ClockMeter_new(this->pl)); + } else if (String_eq(name, "Load")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, LoadMeter_new(this->pl)); + } else if (String_eq(name, "LoadAverage")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, LoadAverageMeter_new(this->pl)); + } else if (String_eq(name, "Uptime")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, UptimeMeter_new(this->pl)); + } else if (String_eq(name, "Tasks")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, TasksMeter_new(this->pl)); + } else if (String_startsWith(name, "CPUAverage")) { + TypedVector_add(meters, CPUMeter_new(this->pl, 0)); + } else if (String_startsWith(name, "CPU")) { + int num; + int ok = sscanf(name, "CPU(%d)", &num); + if (ok) + TypedVector_add(meters, CPUMeter_new(this->pl, num)); + } +} + +void Header_setMode(Header* this, int i, MeterMode mode, HeaderSide side) { + TypedVector* meters = side == LEFT_HEADER + ? this->leftMeters + : this->rightMeters; + + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(meters, i); + Meter_setMode(meter, mode); +} + +Meter* Header_getMeter(Header* this, int i, HeaderSide side) { + TypedVector* meters = side == LEFT_HEADER + ? this->leftMeters + : this->rightMeters; + + return (Meter*) TypedVector_get(meters, i); +} + +int Header_size(Header* this, HeaderSide side) { + TypedVector* meters = side == LEFT_HEADER + ? this->leftMeters + : this->rightMeters; + + return TypedVector_size(meters); +} + +char* Header_readMeterName(Header* this, int i, HeaderSide side) { + TypedVector* meters = side == LEFT_HEADER + ? this->leftMeters + : this->rightMeters; + + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(meters, i); + return meter->name; +} + +MeterMode Header_readMeterMode(Header* this, int i, HeaderSide side) { + TypedVector* meters = side == LEFT_HEADER + ? this->leftMeters + : this->rightMeters; + + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(meters, i); + return meter->mode; +} + +void Header_defaultMeters(Header* this) { + for (int i = 1; i <= this->pl->processorCount; i++) { + TypedVector_add(this->leftMeters, CPUMeter_new(this->pl, i)); + } + TypedVector_add(this->leftMeters, MemoryMeter_new(this->pl)); + TypedVector_add(this->leftMeters, SwapMeter_new(this->pl)); + TypedVector_add(this->rightMeters, TasksMeter_new(this->pl)); + TypedVector_add(this->rightMeters, LoadAverageMeter_new(this->pl)); + TypedVector_add(this->rightMeters, UptimeMeter_new(this->pl)); +} + +void Header_draw(Header* this) { + int height = this->height; + int pad = this->pad; + + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); + for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { + mvhline(y, 0, ' ', COLS); + } + for (int y = (pad / 2), i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->leftMeters); i++) { + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(this->leftMeters, i); + meter->draw(meter, pad, y, COLS / 2 - (pad * 2 - 1) - 1); + y += meter->h; + } + for (int y = (pad / 2), i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->rightMeters); i++) { + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(this->rightMeters, i); + meter->draw(meter, COLS / 2 + pad, y, COLS / 2 - (pad * 2 - 1) - 1); + y += meter->h; + } +} + +int Header_calculateHeight(Header* this) { + int pad = this->margin ? 2 : 0; + int leftHeight = pad; + int rightHeight = pad; + + for (int i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->leftMeters); i++) { + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(this->leftMeters, i); + leftHeight += meter->h; + } + for (int i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->rightMeters); i++) { + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(this->rightMeters, i); + rightHeight += meter->h; + } + this->pad = pad; + this->height = MAX(leftHeight, rightHeight); + return this->height; +} diff --git a/Header.h b/Header.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51160bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Header.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_Header +#define HEADER_Header +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "CPUMeter.h" +#include "MemoryMeter.h" +#include "SwapMeter.h" +#include "LoadMeter.h" +#include "LoadAverageMeter.h" +#include "UptimeMeter.h" +#include "ClockMeter.h" +#include "TasksMeter.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef enum HeaderSide_ { + LEFT_HEADER, + RIGHT_HEADER +} HeaderSide; + +typedef struct Header_ { + TypedVector* leftMeters; + TypedVector* rightMeters; + ProcessList* pl; + bool margin; + int height; + int pad; +} Header; + + +Header* Header_new(ProcessList* pl); + +void Header_delete(Header* this); + +void Header_createMeter(Header* this, char* name, HeaderSide side); + +void Header_setMode(Header* this, int i, MeterMode mode, HeaderSide side); + +Meter* Header_getMeter(Header* this, int i, HeaderSide side); + +int Header_size(Header* this, HeaderSide side); + +char* Header_readMeterName(Header* this, int i, HeaderSide side); + +MeterMode Header_readMeterMode(Header* this, int i, HeaderSide side); + +void Header_defaultMeters(Header* this); + +void Header_draw(Header* this); + +int Header_calculateHeight(Header* this); + +#endif diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54caf7c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software +Foundation, Inc. + + This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives +unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. + +Basic Installation +================== + + These are generic installation instructions. + + The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for +various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses +those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. +It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent +definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that +you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a +file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for +debugging `configure'). + + It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache' +and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves +the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring. (Caching is +disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale +cache files.) + + If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try +to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail +diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can +be considered for the next release. If you are using the cache, and at +some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you +may remove or edit it. + + The file `' (or `') is used to create +`configure' by a program called `autoconf'. You only need +`' if you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using +a newer version of `autoconf'. + +The simplest way to compile this package is: + + 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type + `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're + using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type + `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute + `configure' itself. + + Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some + messages telling which features it is checking for. + + 2. Type `make' to compile the package. + + 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with + the package. + + 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and + documentation. + + 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the + source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the + files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for + a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is + also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly + for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get + all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came + with the distribution. + +Compilers and Options +===================== + + Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that +the `configure' script does not know about. Run `./configure --help' +for details on some of the pertinent environment variables. + + You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters +by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here +is an example: + + ./configure CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix + + *Note Defining Variables::, for more details. + +Compiling For Multiple Architectures +==================================== + + You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the +same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their +own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that +supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the +directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run +the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the +source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'. + + If you have to use a `make' that does not support the `VPATH' +variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a +time in the source code directory. After you have installed the +package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring +for another architecture. + +Installation Names +================== + + By default, `make install' will install the package's files in +`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an +installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the +option `--prefix=PATH'. + + You can specify separate installation prefixes for +architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you +give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use +PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries. +Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix. + + In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give +options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular +kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories +you can set and what kinds of files go in them. + + If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed +with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the +option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. + +Optional Features +================= + + Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to +`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package. +They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE +is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The +`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the +package recognizes. + + For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually +find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't, +you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and +`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations. + +Specifying the System Type +========================== + + There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out +automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package +will run on. Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the +_same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints +a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the +`--build=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system +type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form: + + CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM + +where SYSTEM can have one of these forms: + + OS KERNEL-OS + + See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If +`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't +need to know the machine type. + + If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should +use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will +produce code for. + + If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a +platform different from the build platform, you should specify the +"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will +eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'. + +Sharing Defaults +================ + + If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, +you can create a site shell script called `' that gives +default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'. +`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then +`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists. Or, you can set the +`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. +A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script. + +Defining Variables +================== + + Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the +environment passed to `configure'. However, some packages may run +configure again during the build, and the customized values of these +variables may be lost. In order to avoid this problem, you should set +them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'. For example: + + ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc + +will cause the specified gcc to be used as the C compiler (unless it is +overridden in the site shell script). + +`configure' Invocation +====================== + + `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it +operates. + +`--help' +`-h' + Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit. + +`--version' +`-V' + Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure' + script, and exit. + +`--cache-file=FILE' + Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE, + traditionally `config.cache'. FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to + disable caching. + +`--config-cache' +`-C' + Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'. + +`--quiet' +`--silent' +`-q' + Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To + suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error + messages will still be shown). + +`--srcdir=DIR' + Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually + `configure' can determine that directory automatically. + +`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run +`configure --help' for more details. + diff --git a/ListBox.c b/ListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60762365 --- /dev/null +++ b/ListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +/* +htop - ListBox.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "TypedVector.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "RichString.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include +//#link curses + +/*{ + +typedef struct ListBox_ ListBox; + +typedef enum HandlerResult_ { + HANDLED, + IGNORED, + BREAK_LOOP +} HandlerResult; + +typedef HandlerResult(*ListBox_EventHandler)(ListBox*, int); + +struct ListBox_ { + Object super; + int x, y, w, h; + WINDOW* window; + TypedVector* items; + int selected; + int scrollV, scrollH; + int oldSelected; + bool needsRedraw; + RichString header; + ListBox_EventHandler eventHandler; +}; + +extern char* LISTBOX_CLASS; + +}*/ + +#ifndef MIN +#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) +#endif +#ifndef MAX +#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) +#endif + +/* private property */ +char* LISTBOX_CLASS = "ListBox"; + +ListBox* ListBox_new(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* type, bool owner) { + ListBox* this; + this = malloc(sizeof(ListBox)); + ListBox_init(this, x, y, w, h, type, owner); + return this; +} + +void ListBox_delete(Object* cast) { + ListBox* this = (ListBox*)cast; + ListBox_done(this); + free(this); +} + +void ListBox_init(ListBox* this, int x, int y, int w, int h, char* type, bool owner) { + Object* super = (Object*) this; + super->class = LISTBOX_CLASS; + super->delete = ListBox_delete; + this->x = x; + this->y = y; + this->w = w; + this->h = h; + this->eventHandler = NULL; + this->items = TypedVector_new(type, owner, DEFAULT_SIZE); + this->scrollV = 0; + this->scrollH = 0; + this->selected = 0; + this->oldSelected = 0; + this->needsRedraw = true; + this->header.len = 0; +} + +void ListBox_done(ListBox* this) { + assert (this != NULL); + RichString_delete(this->header); + TypedVector_delete(this->items); +} + +inline void ListBox_setRichHeader(ListBox* this, RichString header) { + assert (this != NULL); + + if (this->header.len > 0) { + RichString_delete(this->header); + } + this->header = header; + this->needsRedraw = true; +} + +inline void ListBox_setHeader(ListBox* this, char* header) { + ListBox_setRichHeader(this, RichString_quickString(CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS], header)); +} + +void ListBox_setEventHandler(ListBox* this, ListBox_EventHandler eh) { + this->eventHandler = eh; +} + +void ListBox_move(ListBox* this, int x, int y) { + assert (this != NULL); + + this->x = x; + this->y = y; + this->needsRedraw = true; +} + +void ListBox_resize(ListBox* this, int w, int h) { + assert (this != NULL); + + if (this->header.len > 0) + h--; + this->w = w; + this->h = h; + this->needsRedraw = true; +} + +void ListBox_prune(ListBox* this) { + assert (this != NULL); + + TypedVector_prune(this->items); + this->scrollV = 0; + this->selected = 0; + this->oldSelected = 0; + this->needsRedraw = true; +} + +void ListBox_add(ListBox* this, Object* o) { + assert (this != NULL); + + TypedVector_add(this->items, o); + this->needsRedraw = true; +} + +void ListBox_insert(ListBox* this, int i, Object* o) { + assert (this != NULL); + + TypedVector_insert(this->items, i, o); + this->needsRedraw = true; +} + +void ListBox_set(ListBox* this, int i, Object* o) { + assert (this != NULL); + + TypedVector_set(this->items, i, o); +} + +Object* ListBox_get(ListBox* this, int i) { + assert (this != NULL); + + return TypedVector_get(this->items, i); +} + +Object* ListBox_remove(ListBox* this, int i) { + assert (this != NULL); + + this->needsRedraw = true; + Object* removed = TypedVector_remove(this->items, i); + if (this->selected > 0 && this->selected >= TypedVector_size(this->items)) + this->selected--; + return removed; +} + +Object* ListBox_getSelected(ListBox* this) { + assert (this != NULL); + + return TypedVector_get(this->items, this->selected); +} + +void ListBox_moveSelectedUp(ListBox* this) { + assert (this != NULL); + + TypedVector_moveUp(this->items, this->selected); + if (this->selected > 0) + this->selected--; +} + +void ListBox_moveSelectedDown(ListBox* this) { + assert (this != NULL); + + TypedVector_moveDown(this->items, this->selected); + if (this->selected + 1 < TypedVector_size(this->items)) + this->selected++; +} + +int ListBox_getSelectedIndex(ListBox* this) { + assert (this != NULL); + + return this->selected; +} + +int ListBox_getSize(ListBox* this) { + assert (this != NULL); + + return TypedVector_size(this->items); +} + +void ListBox_setSelected(ListBox* this, int selected) { + assert (this != NULL); + + selected = MAX(0, MIN(TypedVector_size(this->items) - 1, selected)); + this->selected = selected; +} + +void ListBox_draw(ListBox* this, bool focus) { + assert (this != NULL); + + int first, last; + int itemCount = TypedVector_size(this->items); + int scrollH = this->scrollH; + int y = this->y; int x = this->x; + first = this->scrollV; + + if (this->h > itemCount) { + last = this->scrollV + itemCount; + move(y + last, x + 0); + } else { + last = MIN(itemCount, this->scrollV + this->h); + } + if (this->selected < first) { + first = this->selected; + this->scrollV = first; + this->needsRedraw = true; + } + if (this->selected >= last) { + last = MIN(itemCount, this->selected + 1); + first = MAX(0, last - this->h); + this->scrollV = first; + this->needsRedraw = true; + } + assert(first >= 0); + assert(last <= itemCount); + + if (this->header.len > 0) { + int attr = focus + ? CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS] + : CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_UNFOCUS]; + attrset(attr); + mvhline(y, x, ' ', this->w); + if (scrollH < this->header.len) { + mvaddchnstr(y, x, this->header.chstr + scrollH, + MIN(this->header.len - scrollH, this->w)); + } + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); + y++; + } + + int highlight = focus + ? CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS] + : CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_UNFOCUS]; + + if (this->needsRedraw) { + + for(int i = first, j = 0; j < this->h && i < last; i++, j++) { + Object* itemObj = TypedVector_get(this->items, i); + RichString itemRef = RichString_new(); + itemObj->display(itemObj, &itemRef); + int amt = MIN(itemRef.len - scrollH, this->w); + if (i == this->selected) { + attrset(highlight); + RichString_setAttr(&itemRef, highlight); + mvhline(y + j, x+0, ' ', this->w); + if (amt > 0) + mvaddchnstr(y+j, x+0, itemRef.chstr + scrollH, amt); + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); + } else { + mvhline(y+j, x+0, ' ', this->w); + if (amt > 0) + mvaddchnstr(y+j, x+0, itemRef.chstr + scrollH, amt); + } + } + for (int i = y + (last - first); i < y + this->h; i++) + mvhline(i, x+0, ' ', this->w); + this->needsRedraw = false; + + } else { + Object* oldObj = TypedVector_get(this->items, this->oldSelected); + RichString oldRef = RichString_new(); + oldObj->display(oldObj, &oldRef); + Object* newObj = TypedVector_get(this->items, this->selected); + RichString newRef = RichString_new(); + newObj->display(newObj, &newRef); + mvhline(y+ this->oldSelected - this->scrollV, x+0, ' ', this->w); + if (scrollH < oldRef.len) + mvaddchnstr(y+ this->oldSelected - this->scrollV, x+0, oldRef.chstr + this->scrollH, MIN(oldRef.len - scrollH, this->w)); + attrset(highlight); + mvhline(y+this->selected - this->scrollV, x+0, ' ', this->w); + RichString_setAttr(&newRef, highlight); + if (scrollH < newRef.len) + mvaddchnstr(y+this->selected - this->scrollV, x+0, newRef.chstr + this->scrollH, MIN(newRef.len - scrollH, this->w)); + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); + } + this->oldSelected = this->selected; + move(0, 0); +} + +void ListBox_onKey(ListBox* this, int key) { + assert (this != NULL); + switch (key) { + case KEY_DOWN: + if (this->selected + 1 < TypedVector_size(this->items)) + this->selected++; + break; + case KEY_UP: + if (this->selected > 0) + this->selected--; + break; + case KEY_LEFT: + if (this->scrollH > 0) { + this->scrollH -= 5; + this->needsRedraw = true; + } + break; + case KEY_RIGHT: + this->scrollH += 5; + this->needsRedraw = true; + break; + case KEY_PPAGE: + this->selected -= this->h; + if (this->selected < 0) + this->selected = 0; + break; + case KEY_NPAGE: + this->selected += this->h; + int size = TypedVector_size(this->items); + if (this->selected >= size) + this->selected = size - 1; + break; + case KEY_HOME: + this->selected = 0; + break; + case KEY_END: + this->selected = TypedVector_size(this->items) - 1; + break; + } +} diff --git a/ListBox.h b/ListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e89ec061 --- /dev/null +++ b/ListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_ListBox +#define HEADER_ListBox +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include "TypedVector.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "RichString.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include +//#link curses + + +typedef struct ListBox_ ListBox; + +typedef enum HandlerResult_ { + HANDLED, + IGNORED, + BREAK_LOOP +} HandlerResult; + +typedef HandlerResult(*ListBox_EventHandler)(ListBox*, int); + +struct ListBox_ { + Object super; + int x, y, w, h; + WINDOW* window; + TypedVector* items; + int selected; + int scrollV, scrollH; + int oldSelected; + bool needsRedraw; + RichString header; + ListBox_EventHandler eventHandler; +}; + +extern char* LISTBOX_CLASS; + + + +ListBox* ListBox_new(int x, int y, int w, int h, char* type, bool owner); + +void ListBox_delete(Object* cast); + +void ListBox_init(ListBox* this, int x, int y, int w, int h, char* type, bool owner); + +void ListBox_done(ListBox* this); + +void ListBox_setEventHandler(ListBox* this, ListBox_EventHandler eh); + +void ListBox_setRichHeader(ListBox* this, RichString header); + +void ListBox_setHeader(ListBox* this, char* header); + +void ListBox_move(ListBox* this, int x, int y); + +void ListBox_resize(ListBox* this, int w, int h); + +void ListBox_prune(ListBox* this); + +void ListBox_add(ListBox* this, Object* o); + +void ListBox_insert(ListBox* this, int i, Object* o); + +void ListBox_set(ListBox* this, int i, Object* o); + +Object* ListBox_get(ListBox* this, int i); + +Object* ListBox_remove(ListBox* this, int i); + +Object* ListBox_getSelected(ListBox* this); + +void ListBox_moveSelectedUp(ListBox* this); + +void ListBox_moveSelectedDown(ListBox* this); + +int ListBox_getSelectedIndex(ListBox* this); + +int ListBox_getSize(ListBox* this); + +void ListBox_setSelected(ListBox* this, int selected); + +void ListBox_draw(ListBox* this, bool focus); + +void ListBox_onKey(ListBox* this, int key); + +#endif diff --git a/ListItem.c b/ListItem.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95b56775 --- /dev/null +++ b/ListItem.c @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* +htop - ListItem.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "ListItem.h" +#include "String.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "RichString.h" +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct ListItem_ { + Object super; + char* value; + int key; +} ListItem; + +extern char* LISTITEM_CLASS; +}*/ + +/* private property */ +char* LISTITEM_CLASS = "ListItem"; + +ListItem* ListItem_new(char* value, int key) { + ListItem* this = malloc(sizeof(ListItem)); + ((Object*)this)->class = LISTITEM_CLASS; + ((Object*)this)->display = ListItem_display; + ((Object*)this)->delete = ListItem_delete; + ((Object*)this)->compare = ListItem_compare; + this->value = String_copy(value); + this->key = key; + return this; +} + +void ListItem_append(ListItem* this, char* text) { + char* buf = malloc(strlen(this->value) + strlen(text) + 1); + sprintf(buf, "%s%s", this->value, text); + free(this->value); + this->value = buf; +} + +void ListItem_delete(Object* cast) { + ListItem* this = (ListItem*)cast; + free(this->value); + free(this); +} + +void ListItem_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + ListItem* this = (ListItem*)cast; + assert (this != NULL); + int len = strlen(this->value)+1; + char buffer[len+1]; + snprintf(buffer, len, "%s", this->value); + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], buffer); +} + +const char* ListItem_getRef(ListItem* this) { + return this->value; +} + +int ListItem_compare(const Object* cast1, const Object* cast2) { + ListItem* obj1 = (ListItem*) cast1; + ListItem* obj2 = (ListItem*) cast2; + return strcmp(obj1->value, obj2->value); +} + diff --git a/ListItem.h b/ListItem.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17b2fcfd --- /dev/null +++ b/ListItem.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_ListItem +#define HEADER_ListItem +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "String.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "RichString.h" +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +typedef struct ListItem_ { + Object super; + char* value; + int key; +} ListItem; + +extern char* LISTITEM_CLASS; + +ListItem* ListItem_new(char* value, int key); + +void ListItem_delete(Object* cast); + +void ListItem_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +void ListItem_append(ListItem* this, char* text); + +const char* ListItem_getRef(ListItem* this); + +int ListItem_compare(const Object*, const Object*); + +#endif diff --git a/LoadAverageMeter.c b/LoadAverageMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7fcabe7b --- /dev/null +++ b/LoadAverageMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "LoadAverageMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct LoadAverageMeter_ LoadAverageMeter; + +struct LoadAverageMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + +}*/ + +/* private property */ +void LoadAverageMeter_scan(double* one, double* five, double* fifteen); + +LoadAverageMeter* LoadAverageMeter_new() { + LoadAverageMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(LoadAverageMeter)); + Meter_init((Meter*)this, String_copy("LoadAverage"), String_copy("Load average: "), 3); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN; + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[1] = LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE; + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[2] = LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE; + ((Object*)this)->display = LoadAverageMeter_display; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = LoadAverageMeter_setValues; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, TEXT); + LoadAverageMeter_scan(&((Meter*)this)->values[0], &((Meter*)this)->values[1], &((Meter*)this)->values[2]); + ((Meter*)this)->total = 100.0; + return this; +} + +/* private */ +void LoadAverageMeter_scan(double* one, double* five, double* fifteen) { + int activeProcs, totalProcs, lastProc; + FILE *fd = fopen(PROCDIR "/loadavg", "r"); + int read = fscanf(fd, "%lf %lf %lf %d/%d %d", one, five, fifteen, + &activeProcs, &totalProcs, &lastProc); + (void) read; + assert(read == 6); + fclose(fd); +} + +void LoadAverageMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + LoadAverageMeter_scan(&cast->values[2], &cast->values[1], &cast->values[0]); + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 25, "%.2f/%.2f/%.2f", cast->values[2], cast->values[1], cast->values[0]); +} + +void LoadAverageMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + Meter* this = (Meter*)cast; + char buffer[20]; + RichString_prune(out); + sprintf(buffer, "%.2f ", this->values[2]); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_ONE], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, "%.2f ", this->values[1]); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIVE], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, "%.2f ", this->values[0]); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[LOAD_AVERAGE_FIFTEEN], buffer); +} diff --git a/LoadAverageMeter.h b/LoadAverageMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..129a1f99 --- /dev/null +++ b/LoadAverageMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_LoadAverageMeter +#define HEADER_LoadAverageMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include + +#include "debug.h" + + +typedef struct LoadAverageMeter_ LoadAverageMeter; + +struct LoadAverageMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + + + +LoadAverageMeter* LoadAverageMeter_new(); + + +void LoadAverageMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void LoadAverageMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/LoadMeter.c b/LoadMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21f5d2fc --- /dev/null +++ b/LoadMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "LoadMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct LoadMeter_ LoadMeter; + +struct LoadMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + +}*/ + +LoadMeter* LoadMeter_new() { + LoadMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(LoadMeter)); + Meter_init((Meter*)this, String_copy("Load"), String_copy("Load: "), 1); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = LOAD; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = LoadMeter_setValues; + ((Object*)this)->display = LoadMeter_display; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, GRAPH); + ((Meter*)this)->total = 1.0; + return this; +} + +/* private */ +void LoadMeter_scan(double* one, double* five, double* fifteen) { + int activeProcs, totalProcs, lastProc; + FILE *fd = fopen(PROCDIR "/loadavg", "r"); + int read = fscanf(fd, "%lf %lf %lf %d/%d %d", one, five, fifteen, + &activeProcs, &totalProcs, &lastProc); + (void) read; + assert(read == 6); + fclose(fd); +} + +void LoadMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + double five, fifteen; + LoadMeter_scan(&cast->values[0], &five, &fifteen); + if (cast->values[0] > cast->total) { + cast->total = cast->values[0]; + } + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 7, "%.2f", cast->values[0]); +} + +void LoadMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + LoadMeter* this = (LoadMeter*)cast; + char buffer[20]; + RichString_prune(out); + sprintf(buffer, "%.2f ", ((Meter*)this)->values[0]); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[LOAD], buffer); +} diff --git a/LoadMeter.h b/LoadMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49d4ebc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/LoadMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_LoadMeter +#define HEADER_LoadMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include "debug.h" + + +typedef struct LoadMeter_ LoadMeter; + +struct LoadMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + + +LoadMeter* LoadMeter_new(); + + +void LoadMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void LoadMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed96e7f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + +bin_PROGRAMS = htop +dist_man_MANS = htop.1 +EXTRA_DIST = $(dist_man_MANS) htop.desktop htop.png scripts/ +applicationsdir = $(datadir)/applications +applications_DATA = htop.desktop +pixmapdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps +pixmap_DATA = htop.png + +AM_CFLAGS = -pedantic -Wall -std=c99 +AM_CPPFLAGS = -DSYSCONFDIR=\"$(sysconfdir)\" + +htop_SOURCES = AvailableMetersListBox.c CategoriesListBox.c ClockMeter.c \ +CPUMeter.c CRT.c DebugMemory.c DisplayOptionsListBox.c FunctionBar.c \ +Hashtable.c Header.c htop.c ListBox.c ListItem.c LoadAverageMeter.c \ +LoadMeter.c MemoryMeter.c Meter.c MetersListBox.c Object.c Process.c \ +ProcessList.c RichString.c ScreenManager.c Settings.c SignalItem.c \ +SignalsListBox.c String.c SwapMeter.c TasksMeter.c TypedVector.c \ +UptimeMeter.c UsersTable.c AvailableMetersListBox.h CategoriesListBox.h \ +ClockMeter.h config.h CPUMeter.h CRT.h debug.h DebugMemory.h \ +DisplayOptionsListBox.h FunctionBar.h Hashtable.h Header.h htop.h ListBox.h \ +ListItem.h LoadAverageMeter.h LoadMeter.h MemoryMeter.h Meter.h \ +MetersListBox.h Object.h Process.h ProcessList.h RichString.h ScreenManager.h \ +Settings.h SignalItem.h SignalsListBox.h String.h SwapMeter.h TasksMeter.h \ +TypedVector.h UptimeMeter.h UsersTable.h CheckItem.c CheckItem.h \ +ColorsListBox.c ColorsListBox.h TraceScreen.c TraceScreen.h \ +AvailableColumnsListBox.c AvailableColumnsListBox.h ColumnsListBox.c \ +ColumnsListBox.h + diff --git a/MemoryMeter.c b/MemoryMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84039b0e --- /dev/null +++ b/MemoryMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "MemoryMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct MemoryMeter_ MemoryMeter; + +struct MemoryMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + char* wideFormat; + int wideLimit; +}; + +}*/ + +MemoryMeter* MemoryMeter_new(ProcessList* pl) { + MemoryMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(MemoryMeter)); + Meter_init((Meter*)this, String_copy("Memory"), String_copy("Mem"), 3); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = MEMORY_USED; + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[1] = MEMORY_BUFFERS; + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[2] = MEMORY_CACHE; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = MemoryMeter_setValues; + ((Object*)this)->display = MemoryMeter_display; + this->pl = pl; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, BAR); + this->wideFormat = "%6ldk "; + this->wideLimit = 22 + 8 * 4; + return this; +} + +void MemoryMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + MemoryMeter* this = (MemoryMeter*)cast; + + double totalMem = (double)this->pl->totalMem; + long int usedMem = this->pl->usedMem; + long int buffersMem = this->pl->buffersMem; + long int cachedMem = this->pl->cachedMem; + usedMem -= buffersMem + cachedMem; + cast->total = totalMem; + cast->values[0] = usedMem; + cast->values[1] = buffersMem; + cast->values[2] = cachedMem; + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 14, "%ld/%ldMB", usedMem / 1024, this->pl->totalMem / 1024); +} + +void MemoryMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + char buffer[50]; + MemoryMeter* this = (MemoryMeter*)cast; + Meter* meter = (Meter*)cast; + int div = 1024; char* format = "%ldM "; + if (meter->w > this->wideLimit) { + div = 1; format = this->wideFormat; + } + long int totalMem = meter->total / div; + long int usedMem = meter->values[0] / div; + long int buffersMem = meter->values[1] / div; + long int cachedMem = meter->values[2] / div; + RichString_prune(out); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], ":"); + sprintf(buffer, format, totalMem); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_VALUE], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, format, usedMem); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], "used:"); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, format, buffersMem); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], "buffers:"); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, format, cachedMem); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], "cache:"); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE], buffer); +} diff --git a/MemoryMeter.h b/MemoryMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fe4a91b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/MemoryMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_MemoryMeter +#define HEADER_MemoryMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct MemoryMeter_ MemoryMeter; + +struct MemoryMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + char* wideFormat; + int wideLimit; +}; + + +MemoryMeter* MemoryMeter_new(ProcessList* pl); + +void MemoryMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void MemoryMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/Meter.c b/Meter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c35b6a9d --- /dev/null +++ b/Meter.c @@ -0,0 +1,350 @@ +/* +htop - Meter.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "ListItem.h" +#include "String.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#define METER_BARBUFFER_LEN 128 +#define METER_GRAPHBUFFER_LEN 128 + +/*{ + +typedef struct Meter_ Meter; + +typedef void(*Meter_SetValues)(Meter*); +typedef void(*Meter_Draw)(Meter*, int, int, int); + +typedef enum MeterMode_ { + UNSET, + BAR, + TEXT, + GRAPH, + LED, + LAST_METERMODE +} MeterMode; + +struct Meter_ { + Object super; + + int h; + int w; + Meter_Draw draw; + Meter_SetValues setValues; + int items; + int* attributes; + double* values; + double total; + char* caption; + char* name; + union { + RichString* rs; + char* c; + double* graph; + } displayBuffer; + MeterMode mode; +}; + +extern char* METER_CLASS; + +}*/ + +#ifndef MIN +#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) +#endif + +/* private property */ +char* METER_CLASS = "Meter"; + +/* private */ +char* Meter_ledDigits[3][10] = { + { " __ "," "," __ "," __ "," "," __ "," __ "," __ "," __ "," __ "}, + { "| |"," |"," __|"," __|","|__|","|__ ","|__ "," |","|__|","|__|"}, + { "|__|"," |","|__ "," __|"," |"," __|","|__|"," |","|__|"," __|"}, +}; + +/* private property */ +char Meter_barCharacters[] = "|#*@$%&"; + +/* private property */ +static RichString Meter_stringBuffer; + +Meter* Meter_new(char* name, char* caption, int items) { + Meter* this = malloc(sizeof(Meter)); + Meter_init(this, name, caption, items); + return this; +} + +void Meter_init(Meter* this, char* name, char* caption, int items) { + ((Object*)this)->delete = Meter_delete; + ((Object*)this)->class = METER_CLASS; + this->items = items; + this->name = name; + this->caption = caption; + this->attributes = malloc(sizeof(int) * items); + this->values = malloc(sizeof(double) * items); + this->displayBuffer.c = NULL; + this->mode = UNSET; + this->h = 0; +} + +void Meter_delete(Object* cast) { + Meter* this = (Meter*) cast; + assert (this != NULL); + Meter_done(this); + free(this); +} + +/* private */ +void Meter_freeBuffer(Meter* this) { + switch (this->mode) { + case BAR: { + free(this->displayBuffer.c); + break; + } + case GRAPH: { + free(this->displayBuffer.graph); + break; + } + default: { + } + } + this->h = 0; +} + +void Meter_done(Meter* this) { + free(this->caption); + free(this->attributes); + free(this->values); + free(this->name); + Meter_freeBuffer(this); +} + +/* private */ +void Meter_drawBar(Meter* this, int x, int y, int w) { + + w -= 2; + attrset(CRT_colors[METER_TEXT]); + mvaddstr(y, x, this->caption); + int captionLen = strlen(this->caption); + x += captionLen; + w -= captionLen; + attrset(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER]); + mvaddch(y, x, '['); + mvaddch(y, x + w, ']'); + + w--; + x++; + char bar[w]; + + this->setValues(this); + + int blockSizes[10]; + for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) + bar[i] = ' '; + + sprintf(bar + (w-strlen(this->displayBuffer.c)), "%s", this->displayBuffer.c); + + // First draw in the bar[] buffer... + double total = 0.0; + int offset = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) { + this->values[i] = MAX(this->values[i], 0); + this->values[i] = MIN(this->values[i], this->total); + double value = this->values[i]; + if (value > 0) { + blockSizes[i] = ceil((value/this->total) * w); + } else { + blockSizes[i] = 0; + } + int nextOffset = offset + blockSizes[i]; + // (Control against invalid values) + nextOffset = MAX(nextOffset, 0); + nextOffset = MIN(nextOffset, w); + for (int j = offset; j < nextOffset; j++) + if (bar[j] == ' ') { + if (CRT_colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_MONOCHROME) { + bar[j] = Meter_barCharacters[i]; + } else { + bar[j] = '|'; + } + } + offset = nextOffset; + total += this->values[i]; + } + + // ...then print the buffer. + offset = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) { + attrset(CRT_colors[this->attributes[i]]); + mvaddnstr(y, x + offset, bar + offset, blockSizes[i]); + offset += blockSizes[i]; + offset = MAX(offset, 0); + offset = MIN(offset, w); + } + if (offset < w) { + attrset(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW]); + mvaddnstr(y, x + offset, bar + offset, w - offset); + } + + move(y, x + w + 1); + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); +} + +/* private */ +void Meter_drawText(Meter* this, int x, int y, int w) { + this->setValues(this); + this->w = w; + attrset(CRT_colors[METER_TEXT]); + mvaddstr(y, x, this->caption); + int captionLen = strlen(this->caption); + w -= captionLen; + x += captionLen; + ((Object*)this)->display((Object*)this, this->; + mvhline(y, x, ' ', CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); + mvaddchstr(y, x, this->>chstr); +} + +/* private */ +void Meter_drawDigit(int x, int y, int n) { + for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + mvaddstr(y+i, x, Meter_ledDigits[i][n]); + } +} + +/* private */ +void Meter_drawLed(Meter* this, int x, int y, int w) { + this->setValues(this); + ((Object*)this)->display((Object*)this, this->; + attrset(CRT_colors[LED_COLOR]); + mvaddstr(y+2, x, this->caption); + int xx = x + strlen(this->caption); + for (int i = 0; i < this->>len; i++) { + char c = this->>chstr[i]; + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { + Meter_drawDigit(xx, y, c-48); + xx += 4; + } else { + mvaddch(y+2, xx, c); + xx += 1; + } + } + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); +} + +#define DrawDot(a,y,c) do { \ + attrset(a); \ + mvaddstr(y, x+k, c); \ +} while(0) + +/* private */ +void Meter_drawGraph(Meter* this, int x, int y, int w) { + + for (int i = 0; i < METER_GRAPHBUFFER_LEN - 1; i++) { + this->displayBuffer.graph[i] = this->displayBuffer.graph[i+1]; + } + + this->setValues(this); + + double value = 0.0; + for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) + value += this->values[i] / this->total; + this->displayBuffer.graph[METER_GRAPHBUFFER_LEN - 1] = value; + + for (int i = METER_GRAPHBUFFER_LEN - w, k = 0; i < METER_GRAPHBUFFER_LEN; i++, k++) { + double value = this->displayBuffer.graph[i]; + DrawDot( CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], y, " " ); + DrawDot( CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], y+1, " " ); + DrawDot( CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], y+2, " " ); + if (value >= 1.00) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_1], y, "^" ); + else if (value >= 0.95) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_1], y, "`" ); + else if (value >= 0.90) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_1], y, "'" ); + else if (value >= 0.85) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_2], y, "-" ); + else if (value >= 0.80) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_2], y, "." ); + else if (value >= 0.75) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_2], y, "," ); + else if (value >= 0.70) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_3], y, "_" ); + else if (value >= 0.65) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_3], y+1, "~" ); + else if (value >= 0.60) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_3], y+1, "`" ); + else if (value >= 0.55) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_4], y+1, "'" ); + else if (value >= 0.50) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_4], y+1, "-" ); + else if (value >= 0.45) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_4], y+1, "." ); + else if (value >= 0.40) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_5], y+1, "," ); + else if (value >= 0.35) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_5], y+1, "_" ); + else if (value >= 0.30) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_6], y+2, "~" ); + else if (value >= 0.25) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_7], y+2, "`" ); + else if (value >= 0.20) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_7], y+2, "'" ); + else if (value >= 0.15) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_7], y+2, "-" ); + else if (value >= 0.10) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_8], y+2, "." ); + else if (value >= 0.05) DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_8], y+2, "," ); + else DrawDot( CRT_colors[GRAPH_9], y+2, "_" ); + } + attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); +} + +void Meter_setMode(Meter* this, MeterMode mode) { + Meter_freeBuffer(this); + switch (mode) { + case UNSET: { + // fallthrough to a sane default. + mode = TEXT; + } + case TEXT: { + this->draw = Meter_drawText; + this-> = & Meter_stringBuffer; + this->h = 1; + break; + } + case LED: { + this->draw = Meter_drawLed; + this-> = & Meter_stringBuffer; + this->h = 3; + break; + } + case BAR: { + this->draw = Meter_drawBar; + this->displayBuffer.c = malloc(METER_BARBUFFER_LEN); + this->h = 1; + break; + } + case GRAPH: { + this->draw = Meter_drawGraph; + this->displayBuffer.c = calloc(METER_GRAPHBUFFER_LEN, sizeof(double)); + this->h = 3; + break; + } + default: { + assert(false); + } + } + this->mode = mode; +} + +ListItem* Meter_toListItem(Meter* this) { + char buffer[50]; char* mode = NULL; + switch (this->mode) { + case BAR: mode = "Bar"; break; + case LED: mode = "LED"; break; + case TEXT: mode = "Text"; break; + case GRAPH: mode = "Graph"; break; + default: { + assert(false); + } + } + sprintf(buffer, "%s [%s]", this->name, mode); + return ListItem_new(buffer, 0); +} diff --git a/Meter.h b/Meter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c58c188 --- /dev/null +++ b/Meter.h @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_Meter +#define HEADER_Meter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "ListItem.h" +#include "String.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#define METER_BARBUFFER_LEN 128 +#define METER_GRAPHBUFFER_LEN 128 + + +typedef struct Meter_ Meter; + +typedef void(*Meter_SetValues)(Meter*); +typedef void(*Meter_Draw)(Meter*, int, int, int); + +typedef enum MeterMode_ { + UNSET, + BAR, + TEXT, + GRAPH, + LED, + LAST_METERMODE +} MeterMode; + +struct Meter_ { + Object super; + + int h; + int w; + Meter_Draw draw; + Meter_SetValues setValues; + int items; + int* attributes; + double* values; + double total; + char* caption; + char* name; + union { + RichString* rs; + char* c; + double* graph; + } displayBuffer; + MeterMode mode; +}; + +extern char* METER_CLASS; + + + + + +Meter* Meter_new(char* name, char* caption, int items); + +void Meter_init(Meter* this, char* name, char* caption, int items); + +void Meter_delete(Object* cast); + + +void Meter_done(Meter* this); + + + + + +#define DrawDot(a,y,c) do { \ + attrset(a); \ + mvaddstr(y, x+k, c); \ +} while(0) + + +void Meter_setMode(Meter* this, MeterMode mode); + +ListItem* Meter_toListItem(Meter* this); + +#endif diff --git a/MetersListBox.c b/MetersListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc756cab --- /dev/null +++ b/MetersListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ + +#include "MetersListBox.h" + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct MetersListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + TypedVector* meters; + ScreenManager* scr; +} MetersListBox; + +}*/ + +MetersListBox* MetersListBox_new(Settings* settings, char* header, TypedVector* meters, ScreenManager* scr) { + MetersListBox* this = (MetersListBox*) malloc(sizeof(MetersListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, LISTITEM_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = MetersListBox_delete; + + this->settings = settings; + this->meters = meters; + this->scr = scr; + super->eventHandler = MetersListBox_EventHandler; + ListBox_setHeader(super, header); + for (int i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(meters); i++) { + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(meters, i); + ListBox_add(super, (Object*) Meter_toListItem(meter)); + } + return this; +} + +void MetersListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + MetersListBox* this = (MetersListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this); +} + +HandlerResult MetersListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + MetersListBox* this = (MetersListBox*) super; + + int selected = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(super); + HandlerResult result = IGNORED; + + switch(ch) { + case 0x0a: + case 0x0d: + case KEY_ENTER: + case KEY_F(4): + case 't': + { + Meter* meter = (Meter*) TypedVector_get(this->meters, selected); + MeterMode mode = meter->mode + 1; + if (mode == LAST_METERMODE) + mode = 1; // skip mode 0, "unset" + Meter_setMode(meter, mode); + ListBox_set(super, selected, (Object*) Meter_toListItem(meter)); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + case KEY_F(7): + case '[': + case '-': + { + TypedVector_moveUp(this->meters, selected); + ListBox_moveSelectedUp(super); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + case KEY_F(8): + case ']': + case '+': + { + TypedVector_moveDown(this->meters, selected); + ListBox_moveSelectedDown(super); + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + case KEY_F(9): + case KEY_DC: + { + if (selected < TypedVector_size(this->meters)) { + TypedVector_remove(this->meters, selected); + ListBox_remove(super, selected); + } + result = HANDLED; + break; + } + } + if (result == HANDLED) { + Header* header = this->settings->header; + Header_calculateHeight(header); + Header_draw(header); + ScreenManager_resize(this->scr, this->scr->x1, header->height, this->scr->x2, this->scr->y2); + } + return result; +} diff --git a/MetersListBox.h b/MetersListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92f96f9d --- /dev/null +++ b/MetersListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_MetersListBox +#define HEADER_MetersListBox + + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct MetersListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + Settings* settings; + TypedVector* meters; + ScreenManager* scr; +} MetersListBox; + + +MetersListBox* MetersListBox_new(Settings* settings, char* header, TypedVector* meters, ScreenManager* scr); + +void MetersListBox_delete(Object* object); + +HandlerResult MetersListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + +#endif diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52c40f11 --- /dev/null +++ b/NEWS @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + +See the ChangeLog for news of the past. +See the TODO list for news of the future. +Run the program for news of the present. + diff --git a/Object.c b/Object.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c368b9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/Object.c @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include "RichString.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ +typedef struct Object_ Object; + +typedef void(*Object_Display)(Object*, RichString*); +typedef int(*Object_Compare)(const Object*, const Object*); +typedef void(*Object_Delete)(Object*); + +struct Object_ { + char* class; + Object_Display display; + Object_Compare compare; + Object_Delete delete; +}; +}*/ + +/* private property */ +char* OBJECT_CLASS = "Object"; + +void Object_new() { + Object* this; + this = malloc(sizeof(Object)); + this->class = OBJECT_CLASS; + this->display = Object_display; + this->compare = Object_compare; + this->delete = Object_delete; +} + +bool Object_instanceOf(Object* this, char* class) { + return this->class == class; +} + +void Object_delete(Object* this) { + free(this); +} + +void Object_display(Object* this, RichString* out) { + char objAddress[50]; + sprintf(objAddress, "%s @ %p", this->class, (void*) this); + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], objAddress); +} + +int Object_compare(const Object* this, const Object* o) { + return (this - o); +} diff --git a/Object.h b/Object.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..78886c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Object.h @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_Object +#define HEADER_Object +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "RichString.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +typedef struct Object_ Object; + +typedef void(*Object_Display)(Object*, RichString*); +typedef int(*Object_Compare)(const Object*, const Object*); +typedef void(*Object_Delete)(Object*); + +struct Object_ { + char* class; + Object_Display display; + Object_Compare compare; + Object_Delete delete; +}; + + +void Object_new(); + +bool Object_instanceOf(Object* this, char* class); + +void Object_delete(Object* this); + +void Object_display(Object* this, RichString* out); + +int Object_compare(const Object* this, const Object* o); + +#endif diff --git a/Process.c b/Process.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..041f4d4a --- /dev/null +++ b/Process.c @@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ +/* +htop - Process.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "String.h" +#include "Process.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +// This works only with glibc 2.1+. On earlier versions +// the behavior is similar to have a hardcoded page size. +#define PAGE_SIZE ( sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) / 1024 ) + +#define PROCESS_COMM_LEN 300 +#define PROCESS_USER_LEN 10 + +/*{ + +typedef enum ProcessField_ { + PID = 1, COMM, STATE, PPID, PGRP, SESSION, TTY_NR, TPGID, FLAGS, MINFLT, CMINFLT, MAJFLT, CMAJFLT, UTIME, + STIME, CUTIME, CSTIME, PRIORITY, NICE, ITREALVALUE, STARTTIME, VSIZE, RSS, RLIM, STARTCODE, ENDCODE, + STARTSTACK, KSTKESP, KSTKEIP, SIGNAL, BLOCKED, SSIGIGNORE, SIGCATCH, WCHAN, NSWAP, CNSWAP, EXIT_SIGNAL, + PROCESSOR, M_SIZE, M_RESIDENT, M_SHARE, M_TRS, M_DRS, M_LRS, M_DT, ST_UID, PERCENT_CPU, PERCENT_MEM, + USER, TIME, LAST_PROCESSFIELD +} ProcessField; + +struct ProcessList_; + +typedef struct Process_ { + Object super; + + struct ProcessList_ *pl; + bool updated; + + int pid; + char* comm; + int indent; + char state; + bool tag; + int ppid; + int pgrp; + int session; + int tty_nr; + int tpgid; + unsigned long int flags; + unsigned long int minflt; + unsigned long int cminflt; + unsigned long int majflt; + unsigned long int cmajflt; + unsigned long int utime; + unsigned long int stime; + long int cutime; + long int cstime; + long int priority; + long int nice; + long int itrealvalue; + unsigned long int starttime; + unsigned long int vsize; + long int rss; + unsigned long int rlim; + unsigned long int startcode; + unsigned long int endcode; + unsigned long int startstack; + unsigned long int kstkesp; + unsigned long int kstkeip; + unsigned long int signal; + unsigned long int blocked; + unsigned long int sigignore; + unsigned long int sigcatch; + unsigned long int wchan; + unsigned long int nswap; + unsigned long int cnswap; + int exit_signal; + int processor; + int m_size; + int m_resident; + int m_share; + int m_trs; + int m_drs; + int m_lrs; + int m_dt; + uid_t st_uid; + float percent_cpu; + float percent_mem; + char user[PROCESS_USER_LEN + 1]; +} Process; + +extern char* PROCESS_CLASS; + +extern char* Process_fieldNames[]; + +}*/ + +/* private property */ +char* PROCESS_CLASS = "Process"; + +/* private property */ +char *Process_fieldNames[] = { "", "PID", "Command", "STATE", "PPID", "PGRP", "SESSION", "TTY_NR", "TPGID", "FLAGS", "MINFLT", "CMINFLT", "MAJFLT", "CMAJFLT", "UTIME", "STIME", "CUTIME", "CSTIME", "PRIORITY", "NICE", "ITREALVALUE", "STARTTIME", "VSIZE", "RSS", "RLIM", "STARTCODE", "ENDCODE", "STARTSTACK", "KSTKESP", "KSTKEIP", "SIGNAL", "BLOCKED", "SIGIGNORE", "SIGCATCH", "WCHAN", "NSWAP", "CNSWAP", "EXIT_SIGNAL", "PROCESSOR", "M_SIZE", "M_RESIDENT", "M_SHARE", "M_TRS", "M_DRS", "M_LRS", "M_DT", "ST_UID", "PERCENT_CPU", "PERCENT_MEM", "USER", "TIME", "*** report bug! ***"}; + +Process* Process_new(struct ProcessList_ *pl) { + Process* this = malloc(sizeof(Process)); + ((Object*)this)->class = PROCESS_CLASS; + ((Object*)this)->display = Process_display; + ((Object*)this)->compare = Process_compare; + ((Object*)this)->delete = Process_delete; + this->pl = pl; + this->tag = false; + this->updated = false; + this->utime = 0; + this->stime = 0; + this->comm = NULL; + return this; +} + +Process* Process_clone(Process* this) { + Process* clone = malloc(sizeof(Process)); + memcpy(clone, this, sizeof(Process)); + return clone; +} + +void Process_delete(Object* cast) { + Process* this = (Process*) cast; + if (this->comm) free(this->comm); + assert (this != NULL); + free(this); +} + +void Process_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + Process* this = (Process*) cast; + ProcessField* fields = this->pl->fields; + RichString_prune(out); + for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) + Process_writeField(this, out, fields[i]); + if (this->pl->shadowOtherUsers && this->st_uid != getuid()) + RichString_setAttr(out, CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW]); + if (this->tag == true) + RichString_setAttr(out, CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG]); + assert(out->len > 0); +} + +void Process_toggleTag(Process* this) { + this->tag = this->tag == true ? false : true; +} + +void Process_setPriority(Process* this, int priority) { + int old_prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, this->pid); + int err = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, this->pid, priority); + if (err == 0 && old_prio != getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, this->pid)) { + this->nice = priority; + } +} + +void Process_sendSignal(Process* this, int signal) { + kill(this->pid, signal); +} + +#define ONE_K 1024 +#define ONE_M (ONE_K * ONE_K) +#define ONE_G (ONE_M * ONE_K) + +/* private */ +void Process_printLargeNumber(Process* this, RichString *str, unsigned int number) { + char buffer[11]; + int len; + if(number >= (1000 * ONE_M)) { + len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%4.2fG ", (float)number / ONE_M); + RichString_appendn(str, CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER], buffer, len); + } else if(number >= (100000)) { + len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%4dM ", number / ONE_K); + int attr = this->pl->highlightMegabytes + ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES] + : CRT_colors[PROCESS]; + RichString_appendn(str, attr, buffer, len); + } else if (this->pl->highlightMegabytes && number >= 1000) { + len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%2d", number/1000); + RichString_appendn(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES], buffer, len); + number %= 1000; + len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%03d ", number); + RichString_appendn(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS], buffer, len); + } else { + len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%5d ", number); + RichString_appendn(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS], buffer, len); + } +} + +/* private property */ +double jiffy = 0.0; + +/* private */ +static void Process_printTime(RichString* str, unsigned long t) { + if(jiffy == 0.0) jiffy = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); + double jiffytime = 1.0 / jiffy; + + double realTime = t * jiffytime; + int iRealTime = (int) realTime; + + int hours = iRealTime / 3600; + int minutes = (iRealTime / 60) % 60; + int seconds = iRealTime % 60; + int hundredths = (realTime - iRealTime) * 100; + char buffer[11]; + if (hours) { + snprintf(buffer, 10, "%2dh", hours); + RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER], buffer); + snprintf(buffer, 10, "%02d:%02d ", minutes, seconds); + } else { + snprintf(buffer, 10, "%2d:%02d.%02d ", minutes, seconds, hundredths); + } + RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], buffer); +} + +/* private */ +static void Process_printTTY(RichString* str, int tty_nr) { + unsigned char minor = tty_nr; + unsigned char major = tty_nr >> 8; + char* buffer[11]; +} + +inline static void Process_writeCommand(Process* this, int attr, RichString* str) { + if (this->pl->highlightBaseName) { + char* firstSpace = strchr(this->comm, ' '); + if (firstSpace) { + char* slash = firstSpace; + while (slash > this->comm && *slash != '/') + slash--; + if (slash > this->comm) { + slash++; + RichString_appendn(str, attr, this->comm, slash - this->comm); + } + RichString_appendn(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME], slash, firstSpace - slash); + RichString_append(str, attr, firstSpace); + } else { + RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME], this->comm); + } + } else { + RichString_append(str, attr, this->comm); + } +} + +void Process_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field) { + char buffer[PROCESS_COMM_LEN]; + int attr = CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]; + int n = PROCESS_COMM_LEN; + + switch (field) { + case PID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5d ", this->pid); break; + case PPID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5d ", this->ppid); break; + case PGRP: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5d ", this->pgrp); break; + case SESSION: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5d ", this->session); break; + case TTY_NR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5d ", this->tty_nr); break; + case TPGID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5d ", this->tpgid); break; + case PROCESSOR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%3d ", this->processor+1); break; + case COMM: { + if (!this->pl->treeView || this->indent == 0) { + Process_writeCommand(this, attr, str); + return; + } else { + char* buf = buffer; + int maxIndent = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) + if (this->indent & (1 << i)) + maxIndent = i+1; + for (int i = 0; i < maxIndent - 1; i++) { + if (this->indent & (1 << i)) + snprintf(buf, n, " | "); + else + snprintf(buf, n, " "); + buf += 4; + n -= 4; + } + if (this->pl->direction == 1) + snprintf(buf, n, " `- "); + else + snprintf(buf, n, " ,- "); + RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE], buffer); + Process_writeCommand(this, attr, str); + return; + } + } + case STATE: { + snprintf(buffer, n, "%c ", this->state); + attr = this->state == 'R' + ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE] + : attr; + break; + } + case PRIORITY: { + if(this->priority == -100) + snprintf(buffer, n, " RT "); + else + snprintf(buffer, n, "%3ld ", this->priority); + break; + } + case NICE: { + snprintf(buffer, n, "%3ld ", this->nice); + attr = this->nice < 0 ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] + : this->nice > 0 ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] + : attr; + break; + } + case M_SIZE: Process_printLargeNumber(this, str, this->m_size * PAGE_SIZE); return; + case M_RESIDENT: Process_printLargeNumber(this, str, this->m_resident * PAGE_SIZE); return; + case M_SHARE: Process_printLargeNumber(this, str, this->m_share * PAGE_SIZE); return; + case ST_UID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%4d ", this->st_uid); break; + case USER: { + if (getuid() != this->st_uid) + attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW]; + snprintf(buffer, n, "%-8s ", this->user); + if (buffer[8] != '\0') { + buffer[8] = ' '; + buffer[9] = '\0'; + } + break; + } + case UTIME: Process_printTime(str, this->utime); return; + case STIME: Process_printTime(str, this->stime); return; + case CUTIME: Process_printTime(str, this->cutime); return; + case CSTIME: Process_printTime(str, this->cstime); return; + case TIME: Process_printTime(str, this->utime + this->stime); return; + case PERCENT_CPU: { + if (this->percent_cpu > 99.9) { + snprintf(buffer, n, "100. "); + } else { + snprintf(buffer, n, "%4.1f ", this->percent_cpu); + } + break; + } + case PERCENT_MEM: { + if (this->percent_mem > 99.9) { + snprintf(buffer, n, "100. "); + } else { + snprintf(buffer, n, "%4.1f ", this->percent_mem); + } + break; + } + default: + snprintf(buffer, n, "- "); + } + RichString_append(str, attr, buffer); + return; +} + +int Process_compare(const Object* v1, const Object* v2) { + Process* p1 = (Process*)v1; + Process* p2 = (Process*)v2; + int direction = p1->pl->direction; + switch (p1->pl->sortKey) { + case PID: + return (p2->pid - p1->pid) * direction; + case PPID: + return (p2->ppid - p1->ppid) * direction; + case USER: + return strcmp(p2->user, p1->user) * direction; + case PRIORITY: + return (p2->priority - p1->priority) * direction; + case STATE: + return (p2->state - p1->state) * direction; + case NICE: + return (p2->nice - p1->nice) * direction; + case M_SIZE: + return (p1->m_size - p2->m_size) * direction; + case M_RESIDENT: + return (p1->m_resident - p2->m_resident) * direction; + case M_SHARE: + return (p1->m_share - p2->m_share) * direction; + case PERCENT_CPU: + return (p1->percent_cpu < p2->percent_cpu ? -1 : 1) * direction; + case PERCENT_MEM: + return (p1->percent_mem < p2->percent_mem ? -1 : 1) * direction; + case UTIME: + return (p1->utime - p2->utime) * direction; + case STIME: + return (p1->stime - p2->stime) * direction; + case TIME: + return ((p1->utime+p1->stime) - (p2->utime+p2->stime)) * direction; + case COMM: + return strcmp(p2->comm, p1->comm) * direction; + default: + return (p2->pid - p1->pid) * direction; + } +} + +char* Process_printField(ProcessField field) { + switch (field) { + case PID: return " PID "; + case PPID: return " PPID "; + case PGRP: return " PGRP "; + case SESSION: return " SESN "; + case TTY_NR: return " TTY "; + case TPGID: return " TGID "; + case COMM: return "Command "; + case STATE: return "S "; + case PRIORITY: return "PRI "; + case NICE: return " NI "; + case M_SIZE: return " VIRT "; + case M_RESIDENT: return " RES "; + case M_SHARE: return " SHR "; + case ST_UID: return " UID "; + case USER: return "USER "; + case UTIME: return " UTIME+ "; + case STIME: return " STIME+ "; + case TIME: return " TIME+ "; + case PERCENT_CPU: return "CPU% "; + case PERCENT_MEM: return "MEM% "; + case PROCESSOR: return "CPU "; + default: return "- "; + } +} diff --git a/Process.h b/Process.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4f1b205 --- /dev/null +++ b/Process.h @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_Process +#define HEADER_Process +/* +htop - Process.h +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "String.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +// This works only with glibc 2.1+. On earlier versions +// the behavior is similar to have a hardcoded page size. +#define PAGE_SIZE ( sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) / 1024 ) + +#define PROCESS_COMM_LEN 300 +#define PROCESS_USER_LEN 10 + + +typedef enum ProcessField_ { + PID = 1, COMM, STATE, PPID, PGRP, SESSION, TTY_NR, TPGID, FLAGS, MINFLT, CMINFLT, MAJFLT, CMAJFLT, UTIME, + STIME, CUTIME, CSTIME, PRIORITY, NICE, ITREALVALUE, STARTTIME, VSIZE, RSS, RLIM, STARTCODE, ENDCODE, + STARTSTACK, KSTKESP, KSTKEIP, SIGNAL, BLOCKED, SSIGIGNORE, SIGCATCH, WCHAN, NSWAP, CNSWAP, EXIT_SIGNAL, + PROCESSOR, M_SIZE, M_RESIDENT, M_SHARE, M_TRS, M_DRS, M_LRS, M_DT, ST_UID, PERCENT_CPU, PERCENT_MEM, + USER, TIME, LAST_PROCESSFIELD +} ProcessField; + +struct ProcessList_; + +typedef struct Process_ { + Object super; + + struct ProcessList_ *pl; + bool updated; + + int pid; + char* comm; + int indent; + char state; + bool tag; + int ppid; + int pgrp; + int session; + int tty_nr; + int tpgid; + unsigned long int flags; + unsigned long int minflt; + unsigned long int cminflt; + unsigned long int majflt; + unsigned long int cmajflt; + unsigned long int utime; + unsigned long int stime; + long int cutime; + long int cstime; + long int priority; + long int nice; + long int itrealvalue; + unsigned long int starttime; + unsigned long int vsize; + long int rss; + unsigned long int rlim; + unsigned long int startcode; + unsigned long int endcode; + unsigned long int startstack; + unsigned long int kstkesp; + unsigned long int kstkeip; + unsigned long int signal; + unsigned long int blocked; + unsigned long int sigignore; + unsigned long int sigcatch; + unsigned long int wchan; + unsigned long int nswap; + unsigned long int cnswap; + int exit_signal; + int processor; + int m_size; + int m_resident; + int m_share; + int m_trs; + int m_drs; + int m_lrs; + int m_dt; + uid_t st_uid; + float percent_cpu; + float percent_mem; + char user[PROCESS_USER_LEN + 1]; +} Process; + +extern char* PROCESS_CLASS; + +extern char* Process_fieldNames[]; + + + + +Process* Process_new(struct ProcessList_ *pl); + +Process* Process_clone(Process* this); + +void Process_delete(Object* cast); + +void Process_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +void Process_toggleTag(Process* this); + +void Process_setPriority(Process* this, int priority); + +void Process_sendSignal(Process* this, int signal); + +#define ONE_K 1024 +#define ONE_M (ONE_K * ONE_K) +#define ONE_G (ONE_M * ONE_K) + +void Process_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field); + +int Process_compare(const Object* v1, const Object* v2); + +char* Process_printField(ProcessField field); + +#endif diff --git a/ProcessList.c b/ProcessList.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d87ec00 --- /dev/null +++ b/ProcessList.c @@ -0,0 +1,589 @@ +/* +htop - ProcessList.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "Process.h" +#include "TypedVector.h" +#include "UsersTable.h" +#include "Hashtable.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ +#ifndef PROCDIR +#define PROCDIR "/proc" +#endif + +#ifndef PROCSTATFILE +#define PROCSTATFILE "/proc/stat" +#endif + +#ifndef PROCMEMINFOFILE +#define PROCMEMINFOFILE "/proc/meminfo" +#endif + +#ifndef MAX_NAME +#define MAX_NAME 128; +#endif + +}*/ + +/*{ + +typedef struct ProcessList_ { + TypedVector* processes; + TypedVector* processes2; + Hashtable* processTable; + Process* prototype; + UsersTable* usersTable; + + int processorCount; + int totalTasks; + int runningTasks; + + long int* totalTime; + long int* userTime; + long int* systemTime; + long int* idleTime; + long int* niceTime; + long int* totalPeriod; + long int* userPeriod; + long int* systemPeriod; + long int* idlePeriod; + long int* nicePeriod; + + long int totalMem; + long int usedMem; + long int freeMem; + long int sharedMem; + long int buffersMem; + long int cachedMem; + long int totalSwap; + long int usedSwap; + long int freeSwap; + + ProcessField* fields; + ProcessField sortKey; + int direction; + bool hideThreads; + bool shadowOtherUsers; + bool hideKernelThreads; + bool hideUserlandThreads; + bool treeView; + bool highlightBaseName; + bool highlightMegabytes; + +} ProcessList; +}*/ + +/* private property */ +ProcessField defaultHeaders[] = { PID, USER, PRIORITY, NICE, M_SIZE, M_RESIDENT, M_SHARE, STATE, PERCENT_CPU, PERCENT_MEM, TIME, COMM, LAST_PROCESSFIELD, 0 }; + +ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable) { + ProcessList* this; + this = malloc(sizeof(ProcessList)); + this->processes = TypedVector_new(PROCESS_CLASS, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); + this->processTable = Hashtable_new(20, false); + this->prototype = Process_new(this); + this->usersTable = usersTable; + + /* tree-view auxiliary buffers */ + this->processes2 = TypedVector_new(PROCESS_CLASS, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); + + FILE* status = fopen(PROCSTATFILE, "r"); + assert(status != NULL); + char buffer[256]; + int procs = -1; + do { + procs++; + fgets(buffer, 255, status); + } while (String_startsWith(buffer, "cpu")); + fclose(status); + this->processorCount = procs - 1; + this->totalTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->userTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->systemTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->niceTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->idleTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->totalPeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->userPeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->systemPeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->nicePeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + this->idlePeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); + for (int i = 0; i < procs; i++) { + this->totalTime[i] = 1; + this->totalPeriod[i] = 1; + } + + this->fields = calloc(sizeof(ProcessField), LAST_PROCESSFIELD+1); + // TODO: turn 'fields' into a TypedVector, + // (and ProcessFields into proper objects). + for (int i = 0; defaultHeaders[i]; i++) { + this->fields[i] = defaultHeaders[i]; + } + this->sortKey = PERCENT_CPU; + this->direction = 1; + this->hideThreads = false; + this->shadowOtherUsers = false; + this->hideKernelThreads = false; + this->hideUserlandThreads = false; + this->treeView = false; + this->highlightBaseName = false; + this->highlightMegabytes = false; + + return this; +} + +void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this) { + Hashtable_delete(this->processTable); + TypedVector_delete(this->processes); + TypedVector_delete(this->processes2); + Process_delete((Object*)this->prototype); + + free(this->totalTime); + free(this->userTime); + free(this->systemTime); + free(this->niceTime); + free(this->idleTime); + free(this->totalPeriod); + free(this->userPeriod); + free(this->systemPeriod); + free(this->nicePeriod); + free(this->idlePeriod); + + free(this->fields); + free(this); +} + +void ProcessList_invertSortOrder(ProcessList* this) { + if (this->direction == 1) + this->direction = -1; + else + this->direction = 1; +} + +RichString ProcessList_printHeader(ProcessList* this) { + RichString out = RichString_new(); + ProcessField* fields = this->fields; + for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) { + char* field = Process_printField(fields[i]); + if (this->sortKey == fields[i]) + RichString_append(&out, CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS], field); + else + RichString_append(&out, CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS], field); + } + return out; +} + + +void ProcessList_prune(ProcessList* this) { + TypedVector_prune(this->processes); +} + +void ProcessList_add(ProcessList* this, Process* p) { + TypedVector_add(this->processes, p); + Hashtable_put(this->processTable, p->pid, p); +} + +void ProcessList_remove(ProcessList* this, Process* p) { + Hashtable_remove(this->processTable, p->pid); + ProcessField pf = this->sortKey; + this->sortKey = PID; + int index = TypedVector_indexOf(this->processes, p); + TypedVector_remove(this->processes, index); + this->sortKey = pf; +} + +Process* ProcessList_get(ProcessList* this, int index) { + return (Process*) (TypedVector_get(this->processes, index)); +} + +int ProcessList_size(ProcessList* this) { + return (TypedVector_size(this->processes)); +} + +/* private */ +void ProcessList_buildTree(ProcessList* this, int pid, int level, int indent, int direction) { + TypedVector* children = TypedVector_new(PROCESS_CLASS, false, DEFAULT_SIZE); + + for (int i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->processes); i++) { + Process* process = (Process*) (TypedVector_get(this->processes, i)); + if (process->ppid == pid) { + Process* process = (Process*) (TypedVector_take(this->processes, i)); + TypedVector_add(children, process); + i--; + } + } + int size = TypedVector_size(children); + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + Process* process = (Process*) (TypedVector_get(children, i)); + if (direction == 1) + TypedVector_add(this->processes2, process); + else + TypedVector_insert(this->processes2, 0, process); + int nextIndent = indent; + if (i < size - 1) + nextIndent = indent | (1 << level); + ProcessList_buildTree(this, process->pid, level+1, nextIndent, direction); + process->indent = indent | (1 << level); + } + TypedVector_delete(children); +} + +void ProcessList_sort(ProcessList* this) { + if (!this->treeView) { + TypedVector_sort(this->processes); + } else { + int direction = this->direction; + int sortKey = this->sortKey; + this->sortKey = PID; + this->direction = 1; + TypedVector_sort(this->processes); + this->sortKey = sortKey; + this->direction = direction; + Process* init = (Process*) (TypedVector_take(this->processes, 0)); + assert(init->pid == 1); + init->indent = 0; + TypedVector_add(this->processes2, init); + ProcessList_buildTree(this, init->pid, 0, 0, direction); + TypedVector* t = this->processes; + this->processes = this->processes2; + this->processes2 = t; + } +} + +/* private */ +int ProcessList_readStatFile(Process *proc, FILE *f, char *command) { + #define MAX_READ 8192 + static char buf[MAX_READ]; + long int zero; + + int size = fread(buf, 1, MAX_READ, f); + if(!size) return 0; + + proc->pid = atoi(buf); + char *location = strchr(buf, ' '); + if(!location) return 0; + + location += 2; + char *end = strrchr(location, ')'); + if(!end) return 0; + + int commsize = end - location; + memcpy(command, location, commsize); + command[commsize] = '\0'; + location = end + 2; + + int num = sscanf(location, + "%c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu %lu %lu " + "%lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld " + "%lu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu " + "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu " + "%d %d", + &proc->state, &proc->ppid, &proc->pgrp, &proc->session, &proc->tty_nr, + &proc->tpgid, &proc->flags, &proc->minflt, &proc->cminflt, &proc->majflt, + &proc->cmajflt, &proc->utime, &proc->stime, &proc->cutime, &proc->cstime, + &proc->priority, &proc->nice, &zero, &proc->itrealvalue, + &proc->starttime, &proc->vsize, &proc->rss, &proc->rlim, + &proc->startcode, &proc->endcode, &proc->startstack, &proc->kstkesp, + &proc->kstkeip, &proc->signal, &proc->blocked, &proc->sigignore, + &proc->sigcatch, &proc->wchan, &proc->nswap, &proc->cnswap, + &proc->exit_signal, &proc->processor); + + // This assert is always valid on 2.4, but reportedly not always valid on 2.6. + // TODO: Check if the semantics of this field has changed. + // assert(zero == 0); + + if(num != 37) return 0; + return 1; +} + +bool ProcessList_readStatusFile(Process* proc, char* dirname, char* name) { + char statusfilename[MAX_NAME+1]; + statusfilename[MAX_NAME] = '\0'; + snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/status", dirname, name); + FILE* status = fopen(statusfilename, "r"); + bool success = false; + if (status) { + char buffer[1024]; + buffer[1023] = '\0'; + while (!feof(status)) { + char* ok = fgets(buffer, 1023, status); + if (!ok) + break; + if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Uid:")) { + int uid1, uid2, uid3, uid4; + // TODO: handle other uid's. + int ok = sscanf(buffer, "Uid:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", &uid1, &uid2, &uid3, &uid4); + if (ok >= 1) { + proc->st_uid = uid1; + success = true; + } + break; + } + } + fclose(status); + } + if (!success) { + snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/stat", dirname, name); + struct stat sstat; + int statok = stat(statusfilename, &sstat); + if (statok == -1) + return false; + proc->st_uid = sstat.st_uid; + } + return success; +} + +void ProcessList_processEntries(ProcessList* this, char* dirname, int parent, float period) { + DIR* dir; + struct dirent* entry; + Process* prototype = this->prototype; + + dir = opendir(dirname); + assert(dir != NULL); + while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { + char* name = entry->d_name; + int pid; + // filename is a number: process directory + pid = atoi(name); + + // The RedHat kernel hides threads with a dot. + // I believe this is non-standard. + bool isThread = false; + if ((!this->hideThreads) && pid == 0 && name[0] == '.') { + char* tname = name + 1; + pid = atoi(tname); + if (pid > 0) + isThread = true; + } + + if (pid > 0 && pid != parent) { + if (!this->hideUserlandThreads) { + char subdirname[MAX_NAME+1]; + snprintf(subdirname, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/task", dirname, name); + + if (access(subdirname, X_OK) == 0) { + ProcessList_processEntries(this, subdirname, pid, period); + } + } + + FILE* status; + char statusfilename[MAX_NAME+1]; + char command[PROCESS_COMM_LEN + 1]; + + Process* process; + Process* existingProcess = (Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid); + if (!existingProcess) { + process = Process_clone(prototype); + process->pid = pid; + ProcessList_add(this, process); + if (! ProcessList_readStatusFile(process, dirname, name)) + goto errorReadingProcess; + } else { + process = existingProcess; + } + process->updated = true; + + char* username = UsersTable_getRef(this->usersTable, process->st_uid); + if (username) { + strncpy(process->user, username, PROCESS_USER_LEN); + } else { + snprintf(process->user, PROCESS_USER_LEN, "%d", process->st_uid); + } + + int lasttimes = (process->utime + process->stime); + + snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/stat", dirname, name); + status = fopen(statusfilename, "r"); + if (status == NULL) + goto errorReadingProcess; + + int success = ProcessList_readStatFile(process, status, command); + fclose(status); + if(!success) { + goto errorReadingProcess; + } + + process->percent_cpu = (process->utime + process->stime - lasttimes) / + period * 100.0; + + if(!existingProcess) { + snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/cmdline", dirname, name); + status = fopen(statusfilename, "r"); + if (!status) { + goto errorReadingProcess; + } + + int amtRead = fread(command, 1, PROCESS_COMM_LEN - 1, status); + if (amtRead > 0) { + for (int i = 0; i < amtRead; i++) + if (command[i] == '\0' || command[i] == '\n') + command[i] = ' '; + command[amtRead] = '\0'; + } + command[PROCESS_COMM_LEN] = '\0'; + process->comm = String_copy(command); + fclose(status); + } + + snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/statm", dirname, name); + status = fopen(statusfilename, "r"); + if(!status) { + goto errorReadingProcess; + } + int num = fscanf(status, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d", + &process->m_size, &process->m_resident, &process->m_share, + &process->m_trs, &process->m_drs, &process->m_lrs, + &process->m_dt); + fclose(status); + if(num != 7) + goto errorReadingProcess; + + process->percent_mem = process->m_resident / + (float)(this->usedMem - this->cachedMem - this->buffersMem) * + 100.0; + + this->totalTasks++; + if (process->state == 'R') { + this->runningTasks++; + } + + if (this->hideKernelThreads && process->m_size == 0) + ProcessList_remove(this, process); + + continue; + + // Exception handler. + errorReadingProcess: { + ProcessList_remove(this, process); + } + } + } + closedir(dir); +} + +void ProcessList_scan(ProcessList* this) { + long int usertime, nicetime, systemtime, idletime, totaltime; + long int swapFree; + + FILE* status; + char buffer[128]; + status = fopen(PROCMEMINFOFILE, "r"); + assert(status != NULL); + while (!feof(status)) { + fgets(buffer, 128, status); + + switch (buffer[0]) { + case 'M': + if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemTotal:")) + sscanf(buffer, "MemTotal: %ld kB", &this->totalMem); + else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemFree:")) + sscanf(buffer, "MemFree: %ld kB", &this->freeMem); + else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemShared:")) + sscanf(buffer, "MemShared: %ld kB", &this->sharedMem); + break; + case 'B': + if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Buffers:")) + sscanf(buffer, "Buffers: %ld kB", &this->buffersMem); + break; + case 'C': + if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Cached:")) + sscanf(buffer, "Cached: %ld kB", &this->cachedMem); + break; + case 'S': + if (String_startsWith(buffer, "SwapTotal:")) + sscanf(buffer, "SwapTotal: %ld kB", &this->totalSwap); + if (String_startsWith(buffer, "SwapFree:")) + sscanf(buffer, "SwapFree: %ld kB", &swapFree); + break; + } + } + this->usedMem = this->totalMem - this->freeMem; + this->usedSwap = this->totalSwap - swapFree; + fclose(status); + + status = fopen(PROCSTATFILE, "r"); + assert(status != NULL); + for (int i = 0; i <= this->processorCount; i++) { + char buffer[256]; + int cpuid; + long int ioWait, irq, softIrq, steal; + ioWait = irq = softIrq = steal = 0; + // Dependending on your kernel version, + // 5, 7 or 8 of these fields will be set. + // The rest will remain at zero. + fgets(buffer, 255, status); + if (i == 0) + sscanf(buffer, "cpu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime, &ioWait, &irq, &softIrq, &steal); + else { + sscanf(buffer, "cpu%d %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", &cpuid, &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime, &ioWait, &irq, &softIrq, &steal); + assert(cpuid == i - 1); + } + // Fields existing on kernels >= 2.6 + // (and RHEL's patched kernel 2.4...) + systemtime += ioWait + irq + softIrq + steal; + totaltime = usertime + nicetime + systemtime + idletime; + assert (usertime >= this->userTime[i]); + assert (nicetime >= this->niceTime[i]); + assert (systemtime >= this->systemTime[i]); + assert (idletime >= this->idleTime[i]); + assert (totaltime >= this->totalTime[i]); + this->userPeriod[i] = usertime - this->userTime[i]; + this->nicePeriod[i] = nicetime - this->niceTime[i]; + this->systemPeriod[i] = systemtime - this->systemTime[i]; + this->idlePeriod[i] = idletime - this->idleTime[i]; + this->totalPeriod[i] = totaltime - this->totalTime[i]; + this->userTime[i] = usertime; + this->niceTime[i] = nicetime; + this->systemTime[i] = systemtime; + this->idleTime[i] = idletime; + this->totalTime[i] = totaltime; + } + float period = (float)this->totalPeriod[0] / this->processorCount; + fclose(status); + + // mark all process as "dirty" + for (int i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->processes); i++) { + Process* p = (Process*) TypedVector_get(this->processes, i); + p->updated = false; + } + + this->totalTasks = 0; + this->runningTasks = 0; + + signal(11, ProcessList_dontCrash); + + ProcessList_processEntries(this, PROCDIR, 0, period); + signal(11, SIG_DFL); + + for (int i = TypedVector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + Process* p = (Process*) TypedVector_get(this->processes, i); + if (p->updated == false) + ProcessList_remove(this, p); + else + p->updated = false; + } + +} + +void ProcessList_dontCrash(int signal) { + // This ugly hack was added because I suspect some + // crashes were caused by contents of /proc vanishing + // away while we read them. +} diff --git a/ProcessList.h b/ProcessList.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..969d4450 --- /dev/null +++ b/ProcessList.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_ProcessList +#define HEADER_ProcessList +/* +htop - ProcessList.h +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Process.h" +#include "TypedVector.h" +#include "UsersTable.h" +#include "Hashtable.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#ifndef PROCDIR +#define PROCDIR "/proc" +#endif + +#ifndef PROCSTATFILE +#define PROCSTATFILE "/proc/stat" +#endif + +#ifndef PROCMEMINFOFILE +#define PROCMEMINFOFILE "/proc/meminfo" +#endif + +#ifndef MAX_NAME +#define MAX_NAME 128 +#endif + +typedef struct ProcessList_ { + TypedVector* processes; + TypedVector* processes2; + Hashtable* processTable; + Process* prototype; + UsersTable* usersTable; + + int processorCount; + int totalTasks; + int runningTasks; + + long int* totalTime; + long int* userTime; + long int* systemTime; + long int* idleTime; + long int* niceTime; + long int* totalPeriod; + long int* userPeriod; + long int* systemPeriod; + long int* idlePeriod; + long int* nicePeriod; + + long int totalMem; + long int usedMem; + long int freeMem; + long int sharedMem; + long int buffersMem; + long int cachedMem; + long int totalSwap; + long int usedSwap; + long int freeSwap; + + int kernelMajor; + int kernelMiddle; + int kernelMinor; + int kernelTiny; + + ProcessField* fields; + ProcessField sortKey; + int direction; + bool hideThreads; + bool shadowOtherUsers; + bool hideKernelThreads; + bool hideUserlandThreads; + bool treeView; + bool highlightBaseName; + bool highlightMegabytes; + +} ProcessList; + + + +ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable); + +void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this); + +void ProcessList_invertSortOrder(ProcessList* this); + +RichString ProcessList_printHeader(ProcessList* this); + +void ProcessList_prune(ProcessList* this); + +void ProcessList_add(ProcessList* this, Process* p); + +void ProcessList_remove(ProcessList* this, Process* p); + +Process* ProcessList_get(ProcessList* this, int index); + +int ProcessList_size(ProcessList* this); + + +void ProcessList_sort(ProcessList* this); + + +void ProcessList_scan(ProcessList* this); + +void ProcessList_dontCrash(int signal); + +#endif diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ec97c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + +htop +by Hisham Muhammad + +May, 2004 - February, 2006 + +Introduction +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This is htop, an interactive process viewer. +It requires ncurses. Tested with Linux 2.4 and 2.6. + +Note that, while, htop is Linux specific -- it is based +on the Linux /proc filesystem -- it is also reported to work +with FreeBSD systems featuring a Linux-compatible /proc. + +This software has evolved considerably during the last months, +and is reasonably complete, but there is still room for +improvement. Read the TODO file to see what's known to be missing. + +Comparison between 'htop' and 'top' +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + + * In 'htop' you can scroll the list vertically and horizontally + to see all processes and full command lines. + * In 'top' you are subject to a delay for each unassigned + key you press (especially annoying when multi-key escape + sequences are triggered by accident). + * 'htop' starts faster ('top' seems to collect data for a while + before displaying anything). + * In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number to + kill a process, in 'top' you do. + * In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number or + the priority value to renice a process, in 'top' you do. + * In 'htop' you can kill multiple processes at once. + * 'top' is older, hence, more tested. + +Compilation instructions +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This program is distributed as a standard autotools-based package. +See the INSTALL file for detailed instructions, but you are +probably used to the common "configure/make/make install" routine. + +See the manual page (man htop) or the on-line help ('F1' or 'h' +inside htop) for a list of supported key commands. + +if not all keys work check your curses configuration. diff --git a/RichString.c b/RichString.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a92e081 --- /dev/null +++ b/RichString.c @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ + +#include "RichString.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#define RICHSTRING_MAXLEN 300 + +/*{ + +typedef struct RichString_ { + int len; + chtype chstr[RICHSTRING_MAXLEN+1]; +} RichString; + +}*/ + +#ifndef MIN +#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) +#endif + +/* private property */ +WINDOW* workArea = NULL; + +RichString RichString_new() { + RichString this; + this.len = 0; + return this; +} + +void RichString_delete(RichString this) { +} + +void RichString_prune(RichString* this) { + this->len = 0; +} + +void RichString_write(RichString* this, int attrs, char* data) { + this->len = 0; + RichString_append(this, attrs, data); +} + +inline void RichString_append(RichString* this, int attrs, char* data) { + RichString_appendn(this, attrs, data, strlen(data)); +} + +inline void RichString_appendn(RichString* this, int attrs, char* data, int len) { + if (!workArea) { + workArea = newpad(1, RICHSTRING_MAXLEN); + } + assert(workArea); + wattrset(workArea, attrs); + int maxToWrite = (RICHSTRING_MAXLEN - 1) - this->len; + int wrote = MIN(maxToWrite, len); + mvwaddnstr(workArea, 0, 0, data, maxToWrite); + int oldstrlen = this->len; + this->len += wrote; + mvwinchnstr(workArea, 0, 0, this->chstr + oldstrlen, wrote); + wattroff(workArea, attrs); +} + +void RichString_setAttr(RichString *this, int attrs) { + for (int i = 0; i < this->len; i++) { + char c = this->chstr[i]; + this->chstr[i] = c | attrs; + } +} + +void RichString_applyAttr(RichString *this, int attrs) { + for (int i = 0; i < this->len - 1; i++) { + this->chstr[i] |= attrs; + } +} + +RichString RichString_quickString(int attrs, char* data) { + RichString str = RichString_new(); + RichString_write(&str, attrs, data); + return str; +} diff --git a/RichString.h b/RichString.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f59c5765 --- /dev/null +++ b/RichString.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_RichString +#define HEADER_RichString + + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#define RICHSTRING_MAXLEN 300 + + +typedef struct RichString_ { + int len; + chtype chstr[RICHSTRING_MAXLEN+1]; +} RichString; + + + +RichString RichString_new(); + +void RichString_delete(RichString this); + +void RichString_prune(RichString* this); + +void RichString_write(RichString* this, int attrs, char* data); + +inline void RichString_append(RichString* this, int attrs, char* data); + +inline void RichString_appendn(RichString* this, int attrs, char* data, int len); + +void RichString_setAttr(RichString *this, int attrs); + +void RichString_applyAttr(RichString *this, int attrs); + +RichString RichString_quickString(int attrs, char* data); + +#endif diff --git a/ScreenManager.c b/ScreenManager.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28009ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ScreenManager.c @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "ScreenManager.h" +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "TypedVector.h" +#include "FunctionBar.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include + +/*{ + +typedef enum Orientation_ { + VERTICAL, + HORIZONTAL +} Orientation; + +typedef struct ScreenManager_ { + int x1; + int y1; + int x2; + int y2; + Orientation orientation; + TypedVector* items; + TypedVector* fuBars; + int itemCount; + FunctionBar* fuBar; + bool owner; +} ScreenManager; + +}*/ + +ScreenManager* ScreenManager_new(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Orientation orientation, bool owner) { + ScreenManager* this; + this = malloc(sizeof(ScreenManager)); + this->x1 = x1; + this->y1 = y1; + this->x2 = x2; + this->y2 = y2; + this->fuBar = NULL; + this->orientation = orientation; + this->items = TypedVector_new(LISTBOX_CLASS, owner, DEFAULT_SIZE); + this->fuBars = TypedVector_new(FUNCTIONBAR_CLASS, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); + this->itemCount = 0; + this->owner = owner; + return this; +} + +void ScreenManager_delete(ScreenManager* this) { + TypedVector_delete(this->items); + TypedVector_delete(this->fuBars); + free(this); +} + +inline int ScreenManager_size(ScreenManager* this) { + return this->itemCount; +} + +void ScreenManager_add(ScreenManager* this, ListBox* item, FunctionBar* fuBar, int size) { + if (this->orientation == HORIZONTAL) { + int lastX = 0; + if (this->itemCount > 0) { + ListBox* last = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, this->itemCount - 1); + lastX = last->x + last->w + 1; + } + if (size > 0) { + ListBox_resize(item, size, LINES-this->y1+this->y2); + } else { + ListBox_resize(item, COLS-this->x1+this->x2-lastX, LINES-this->y1+this->y2); + } + ListBox_move(item, lastX, this->y1); + } + // TODO: VERTICAL + TypedVector_add(this->items, item); + if (fuBar) + TypedVector_add(this->fuBars, fuBar); + else + TypedVector_add(this->fuBars, FunctionBar_new(0, NULL, NULL, NULL)); + if (!this->fuBar && fuBar) this->fuBar = fuBar; + item->needsRedraw = true; + this->itemCount++; +} + +ListBox* ScreenManager_remove(ScreenManager* this, int index) { + assert(this->itemCount > index); + ListBox* lb = (ListBox*) TypedVector_remove(this->items, index); + TypedVector_remove(this->fuBars, index); + this->fuBar = NULL; + this->itemCount--; + return lb; +} + +void ScreenManager_setFunctionBar(ScreenManager* this, FunctionBar* fuBar) { + if (this->owner && this->fuBar) + FunctionBar_delete((Object*)this->fuBar); + this->fuBar = fuBar; +} + +void ScreenManager_resize(ScreenManager* this, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { + this->x1 = x1; + this->y1 = y1; + this->x2 = x2; + this->y2 = y2; + int items = this->itemCount; + int lastX = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < items - 1; i++) { + ListBox* lb = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, i); + ListBox_resize(lb, lb->w, LINES-y1+y2); + ListBox_move(lb, lastX, y1); + lastX = lb->x + lb->w + 1; + } + ListBox* lb = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, items-1); + ListBox_resize(lb, COLS-x1+x2-lastX, LINES-y1+y2); + ListBox_move(lb, lastX, y1); +} + +void ScreenManager_run(ScreenManager* this, ListBox** lastFocus, int* lastKey) { + bool quit = false; + int focus = 0; + + ListBox* lbFocus = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, focus); + if (this->fuBar) + FunctionBar_draw(this->fuBar, NULL); + + int ch; + while (!quit) { + int items = this->itemCount; + for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) { + ListBox* lb = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, i); + ListBox_draw(lb, i == focus); + if (i < items) { + if (this->orientation == HORIZONTAL) { + mvvline(lb->y, lb->x+lb->w, ' ', lb->h+1); + } + } + } + FunctionBar* bar = (FunctionBar*) TypedVector_get(this->fuBars, focus); + if (bar) + this->fuBar = bar; + if (this->fuBar) + FunctionBar_draw(this->fuBar, NULL); + + ch = getch(); + + bool loop = false; + if (ch == KEY_MOUSE) { + MEVENT mevent; + int ok = getmouse(&mevent); + if (ok == OK) { + if (mevent.y == LINES - 1) { + ch = FunctionBar_synthesizeEvent(this->fuBar, mevent.x); + } else { + for (int i = 0; i < this->itemCount; i++) { + ListBox* lb = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, i); + if (mevent.x > lb->x && mevent.x <= lb->x+lb->w && + mevent.y > lb->y && mevent.y <= lb->y+lb->h) { + focus = i; + lbFocus = lb; + ListBox_setSelected(lb, mevent.y - lb->y + lb->scrollV - 1); + loop = true; + break; + } + } + } + } + } + if (loop) continue; + + if (lbFocus->eventHandler) { + HandlerResult result = lbFocus->eventHandler(lbFocus, ch); + if (result == HANDLED) { + continue; + } else if (result == BREAK_LOOP) { + quit = true; + continue; + } + } + + switch (ch) { + case ERR: + continue; + case KEY_RESIZE: + { + ScreenManager_resize(this, this->x1, this->y1, this->x2, this->y2); + continue; + } + case KEY_LEFT: + tryLeft: + if (focus > 0) + focus--; + lbFocus = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, focus); + if (ListBox_getSize(lbFocus) == 0 && focus > 0) + goto tryLeft; + break; + case KEY_RIGHT: + case 9: + tryRight: + if (focus < this->itemCount - 1) + focus++; + lbFocus = (ListBox*) TypedVector_get(this->items, focus); + if (ListBox_getSize(lbFocus) == 0 && focus < this->itemCount - 1) + goto tryRight; + break; + case KEY_F(10): + case 'q': + case 27: + quit = true; + continue; + default: + ListBox_onKey(lbFocus, ch); + break; + } + } + + *lastFocus = lbFocus; + *lastKey = ch; +} diff --git a/ScreenManager.h b/ScreenManager.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b89d8023 --- /dev/null +++ b/ScreenManager.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_ScreenManager +#define HEADER_ScreenManager +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "TypedVector.h" +#include "FunctionBar.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include + + +typedef enum Orientation_ { + VERTICAL, + HORIZONTAL +} Orientation; + +typedef struct ScreenManager_ { + int x1; + int y1; + int x2; + int y2; + Orientation orientation; + TypedVector* items; + int itemCount; + FunctionBar* fuBar; + TypedVector* fuBars; + bool owner; +} ScreenManager; + + +ScreenManager* ScreenManager_new(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Orientation orientation, bool owner); + +void ScreenManager_delete(ScreenManager* this); + +inline int ScreenManager_size(ScreenManager* this); + +void ScreenManager_add(ScreenManager* this, ListBox* item, FunctionBar* fuBar, int size); + +ListBox* ScreenManager_remove(ScreenManager* this, int index); + +void ScreenManager_setFunctionBar(ScreenManager* this, FunctionBar* fuBar); + +void ScreenManager_resize(ScreenManager* this, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); + +void ScreenManager_run(ScreenManager* this, ListBox** lastFocus, int* lastKey); + +#endif diff --git a/Settings.c b/Settings.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1661f7fa --- /dev/null +++ b/Settings.c @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +/* +htop - Settings.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Settings.h" +#include "String.h" +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "Header.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +#define DEFAULT_DELAY 15 + +/*{ + +typedef struct Settings_ { + char* userSettings; + ProcessList* pl; + Header* header; + int colorScheme; + bool changed; + int delay; +} Settings; + +}*/ + +Settings* Settings_new(ProcessList* pl, Header* header) { + Settings* this = malloc(sizeof(Settings)); + this->pl = pl; + this->header = header; + char* home; + home = getenv("HOME_ETC"); + if (!home) home = getenv("HOME"); + if (!home) home = ""; + this->userSettings = String_cat(home, "/.htoprc"); + this->colorScheme = 0; + this->changed = false; + this->delay = DEFAULT_DELAY; + bool ok = Settings_read(this, this->userSettings); + if (!ok) { + this->changed = true; + // TODO: how to get SYSCONFDIR correctly through Autoconf? + char* systemSettings = String_cat(SYSCONFDIR, "/htoprc"); + ok = Settings_read(this, systemSettings); + free(systemSettings); + if (!ok) { + Header_defaultMeters(this->header); + pl->hideKernelThreads = true; + pl->highlightMegabytes = true; + } + } + return this; +} + +void Settings_delete(Settings* this) { + free(this->userSettings); + free(this); +} + +/* private */ +void Settings_readMeters(Settings* this, char* line, HeaderSide side) { + char* trim = String_trim(line); + char** ids = String_split(trim, ' '); + free(trim); + int i; + for (i = 0; ids[i] != NULL; i++) { + Header_createMeter(this->header, ids[i], side); + } + String_freeArray(ids); +} + +/* private */ +void Settings_readMeterModes(Settings* this, char* line, HeaderSide side) { + char* trim = String_trim(line); + char** ids = String_split(trim, ' '); + free(trim); + int i; + for (i = 0; ids[i] != NULL; i++) { + int mode = atoi(ids[i]); + Header_setMode(this->header, i, mode, side); + } + String_freeArray(ids); +} + +bool Settings_read(Settings* this, char* fileName) { + // TODO: implement File object and make + // file I/O object-oriented. + FILE* fd; + fd = fopen(fileName, "r"); + if (fd == NULL) { + return false; + } + const int maxLine = 512; + char buffer[maxLine]; + bool readMeters = false; + while (!feof(fd)) { + buffer[0] = '\0'; + fgets(buffer, maxLine, fd); + char** option = String_split(buffer, '='); + if (String_eq(option[0], "fields")) { + char* trim = String_trim(option[1]); + char** ids = String_split(trim, ' '); + free(trim); + int i, j; + for (j = 0, i = 0; i < LAST_PROCESSFIELD && ids[i] != NULL; i++) { + // This "+1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. + int id = atoi(ids[i]) + 1; + if (id > 0 && id < LAST_PROCESSFIELD) { + this->pl->fields[j] = id; + j++; + } + } + this->pl->fields[j] = (ProcessField) NULL; + String_freeArray(ids); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "sort_key")) { + // This "+1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. + this->pl->sortKey = atoi(option[1]) + 1; + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "sort_direction")) { + this->pl->direction = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "tree_view")) { + this->pl->treeView = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_threads")) { + this->pl->hideThreads = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_kernel_threads")) { + this->pl->hideKernelThreads = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_userland_threads")) { + this->pl->hideUserlandThreads = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "shadow_other_users")) { + this->pl->shadowOtherUsers = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_base_name")) { + this->pl->highlightBaseName = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_megabytes")) { + this->pl->highlightMegabytes = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "header_margin")) { + this->header->margin = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "delay")) { + this->delay = atoi(option[1]); + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "color_scheme")) { + this->colorScheme = atoi(option[1]); + if (this->colorScheme < 0) this->colorScheme = 0; + if (this->colorScheme > 5) this->colorScheme = 5; + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "left_meters")) { + Settings_readMeters(this, option[1], LEFT_HEADER); + readMeters = true; + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "right_meters")) { + Settings_readMeters(this, option[1], RIGHT_HEADER); + readMeters = true; + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "left_meter_modes")) { + Settings_readMeterModes(this, option[1], LEFT_HEADER); + readMeters = true; + } else if (String_eq(option[0], "right_meter_modes")) { + Settings_readMeterModes(this, option[1], RIGHT_HEADER); + readMeters = true; + } + String_freeArray(option); + } + fclose(fd); + if (!readMeters) { + Header_defaultMeters(this->header); + } + return true; +} + +bool Settings_write(Settings* this) { + // TODO: implement File object and make + // file I/O object-oriented. + FILE* fd; + fd = fopen(this->userSettings, "w"); + if (fd == NULL) { + return false; + } + fprintf(fd, "# Beware! This file is rewritten every time htop exits.\n"); + fprintf(fd, "# The parser is also very primitive, and not human-friendly.\n"); + fprintf(fd, "# (I know, it's in the todo list).\n"); + fprintf(fd, "fields="); + for (int i = 0; this->pl->fields[i]; i++) { + // This "-1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. + fprintf(fd, "%d ", (int) this->pl->fields[i]-1); + } + fprintf(fd, "\n"); + // This "-1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. + fprintf(fd, "sort_key=%d\n", (int) this->pl->sortKey-1); + fprintf(fd, "sort_direction=%d\n", (int) this->pl->direction); + fprintf(fd, "hide_threads=%d\n", (int) this->pl->hideThreads); + fprintf(fd, "hide_kernel_threads=%d\n", (int) this->pl->hideKernelThreads); + fprintf(fd, "hide_userland_threads=%d\n", (int) this->pl->hideUserlandThreads); + fprintf(fd, "shadow_other_users=%d\n", (int) this->pl->shadowOtherUsers); + fprintf(fd, "highlight_base_name=%d\n", (int) this->pl->highlightBaseName); + fprintf(fd, "highlight_megabytes=%d\n", (int) this->pl->highlightMegabytes); + fprintf(fd, "tree_view=%d\n", (int) this->pl->treeView); + fprintf(fd, "header_margin=%d\n", (int) this->header->margin); + fprintf(fd, "color_scheme=%d\n", (int) this->colorScheme); + fprintf(fd, "delay=%d\n", (int) this->delay); + fprintf(fd, "left_meters="); + for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, LEFT_HEADER); i++) { + fprintf(fd, "%s ", Header_readMeterName(this->header, i, LEFT_HEADER)); + } + fprintf(fd, "\n"); + fprintf(fd, "left_meter_modes="); + for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, LEFT_HEADER); i++) + fprintf(fd, "%d ", Header_readMeterMode(this->header, i, LEFT_HEADER)); + fprintf(fd, "\n"); + fprintf(fd, "right_meters="); + for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, RIGHT_HEADER); i++) + fprintf(fd, "%s ", Header_readMeterName(this->header, i, RIGHT_HEADER)); + fprintf(fd, "\n"); + fprintf(fd, "right_meter_modes="); + for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, RIGHT_HEADER); i++) + fprintf(fd, "%d ", Header_readMeterMode(this->header, i, RIGHT_HEADER)); + fprintf(fd, "\n"); + + fclose(fd); + return true; +} diff --git a/Settings.h b/Settings.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bac95245 --- /dev/null +++ b/Settings.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_Settings +#define HEADER_Settings +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "String.h" +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "Header.h" + +#include "debug.h" + + +typedef struct Settings_ { + char* userSettings; + ProcessList* pl; + Header* header; + int colorScheme; + int delay; + bool changed; +} Settings; + + +Settings* Settings_new(ProcessList* pl, Header* header); + +void Settings_delete(Settings* this); + + + +bool Settings_read(Settings* this, char* fileName); + +bool Settings_write(Settings* this); + +#endif diff --git a/SignalItem.c b/SignalItem.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2cef8775 --- /dev/null +++ b/SignalItem.c @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +/* +htop - SignalItem.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "SignalItem.h" +#include "String.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "RichString.h" +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +#define SIGNAL_COUNT 34 + +/*{ + +typedef struct Signal_ { + Object super; + char* name; + int number; +} Signal; + +extern char* SIGNAL_CLASS; +}*/ + +/* private property */ +char* SIGNAL_CLASS = "Signal"; + +Signal* Signal_new(char* name, int number) { + Signal* this = malloc(sizeof(Signal)); + ((Object*)this)->class = SIGNAL_CLASS; + ((Object*)this)->display = Signal_display; + ((Object*)this)->delete = Signal_delete; + this->name = name; + this->number = number; + return this; +} + +void Signal_delete(Object* cast) { + Signal* this = (Signal*)cast; + assert (this != NULL); + // names are string constants, so we're not deleting them. + free(this); +} + +void Signal_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + Signal* this = (Signal*)cast; + assert (this != NULL); + + char buffer[31]; + snprintf(buffer, 30, "%2d %s", this->number, this->name); + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], buffer); +} + +int Signal_getSignalCount() { + return SIGNAL_COUNT; +} + +Signal** Signal_getSignalTable() { + Signal** signals = malloc(sizeof(Signal*) * SIGNAL_COUNT); + signals[0] = Signal_new("Cancel", 0); + signals[1] = Signal_new("SIGHUP", 1); + signals[2] = Signal_new("SIGINT", 2); + signals[3] = Signal_new("SIGQUIT", 3); + signals[4] = Signal_new("SIGILL", 4); + signals[5] = Signal_new("SIGTRAP", 5); + signals[6] = Signal_new("SIGABRT", 6); + signals[7] = Signal_new("SIGIOT", 6); + signals[8] = Signal_new("SIGBUS", 7); + signals[9] = Signal_new("SIGFPE", 8); + signals[10] = Signal_new("SIGKILL", 9); + signals[11] = Signal_new("SIGUSR1", 10); + signals[12] = Signal_new("SIGSEGV", 11); + signals[13] = Signal_new("SIGUSR2", 12); + signals[14] = Signal_new("SIGPIPE", 13); + signals[15] = Signal_new("SIGALRM", 14); + signals[16] = Signal_new("SIGTERM", 15); + signals[17] = Signal_new("SIGSTKFLT", 16); + signals[18] = Signal_new("SIGCHLD", 17); + signals[19] = Signal_new("SIGCONT", 18); + signals[20] = Signal_new("SIGSTOP", 19); + signals[21] = Signal_new("SIGTSTP", 20); + signals[22] = Signal_new("SIGTTIN", 21); + signals[23] = Signal_new("SIGTTOU", 22); + signals[24] = Signal_new("SIGURG", 23); + signals[25] = Signal_new("SIGXCPU", 24); + signals[26] = Signal_new("SIGXFSZ", 25); + signals[27] = Signal_new("SIGVTALRM", 26); + signals[28] = Signal_new("SIGPROF", 27); + signals[29] = Signal_new("SIGWINCH", 28); + signals[30] = Signal_new("SIGIO", 29); + signals[31] = Signal_new("SIGPOLL", 29); + signals[32] = Signal_new("SIGPWR", 30); + signals[33] = Signal_new("SIGSYS", 31); + return signals; +} diff --git a/SignalItem.h b/SignalItem.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..071d8d89 --- /dev/null +++ b/SignalItem.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_Signal +#define HEADER_Signal +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "String.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include "RichString.h" +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +#define SIGNAL_COUNT 34 + + +typedef struct Signal_ { + Object super; + char* name; + int number; +} Signal; + +extern char* SIGNAL_CLASS; + + +Signal* Signal_new(char* name, int number); + +void Signal_delete(Object* cast); + +void Signal_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +int Signal_getSignalCount(); + +Signal** Signal_getSignalTable(); + +#endif diff --git a/SignalsListBox.c b/SignalsListBox.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94442be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/SignalsListBox.c @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ + +#include "SignalsListBox.h" +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "SignalItem.h" +#include "RichString.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct SignalsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + int state; + Signal** signals; +} SignalsListBox; + +}*/ + +SignalsListBox* SignalsListBox_new(int x, int y, int w, int h) { + SignalsListBox* this = (SignalsListBox*) malloc(sizeof(SignalsListBox)); + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + ListBox_init(super, x, y, w, h, SIGNAL_CLASS, true); + ((Object*)this)->delete = SignalsListBox_delete; + + this->signals = Signal_getSignalTable(); + super->eventHandler = SignalsListBox_EventHandler; + int sigCount = Signal_getSignalCount(); + for(int i = 0; i < sigCount; i++) + ListBox_set(super, i, (Object*) this->signals[i]); + SignalsListBox_reset(this); + return this; +} + +void SignalsListBox_delete(Object* object) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) object; + SignalsListBox* this = (SignalsListBox*) object; + ListBox_done(super); + free(this->signals); + free(this); +} + +void SignalsListBox_reset(SignalsListBox* this) { + ListBox* super = (ListBox*) this; + + ListBox_setHeader(super, "Send signal:"); + ListBox_setSelected(super, 16); // 16th item is SIGTERM + this->state = 0; +} + +HandlerResult SignalsListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch) { + SignalsListBox* this = (SignalsListBox*) super; + + int size = ListBox_getSize(super); + + if (ch <= 255 && isdigit(ch)) { + int signal = ch-48 + this->state; + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) + if (((Signal*) ListBox_get(super, i))->number == signal) { + ListBox_setSelected(super, i); + break; + } + this->state = signal * 10; + if (this->state > 100) + this->state = 0; + return HANDLED; + } else { + this->state = 0; + } + if (ch == 13) { + return BREAK_LOOP; + } + return IGNORED; +} diff --git a/SignalsListBox.h b/SignalsListBox.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7f0b0ce --- /dev/null +++ b/SignalsListBox.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_SignalsListBox +#define HEADER_SignalsListBox + +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "SignalItem.h" +#include "RichString.h" + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#include + + +typedef struct SignalsListBox_ { + ListBox super; + + int state; + Signal** signals; +} SignalsListBox; + + +SignalsListBox* SignalsListBox_new(int x, int y, int w, int h); + +void SignalsListBox_delete(Object* object); + +void SignalsListBox_reset(SignalsListBox* this); + +HandlerResult SignalsListBox_EventHandler(ListBox* super, int ch); + +#endif diff --git a/String.c b/String.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00cd4f2c --- /dev/null +++ b/String.c @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include "String.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +inline void String_delete(char* s) { + free(s); +} + +inline char* String_copy(char* orig) { + return strdup(orig); +} + +char* String_cat(char* s1, char* s2) { + int l1 = strlen(s1); + int l2 = strlen(s2); + char* out = malloc(l1 + l2 + 1); + strncpy(out, s1, l1); + strncpy(out+l1, s2, l2+1); + return out; +} + +char* String_trim(char* in) { + while (in[0] == ' ' || in[0] == '\t' || in[0] == '\n') { + in++; + } + int len = strlen(in); + while (len > 0 && (in[len-1] == ' ' || in[len-1] == '\t' || in[len-1] == '\n')) { + len--; + } + char* out = malloc(len+1); + strncpy(out, in, len); + out[len] = '\0'; + return out; +} + +char* String_copyUpTo(char* orig, char upTo) { + int len; + + int origLen = strlen(orig); + char* at = strchr(orig, upTo); + if (at != NULL) + len = at - orig; + else + len = origLen; + char* copy = (char*) malloc(len+1); + strncpy(copy, orig, len); + copy[len] = '\0'; + return copy; +} + +char* String_sub(char* orig, int from, int to) { + char* copy; + int len; + + len = strlen(orig); + if (to > len) + to = len; + if (from > len) + to = len; + len = to-from+1; + copy = (char*) malloc(len+1); + strncpy(copy, orig+from, len); + copy[len] = '\0'; + return copy; +} + +void String_println(char* s) { + printf("%s\n", s); +} + +void String_print(char* s) { + printf("%s", s); +} + +void String_printInt(int i) { + printf("%i", i); +} + +void String_printPointer(void* p) { + printf("%p", p); +} + +inline int String_eq(char* s1, char* s2) { + if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) { + if (s1 == NULL && s2 == NULL) + return 1; + else + return 0; + } + return (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0); +} + +inline int String_startsWith(char* s, char* match) { + return (strstr(s, match) == s); +} + +char** String_split(char* s, char sep) { + const int rate = 10; + char** out = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * rate); + int ctr = 0; + int blocks = rate; + char* where; + while ((where = strchr(s, sep)) != NULL) { + int size = where - s; + char* token = (char*) malloc(size + 1); + strncpy(token, s, size); + token[size] = '\0'; + out[ctr] = token; + ctr++; + if (ctr == blocks) { + blocks += rate; + out = (char**) realloc(out, sizeof(char*) * blocks); + } + s += size + 1; + } + if (s[0] != '\0') { + int size = strlen(s); + char* token = (char*) malloc(size + 1); + strncpy(token, s, size + 1); + out[ctr] = token; + ctr++; + } + out = realloc(out, sizeof(char*) * (ctr + 1)); + out[ctr] = NULL; + return out; +} + +void String_freeArray(char** s) { + for (int i = 0; s[i] != NULL; i++) { + free(s[i]); + } + free(s); +} + +int String_startsWith_i(char* s, char* match) { + return (strncasecmp(s, match, strlen(match)) == 0); +} + +int String_contains_i(char* s, char* match) { + int lens = strlen(s); + int lenmatch = strlen(match); + for (int i = 0; i < lens-lenmatch; i++) { + if (strncasecmp(s, match, strlen(match)) == 0) + return 1; + s++; + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/String.h b/String.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f096db12 --- /dev/null +++ b/String.h @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_String +#define HEADER_String +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" + +inline void String_delete(char* s); + +inline char* String_copy(char* orig); + +char* String_cat(char* s1, char* s2); + +char* String_trim(char* in); + +char* String_copyUpTo(char* orig, char upTo); + +char* String_sub(char* orig, int from, int to); + +void String_println(char* s); + +void String_print(char* s); + +void String_printInt(int i); + +void String_printPointer(void* p); + +inline int String_eq(char* s1, char* s2); + +inline int String_startsWith(char* s, char* match); + +char** String_split(char* s, char sep); + +void String_freeArray(char** s); + +int String_startsWith_i(char* s, char* match); + +int String_contains_i(char* s, char* match); + +#endif diff --git a/SwapMeter.c b/SwapMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46897152 --- /dev/null +++ b/SwapMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "SwapMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +typedef struct SwapMeter_ SwapMeter; + +struct SwapMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + +}*/ + +SwapMeter* SwapMeter_new(ProcessList* pl) { + SwapMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(SwapMeter)); + Meter_init((Meter*)this, String_copy("Swap"), String_copy("Swp"), 1); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = SWAP; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = SwapMeter_setValues; + ((Object*)this)->display = SwapMeter_display; + this->pl = pl; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, BAR); + return this; +} + +void SwapMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + SwapMeter* this = (SwapMeter*)cast; + + double totalSwap = (double)this->pl->totalSwap; + long int usedSwap = this->pl->usedSwap; + cast->total = totalSwap; + cast->values[0] = usedSwap; + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 14, "%ld/%ldMB", usedSwap / 1024, this->pl->totalSwap / 1024); +} + +void SwapMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + char buffer[50]; + Meter* meter = (Meter*)cast; + long int swap = (long int) meter->values[0]; + RichString_prune(out); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], ":"); + sprintf(buffer, "%ldM ", (long int) meter->total / 1024); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_VALUE], buffer); + sprintf(buffer, "%ldk", swap); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], "used:"); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_VALUE], buffer); +} diff --git a/SwapMeter.h b/SwapMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39c3fdc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/SwapMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_SwapMeter +#define HEADER_SwapMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +typedef struct SwapMeter_ SwapMeter; + +struct SwapMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + + +SwapMeter* SwapMeter_new(ProcessList* pl); + +void SwapMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void SwapMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/TasksMeter.c b/TasksMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eab21c94 --- /dev/null +++ b/TasksMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "TasksMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct TasksMeter_ TasksMeter; + +struct TasksMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + +}*/ + +TasksMeter* TasksMeter_new(ProcessList* pl) { + TasksMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(TasksMeter)); + Meter_init((Meter*)this, String_copy("Tasks"), String_copy("Tasks: "), 1); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = TASKS_RUNNING; + ((Object*)this)->display = TasksMeter_display; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = TasksMeter_setValues; + this->pl = pl; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, TEXT); + return this; +} + +void TasksMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + TasksMeter* this = (TasksMeter*)cast; + cast->total = this->pl->totalTasks; + cast->values[0] = this->pl->runningTasks; + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 20, "%d/%d", (int) cast->values[0], (int) cast->total); +} + +void TasksMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + Meter* this = (Meter*)cast; + RichString_prune(out); + char buffer[20]; + sprintf(buffer, "%d", (int)this->total); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_VALUE], buffer); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], " total, "); + sprintf(buffer, "%d", (int)this->values[0]); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[TASKS_RUNNING], buffer); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[METER_TEXT], " running"); +} diff --git a/TasksMeter.h b/TasksMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7496e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/TasksMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_TasksMeter +#define HEADER_TasksMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" + + +typedef struct TasksMeter_ TasksMeter; + +struct TasksMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; +}; + + +TasksMeter* TasksMeter_new(ProcessList* pl); + +void TasksMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void TasksMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/TraceScreen.c b/TraceScreen.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96282905 --- /dev/null +++ b/TraceScreen.c @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +/* +htop - TraceScreen.c +(C) 2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "TraceScreen.h" +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "Process.h" +#include "ListItem.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct TraceScreen_ { + Process* process; + ListBox* display; + FunctionBar* bar; + bool tracing; +} TraceScreen; + +}*/ + +/* private property */ +static char* tbFunctions[3] = {"AutoScroll ", "Stop Tracing ", "Done "}; + +/* private property */ +static char* tbKeys[3] = {"F4", "F5", "Esc"}; + +/* private property */ +static int tbEvents[3] = {KEY_F(4), KEY_F(5), 27}; + +TraceScreen* TraceScreen_new(Process* process) { + TraceScreen* this = (TraceScreen*) malloc(sizeof(TraceScreen)); + this->process = process; + this->display = ListBox_new(0, 1, COLS, LINES-2, LISTITEM_CLASS, true); + this->bar = FunctionBar_new(3, tbFunctions, tbKeys, tbEvents); + this->tracing = true; + return this; +} + +void TraceScreen_delete(TraceScreen* this) { + ListBox_delete((Object*)this->display); + FunctionBar_delete((Object*)this->bar); + free(this); +} + +void TraceScreen_draw(TraceScreen* this) { + attrset(CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS]); + mvhline(0, 0, ' ', COLS); + mvprintw(0, 0, "Trace of process %d - %s", this->process->pid, this->process->comm); + attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + FunctionBar_draw(this->bar, NULL); +} + +void TraceScreen_run(TraceScreen* this) { +// if (this->process->pid == getpid()) return; + char buffer[1001]; + int fdpair[2]; + int err = pipe(fdpair); + if (err == -1) return; + int child = fork(); + if (child == -1) return; + if (child == 0) { + dup2(fdpair[1], STDERR_FILENO); + fcntl(fdpair[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); + sprintf(buffer, "%d", this->process->pid); + execlp("strace", "strace", "-p", buffer, NULL); + exit(1); + } + fcntl(fdpair[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); + FILE* strace = fdopen(fdpair[0], "r"); + ListBox* lb = this->display; + int fd_strace = fileno(strace); + TraceScreen_draw(this); + CRT_disableDelay(); + bool contLine = false; + bool follow = false; + bool looping = true; + while (looping) { + fd_set fds; + FD_ZERO(&fds); + FD_SET(fd_strace, &fds); + struct timeval tv; + tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 500; + int ready = select(fd_strace+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); + int nread = 0; + if (ready > 0) + nread = fread(buffer, 1, 1000, strace); + if (nread && this->tracing) { + char* line = buffer; + buffer[nread] = '\0'; + for (int i = 0; i < nread; i++) { + if (buffer[i] == '\n') { + buffer[i] = '\0'; + if (contLine) { + ListItem_append((ListItem*)ListBox_get(lb, + ListBox_getSize(lb)-1), line); + contLine = false; + } else { + ListBox_add(lb, (Object*) ListItem_new(line, 0)); + } + line = buffer+i+1; + } + } + if (line < buffer+nread) { + ListBox_add(lb, (Object*) ListItem_new(line, 0)); + buffer[nread] = '\0'; + contLine = true; + } + if (follow) + ListBox_setSelected(lb, ListBox_getSize(lb)-1); + ListBox_draw(lb, true); + } + int ch = getch(); + if (ch == KEY_MOUSE) { + MEVENT mevent; + int ok = getmouse(&mevent); + if (ok == OK) + if (mevent.y >= lb->y && mevent.y < LINES - 1) { + ListBox_setSelected(lb, mevent.y - lb->y + lb->scrollV); + follow = false; + ch = 0; + } if (mevent.y == LINES - 1) + ch = FunctionBar_synthesizeEvent(this->bar, mevent.x); + } + switch(ch) { + case ERR: + continue; + case KEY_F(5): + this->tracing = !this->tracing; + FunctionBar_setLabel(this->bar, KEY_F(5), this->tracing?"Stop Tracing ":"Resume Tracing "); + TraceScreen_draw(this); + break; + case 'f': + case KEY_F(4): + follow = !follow; + if (follow) + ListBox_setSelected(lb, ListBox_getSize(lb)-1); + break; + case 'q': + case 27: + looping = false; + break; + case KEY_RESIZE: + ListBox_resize(lb, COLS, LINES-2); + TraceScreen_draw(this); + break; + default: + follow = false; + ListBox_onKey(lb, ch); + } + ListBox_draw(lb, true); + } + kill(child, SIGTERM); + fclose(strace); +} diff --git a/TraceScreen.h b/TraceScreen.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e26737c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/TraceScreen.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* +htop - TraceScreen.h +(C) 2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ +#ifndef HEADER_TraceScreen +#define HEADER_TraceScreen + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "FunctionBar.h" + +typedef struct TraceScreen_ { + Process* process; + ListBox* display; + FunctionBar* bar; + bool tracing; +} TraceScreen; + +TraceScreen* TraceScreen_new(Process* process); + +void TraceScreen_delete(TraceScreen* this); + +void TraceScreen_draw(TraceScreen* this); + +void TraceScreen_run(TraceScreen* this); + +#endif + diff --git a/TypedVector.c b/TypedVector.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09cc2b05 --- /dev/null +++ b/TypedVector.c @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "TypedVector.h" +#include "Object.h" +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ + +#ifndef DEFAULT_SIZE +#define DEFAULT_SIZE -1 +#endif + +typedef void(*TypedVector_procedure)(void*); + +typedef struct TypedVector_ { + Object **array; + int arraySize; + int growthRate; + int items; + char* vectorType; + bool owner; +} TypedVector; + +}*/ + +TypedVector* TypedVector_new(char* vectorType_, bool owner, int size) { + TypedVector* this; + + if (size == DEFAULT_SIZE) + size = 10; + this = (TypedVector*) malloc(sizeof(TypedVector)); + this->growthRate = size; + this->array = (Object**) calloc(size, sizeof(Object*)); + this->arraySize = size; + this->items = 0; + this->vectorType = vectorType_; + this->owner = owner; + return this; +} + +void TypedVector_delete(TypedVector* this) { + if (this->owner) { + for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) + if (this->array[i]) + (this->array[i])->delete(this->array[i]); + } + free(this->array); + free(this); +} + +/* private */ +bool TypedVector_isConsistent(TypedVector* this) { + if (this->owner) { + for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) + if (this->array[i] && this->array[i]->class != this->vectorType) + return false; + return true; + } else { + return true; + } +} + +void TypedVector_prune(TypedVector* this) { + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < this->items; i++) + if (this->array[i]) { + if (this->owner) + (this->array[i])->delete(this->array[i]); + this->array[i] = NULL; + } + this->items = 0; +} + +void TypedVector_sort(TypedVector* this) { + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + int i, j; + for (i = 1; i < this->items; i++) { + void* t = this->array[i]; + for (j = i-1; j >= 0 && this->array[j]->compare(this->array[j], t) < 0; j--) + this->array[j+1] = this->array[j]; + this->array[j+1] = t; + } + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + + /* + for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) { + for (int j = i+1; j < this->items; j++) { + if (this->array[j]->compare(this->array[j], t) < 0) { + void* tmp = this->array[i]; + this->array[i] = this->array[j]; + this->array[j] = tmp; + } + } + } + */ +} + +/* private */ +void TypedVector_checkArraySize(TypedVector* this) { + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + if (this->items >= this->arraySize) { + int i; + i = this->arraySize; + this->arraySize = this->items + this->growthRate; + this->array = (Object**) realloc(this->array, sizeof(Object*) * this->arraySize); + for (; i < this->arraySize; i++) + this->array[i] = NULL; + } + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); +} + +void TypedVector_insert(TypedVector* this, int index, void* data_) { + assert(index >= 0); + assert(((Object*)data_)->class == this->vectorType); + Object* data = data_; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + + TypedVector_checkArraySize(this); + assert(this->array[this->items] == NULL); + for (int i = this->items; i >= index; i--) { + this->array[i+1] = this->array[i]; + } + this->array[index] = data; + this->items++; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); +} + +Object* TypedVector_take(TypedVector* this, int index) { + assert(index >= 0 && index < this->items); + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + Object* removed = this->array[index]; + assert (removed != NULL); + this->items--; + for (int i = index; i < this->items; i++) + this->array[i] = this->array[i+1]; + this->array[this->items] = NULL; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + return removed; +} + +Object* TypedVector_remove(TypedVector* this, int index) { + Object* removed = TypedVector_take(this, index); + if (this->owner) { + removed->delete(removed); + return NULL; + } else + return removed; +} + +void TypedVector_moveUp(TypedVector* this, int index) { + assert(index >= 0 && index < this->items); + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + if (index == 0) + return; + Object* temp = this->array[index]; + this->array[index] = this->array[index - 1]; + this->array[index - 1] = temp; +} + +void TypedVector_moveDown(TypedVector* this, int index) { + assert(index >= 0 && index < this->items); + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + if (index == this->items - 1) + return; + Object* temp = this->array[index]; + this->array[index] = this->array[index + 1]; + this->array[index + 1] = temp; +} + +void TypedVector_set(TypedVector* this, int index, void* data_) { + assert(index >= 0); + assert(((Object*)data_)->class == this->vectorType); + Object* data = data_; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + + TypedVector_checkArraySize(this); + if (index >= this->items) { + this->items = index+1; + } else { + if (this->owner) { + Object* removed = this->array[index]; + assert (removed != NULL); + if (this->owner) { + removed->delete(removed); + } + } + } + this->array[index] = data; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); +} + +inline Object* TypedVector_get(TypedVector* this, int index) { + assert(index < this->items); + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + return this->array[index]; +} + +inline int TypedVector_size(TypedVector* this) { + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + return this->items; +} + +void TypedVector_merge(TypedVector* this, TypedVector* v2) { + int i; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + + for (i = 0; i < v2->items; i++) + TypedVector_add(this, v2->array[i]); + v2->items = 0; + TypedVector_delete(v2); + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); +} + +void TypedVector_add(TypedVector* this, void* data_) { + assert(data_ && ((Object*)data_)->class == this->vectorType); + Object* data = data_; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + + TypedVector_set(this, this->items, data); + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); +} + +inline int TypedVector_indexOf(TypedVector* this, void* search_) { + assert(((Object*)search_)->class == this->vectorType); + Object* search = search_; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < this->items; i++) { + Object* o = (Object*)this->array[i]; + if (o && o->compare(o, search) == 0) + return i; + } + return -1; +} + +void TypedVector_foreach(TypedVector* this, TypedVector_procedure f) { + int i; + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); + + for (i = 0; i < this->items; i++) + f(this->array[i]); + assert(TypedVector_isConsistent(this)); +} diff --git a/TypedVector.h b/TypedVector.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9e0dfad --- /dev/null +++ b/TypedVector.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_TypedVector +#define HEADER_TypedVector +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Object.h" +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + + +#ifndef DEFAULT_SIZE +#define DEFAULT_SIZE -1 +#endif + +typedef void(*TypedVector_procedure)(void*); + +typedef struct TypedVector_ { + Object **array; + int arraySize; + int growthRate; + int items; + char* vectorType; + bool owner; +} TypedVector; + + +TypedVector* TypedVector_new(char* vectorType_, bool owner, int size); + +void TypedVector_delete(TypedVector* this); + +void TypedVector_prune(TypedVector* this); + +void TypedVector_sort(TypedVector* this); + +void TypedVector_insert(TypedVector* this, int index, void* data_); + +Object* TypedVector_take(TypedVector* this, int index); + +Object* TypedVector_remove(TypedVector* this, int index); + +void TypedVector_moveUp(TypedVector* this, int index); + +void TypedVector_moveDown(TypedVector* this, int index); + +void TypedVector_set(TypedVector* this, int index, void* data_); + +inline Object* TypedVector_get(TypedVector* this, int index); + +inline int TypedVector_size(TypedVector* this); + +void TypedVector_merge(TypedVector* this, TypedVector* v2); + +void TypedVector_add(TypedVector* this, void* data_); + +inline int TypedVector_indexOf(TypedVector* this, void* search_); + +void TypedVector_foreach(TypedVector* this, TypedVector_procedure f); + +#endif diff --git a/UptimeMeter.c b/UptimeMeter.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05da4e73 --- /dev/null +++ b/UptimeMeter.c @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "UptimeMeter.h" +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" + +/*{ + +typedef struct UptimeMeter_ UptimeMeter; + +struct UptimeMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + int seconds; + int minutes; + int hours; + int days; +}; + +}*/ + +UptimeMeter* UptimeMeter_new() { + UptimeMeter* this = malloc(sizeof(UptimeMeter)); + Meter_init((Meter*)this, String_copy("Uptime"), String_copy("Uptime: "), 1); + ((Meter*)this)->attributes[0] = UPTIME; + ((Object*)this)->display = UptimeMeter_display; + ((Meter*)this)->setValues = UptimeMeter_setValues; + Meter_setMode((Meter*)this, TEXT); + ((Meter*)this)->total = 100.0; + return this; +} + +void UptimeMeter_setValues(Meter* cast) { + UptimeMeter* this = (UptimeMeter*)cast; + double uptime; + FILE* fd = fopen(PROCDIR "/uptime", "r"); + fscanf(fd, "%lf", &uptime); + fclose(fd); + int totalseconds = (int) ceil(uptime); + this->seconds = totalseconds % 60; + this->minutes = (totalseconds-this->seconds) % 3600 / 60; + this->hours = (totalseconds-this->seconds-(this->minutes*60)) % 86400 / 3600; + this->days = (totalseconds-this->seconds-(this->minutes*60)-(this->hours*3600)) / 86400; + cast->values[0] = this->days; + if (this->days > cast->total) { + cast->total = this->days; + } + snprintf(cast->displayBuffer.c, 14, "%d", this->days); +} + +void UptimeMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { + UptimeMeter* this = (UptimeMeter*)cast; + char buffer[20]; + RichString_prune(out); + if (this->days > 100) { + sprintf(buffer, "%d days, ", this->days); + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER], buffer); + } else if (this->days > 1) { + sprintf(buffer, "%d days, ", this->days); + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[UPTIME], buffer); + } else if (this->days == 1) { + sprintf(buffer, "%d day, ", this->days); + RichString_write(out, CRT_colors[UPTIME], buffer); + } + sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d ", this->hours, this->minutes, this->seconds); + RichString_append(out, CRT_colors[UPTIME], buffer); +} diff --git a/UptimeMeter.h b/UptimeMeter.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0c708f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/UptimeMeter.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_UptimeMeter +#define HEADER_UptimeMeter +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Meter.h" + +#include "ProcessList.h" + +#include "CRT.h" + +#include "debug.h" + + +typedef struct UptimeMeter_ UptimeMeter; + +struct UptimeMeter_ { + Meter super; + ProcessList* pl; + int seconds; + int minutes; + int hours; + int days; +}; + + +UptimeMeter* UptimeMeter_new(); + +void UptimeMeter_setValues(Meter* cast); + +void UptimeMeter_display(Object* cast, RichString* out); + +#endif diff --git a/UsersTable.c b/UsersTable.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3b84e9a --- /dev/null +++ b/UsersTable.c @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* +htop - UsersTable.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "UsersTable.h" +#include "Hashtable.h" +#include "String.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +/*{ +typedef struct UsersTable_ { + Hashtable* users; +} UsersTable; +}*/ + +UsersTable* UsersTable_new() { + UsersTable* this; + this = malloc(sizeof(UsersTable)); + this->users = Hashtable_new(20, true); + return this; +} + +void UsersTable_delete(UsersTable* this) { + Hashtable_delete(this->users); + free(this); +} + +char* UsersTable_getRef(UsersTable* this, int uid) { + char* name = (char*) (Hashtable_get(this->users, uid)); + if (name == NULL) { + struct passwd* userData = getpwuid(uid); + if (userData != NULL) { + name = String_copy(userData->pw_name); + Hashtable_put(this->users, uid, name); + } + } + return name; +} + +inline int UsersTable_size(UsersTable* this) { + return (Hashtable_size(this->users)); +} + +inline void UsersTable_foreach(UsersTable* this, Hashtable_PairFunction f, void* userData) { + Hashtable_foreach(this->users, f, userData); +} diff --git a/UsersTable.h b/UsersTable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd717c2e --- /dev/null +++ b/UsersTable.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_UsersTable +#define HEADER_UsersTable +/* +htop +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "Hashtable.h" +#include "String.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "debug.h" +#include + +#ifndef SYSCONFDIR +#define SYSCONFDIR "/etc" +#endif + +typedef struct UsersTable_ { + Hashtable* users; +} UsersTable; + +UsersTable* UsersTable_new(); + +void UsersTable_delete(UsersTable* this); + +char* UsersTable_getRef(UsersTable* this, int uid); + +inline int UsersTable_size(UsersTable* this); + +void UsersTable_foreach(UsersTable*, Hashtable_PairFunction, void*); + +#endif diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff29037c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +aclocal +autoconf +autoheader +automake diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f984a55c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- Autoconf -*- +# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. + +AC_PREREQ(2.57) +AC_INIT([htop],[UNRELEASED-2006.01.12],[]) +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE +AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([htop.c]) +AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) + +# Checks for programs. +AC_PROG_CC + +# Checks for libraries. +AC_CHECK_LIB([ncurses], [refresh]) +AC_CHECK_LIB([m], [ceil]) + +# Checks for header files. +AC_HEADER_DIRENT +AC_HEADER_STDC +AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdlib.h string.h strings.h sys/param.h sys/time.h unistd.h curses.h]) + +# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. +AC_HEADER_STDBOOL +AC_C_CONST +AC_TYPE_PID_T +AC_TYPE_UID_T + +# Checks for library functions. +AC_FUNC_CLOSEDIR_VOID +AC_FUNC_MALLOC +AC_FUNC_REALLOC +AC_TYPE_SIGNAL +AC_FUNC_STAT +AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memmove strncasecmp strstr strdup]) + +CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -std=c99" +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether gcc -std=c99 option works]) +AC_TRY_COMPILE(AC_INCLUDES_DEFAULT, [char *a; a = strdup("foo"); int i = 0; i++; // C99], + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]), + AC_MSG_ERROR([htop is written in C99. A newer version of gcc is required.])) + +PROCDIR=/proc +AC_ARG_WITH(proc, [ --with-proc=DIR Location of a Linux-compatible proc filesystem (default=/proc).], + + if test -n "$withval"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PROCDIR, "$withval", [Path of proc filesystem]) + fi, + AC_DEFINE(PROCDIR, "/proc", [Path of proc filesystem])) + +AC_CHECK_FILE(/proc/stat,,AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find /proc/stat. Make sure you have a Linux-compatible /proc filesystem mounted. See the file README for help.)) +AC_CHECK_FILE(/proc/meminfo,,AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find /proc/meminfo. Make sure you have a Linux-compatible /proc filesystem mounted. See the file README for help.)) + +AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) +AC_OUTPUT diff --git a/debug.h b/debug.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ef971d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/debug.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + +#ifdef DEBUG + +#include "DebugMemory.h" + +#define calloc(a, b) DebugMemory_calloc(a, b, __FILE__, __LINE__); +#define malloc(x) DebugMemory_malloc(x, __FILE__, __LINE__); +#define realloc(x,s) DebugMemory_realloc(x, s, __FILE__, __LINE__); +#define strdup(x) DebugMemory_strdup(x, __FILE__, __LINE__); +#define free(x) DebugMemory_free(x, __FILE__, __LINE__); + +#define debug_done() DebugMemory_report(); + +#endif + +#ifndef DEBUG + +#define NDEBUG + +#define debug_done() sleep(0) + +#endif diff --git a/htop.1 b/htop.1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ddca7bb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/htop.1 @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +.TH "htop" "1" "0.6" "Bartosz Fenski " "Utils" +.SH "NAME" +htop \- interactive process viewer +.SH "SYNTAX" +.LP +.B htop +.SH "DESCRIPTION" +.LP +This program is a free (GPL) ncurses-based process viewer. +.LP +It is similar to top, but allows to scroll the list vertically and +horizontally to see all processes and their full command lines. +.LP +Tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) can be done without +entering their PIDs. +.SH "INTERACTIVE COMMANDS" +.LP +The following commands are supported: +.LP +.TP 5 +.B Arrows, PgUP, PgDn, Home, End +Scroll process list. +.TP +.B Space +"Tag": mark a process. Commands that can operate on multiple processes, +like "kill", will then apply over the list of tagged processes, instead +of the currently highlighted one. +.TP +.B U +"Untag" all processes (remove all tags added with the Space key). +.TP +.B s +Trace process system calls: if strace(1) is installed, pressing this key +will attach it to the currently selected process, presenting a live +update of system calls issued by the process. +.TP +.B F1, h +Help screen +.TP +.B F2, S +Setup screen. There you can configure meters displayed on the top side +of the screen, as well as set various display options, choose among +color schemes and select the layout of the displayed columns. +.TP +.B F3, / +Incremental process search: type in part of a process command line and +the selection highlight will be moved to it. While in search mode, +pressing this key will cycle through matching occurrences. +.TP +.B F4, I +Invert sort order: if sort order is increasing, switch to decreasing, +and vice-versa. +.TP +.B F5, t +Tree view: organize processes by parenthood, and layout the relations +between them as a tree. Toggling the key will switch between tree and +your previously selected sort view. Selecting a sort view will exit +tree view. +.TP +.B F6, > +Select field for sorting. The sort field is indicated by a +highlight in the header. +.TP +.B F7, ], - +Increase selected process priority (subtract from 'nice' value). +This can be done by the superuser only. +.TP +.B F8, [, + +Decrease selected process priority (add to 'nice' value) +.TP +.B F9, k +"Kill" process: sends a signal which is selected in a menu, to one or a group +of processes. If processes were tagged, sends the signal to all tagged processes. +If none is tagged, sends to the currently selected process. +.TP +.B F10, q +Quit +.TP +.B u +Show only processes owned by a specified user. +.TP +.B M +Sort by memory usage (top compatibility key). +.TP +.B P +Sort by processor usage (top compatibility key). +.TP +.B T +Sort by time (top compatibility key). +.TP +.B F +"Follow" process: if the sort order causes the currently selected process +to move in the list, make the selection bar follow it. This is useful for +monitoring a process: this way, you can keep a process always visible on +screen. When a movement key is used, "follow" loses effect. +.TP +.B K +Hide kernel threads: prevent the threads belonging the kernel to be +displayed in the process list. (This is a toggle key.) +.TP +.B H +Hide user threads: on systems that represent them differently than ordinary +processes (such as recent NPTL-based systems), this can hide threads from +userspace processes in the process list. (This is a toggle key.) +.TP +.B Ctrl-L +Refresh: redraw screen and recalculate values. +.TP +.B Numbers +PID search: type in process ID and the selection highlight will be moved to it. +.PD + +.SH "AUTHORS" +.LP +htop is developed by Hisham Muhammad . +This man page was written by Bartosz Fenski for the +Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but it may be used by others), and +updated by Hisham Muhammad. diff --git a/htop.c b/htop.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06009ac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/htop.c @@ -0,0 +1,663 @@ +/* +htop - htop.c +(C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "UsersTable.h" +#include "SignalItem.h" +#include "RichString.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" +#include "FunctionBar.h" +#include "ListItem.h" +#include "CategoriesListBox.h" +#include "SignalsListBox.h" +#include "TraceScreen.h" + +#include "config.h" +#include "debug.h" + +//#link m + +#define INCSEARCH_MAX 40 + +/* private property */ +char htop_barCharacters[] = "|#*@$%&"; + +void printVersionFlag() { + clear(); + printf("htop " VERSION " - (C) 2004,2005 Hisham Muhammad.\n"); + printf("Released under the GNU GPL.\n\n"); + exit(0); +} + +void printHelpFlag() { + clear(); + printf("htop " VERSION " - (C) 2004,2005 Hisham Muhammad.\n"); + printf("Released under the GNU GPL.\n\n"); + printf("-d DELAY Delay between updates, in tenths of seconds\n\n"); + printf("-u USERNAME Show only processes of a given user\n\n"); + printf("Press F1 inside htop for online help.\n"); + printf("See the man page for full information.\n\n"); + exit(0); +} + +void showHelp() { + clear(); + attrset(CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD]); + mvaddstr(0, 0, "htop " VERSION " - (C) 2004-2006 Hisham Muhammad."); + mvaddstr(1, 0, "Released under the GNU GPL. See 'man' page for more info."); + + attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + mvaddstr(3, 0, "CPU usage bar: "); + #define addattrstr(a,s) attrset(a);addstr(s) + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "["); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_NICE], "low-priority"); addstr("/"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL], "normal"); addstr("/"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL], "kernel"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW], " used%"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "]"); + attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + mvaddstr(4, 0, "Memory bar: "); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "["); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED], "used"); addstr("/"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS], "buffers"); addstr("/"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE], "cache"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW], " used/total"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "]"); + attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + mvaddstr(5, 0, "Swap bar: "); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "["); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[SWAP], "used"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW], " used/total"); + addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "]"); + attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + mvaddstr(6,0, "Type and layout of header meters is configurable in the setup screen."); + + mvaddstr( 8, 0, " Arrows: scroll process list F5 t: tree view"); + mvaddstr( 9, 0, " Digits: incremental PID search u: show processes of a single user"); + mvaddstr(10, 0, " F3 /: incremental name search H: hide/show user threads"); + mvaddstr(11, 0, " K: hide/show kernel threads"); + mvaddstr(12, 0, " Space: tag processes F: cursor follows process"); + mvaddstr(13, 0, " U: untag all processes"); + mvaddstr(14, 0, " F9 k: kill process/tagged processes P: sort by CPU%"); + mvaddstr(15, 0, " + [ F7: lower priority (+ nice) M: sort by MEM%"); + mvaddstr(16, 0, " - ] F8: higher priority (root only) T: sort by TIME"); + mvaddstr(17, 0, " F4 I: invert sort order"); + mvaddstr(18, 0, " F2 S: setup F6 >: select sort column"); + mvaddstr(19, 0, " F1 h: show this help screen"); + mvaddstr(20, 0, " F10 q: quit s: trace syscalls with strace"); + + attrset(CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD]); + mvaddstr( 8, 0, " Arrows"); mvaddstr( 8,40, " F5 t"); + mvaddstr( 9, 0, " Digits"); mvaddstr( 9,40, " u"); + mvaddstr(10, 0, " F3 /"); mvaddstr(10,40, " H"); + mvaddstr(11,40, " K"); + mvaddstr(12, 0, " Space"); mvaddstr(12,40, " F"); + mvaddstr(13, 0, " U"); + mvaddstr(14, 0, " F9 k"); mvaddstr(14,40, " P"); + mvaddstr(15, 0, " + [ F7"); mvaddstr(15,40, " M"); + mvaddstr(16, 0, " - ] F8"); mvaddstr(16,40, " T"); + mvaddstr(17,40, " F4 I"); + mvaddstr(18, 0, " F2 S"); mvaddstr(18,40, " F6 >"); + mvaddstr(19, 0, " F1 h"); + mvaddstr(20, 0, " F10 q"); mvaddstr(20,40, " s"); + attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + + attrset(CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD]); + mvaddstr(23,0, "Press any key to return."); + attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); + refresh(); + CRT_readKey(); + clear(); +} + +static void Setup_run(Settings* settings, int headerHeight) { + ScreenManager* scr = ScreenManager_new(0, headerHeight, 0, -1, HORIZONTAL, true); + CategoriesListBox* lbCategories = CategoriesListBox_new(settings, scr); + ScreenManager_add(scr, (ListBox*) lbCategories, NULL, 16); + CategoriesListBox_makeMetersPage(lbCategories); + ListBox* lbFocus; + int ch; + ScreenManager_run(scr, &lbFocus, &ch); + ScreenManager_delete(scr); +} + +static bool changePriority(ListBox* lb, int delta) { + bool anyTagged = false; + for (int i = 0; i < ListBox_getSize(lb); i++) { + Process* p = (Process*) ListBox_get(lb, i); + if (p->tag) { + Process_setPriority(p, p->nice + delta); + anyTagged = true; + } + } + if (!anyTagged) { + Process* p = (Process*) ListBox_getSelected(lb); + Process_setPriority(p, p->nice + delta); + } + return anyTagged; +} + +static HandlerResult pickWithEnter(ListBox* lb, int ch) { + if (ch == 13) + return BREAK_LOOP; + return IGNORED; +} + +static Object* pickFromList(ListBox* lb, ListBox* list, int x, int y, char** keyLabels, FunctionBar* prevBar) { + char* fuKeys[2] = {"Enter", "Esc"}; + int fuEvents[2] = {13, 27}; + if (!lb->eventHandler) + ListBox_setEventHandler(list, pickWithEnter); + ScreenManager* scr = ScreenManager_new(0, y, 0, -1, HORIZONTAL, false); + ScreenManager_add(scr, list, FunctionBar_new(2, keyLabels, fuKeys, fuEvents), x - 1); + ScreenManager_add(scr, lb, NULL, -1); + ListBox* lbFocus; + int ch; + ScreenManager_run(scr, &lbFocus, &ch); + ScreenManager_delete(scr); + ListBox_move(lb, 0, y); + ListBox_resize(lb, COLS, LINES-y-1); + FunctionBar_draw(prevBar, NULL); + if (lbFocus == list && ch == 13) { + return ListBox_getSelected(list); + } + return NULL; +} + +void addUserToList(int key, void* userCast, void* lbCast) { + char* user = (char*) userCast; + ListBox* lb = (ListBox*) lbCast; + ListBox_add(lb, (Object*) ListItem_new(user, key)); +} + +void setUserOnly(const char* userName, bool* userOnly, uid_t* userId) { + struct passwd* user = getpwnam(userName); + if (user) { + *userOnly = true; + *userId = user->pw_uid; + } +} + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + + int delay = -1; + bool userOnly = false; + uid_t userId = 0; + + if (argc > 0) { + if (String_eq(argv[1], "--help")) { + printHelpFlag(); + } else if (String_eq(argv[1], "--version")) { + printVersionFlag(); + } else if (String_eq(argv[1], "-d")) { + if (argc < 2) printHelpFlag(); + sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &delay); + if (delay < 1) delay = 1; + if (delay > 100) delay = 100; + } else if (String_eq(argv[1], "-u")) { + if (argc < 2) printHelpFlag(); + setUserOnly(argv[2], &userOnly, &userId); + } + } + + ListBox* lb; + int quit = 0; + int refreshTimeout = 0; + int resetRefreshTimeout = 5; + bool doRefresh = true; + Settings* settings; + + ListBox* lbk = NULL; + + char incSearchBuffer[INCSEARCH_MAX]; + int incSearchIndex = 0; + incSearchBuffer[0] = 0; + bool incSearchMode = false; + + ProcessList* pl = NULL; + UsersTable* ut = UsersTable_new(); + + pl = ProcessList_new(ut); + + Header* header = Header_new(pl); + settings = Settings_new(pl, header); + int headerHeight = Header_calculateHeight(header); + + // FIXME: move delay code to settings + if (delay != -1) + settings->delay = delay; + + CRT_init(settings->delay, settings->colorScheme); + + lb = ListBox_new(0, headerHeight, COLS, LINES - headerHeight - 2, PROCESS_CLASS, false); + ListBox_setRichHeader(lb, ProcessList_printHeader(pl)); + + char* searchFunctions[3] = {"Next ", "Exit ", " Search: "}; + char* searchKeys[3] = {"F3", "Esc", " "}; + int searchEvents[3] = {KEY_F(3), 27, ERR}; + FunctionBar* searchBar = FunctionBar_new(3, searchFunctions, searchKeys, searchEvents); + + char* defaultFunctions[10] = {"Help ", "Setup ", "Search", "Invert", "Tree ", + "SortBy", "Nice -", "Nice +", "Kill ", "Quit "}; + FunctionBar* defaultBar = FunctionBar_new(10, defaultFunctions, NULL, NULL); + + ProcessList_scan(pl); + usleep(75000); + + FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); + + int acc = 0; + bool follow = false; + + struct timeval tv; + double newTime = 0.0; + double oldTime = 0.0; + bool recalculate; + + int ch = 0; + int closeTimeout = 0; + + while (!quit) { + gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); + newTime = ((double)tv.tv_sec * 10) + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 100000); + recalculate = (newTime - oldTime > CRT_delay); + if (recalculate) + oldTime = newTime; + if (doRefresh) { + incSearchIndex = 0; + incSearchBuffer[0] = 0; + int currPos = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(lb); + int currPid = 0; + int currScrollV = lb->scrollV; + if (follow) + currPid = ProcessList_get(pl, currPos)->pid; + if (recalculate) + ProcessList_scan(pl); + if (refreshTimeout == 0) { + ProcessList_sort(pl); + refreshTimeout = 1; + } + ListBox_prune(lb); + int size = ProcessList_size(pl); + int lbi = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + Process* p = ProcessList_get(pl, i); + if (!userOnly || (p->st_uid == userId)) { + ListBox_set(lb, lbi, (Object*)p); + if ((!follow && lbi == currPos) || (follow && p->pid == currPid)) { + ListBox_setSelected(lb, lbi); + lb->scrollV = currScrollV; + } + lbi++; + } + } + } + doRefresh = true; + + Header_draw(header); + + ListBox_draw(lb, true); + int prev = ch; + ch = getch(); + + if (ch == ERR) { + if (!incSearchMode) + refreshTimeout--; + if (prev == ch && !recalculate) { + closeTimeout++; + if (closeTimeout == 10) + break; + } else + closeTimeout = 0; + continue; + } + + if (incSearchMode) { + doRefresh = false; + if (ch == KEY_F(3)) { + int here = ListBox_getSelectedIndex(lb); + int size = ProcessList_size(pl); + int i = here+1; + while (i != here) { + if (i == size) + i = 0; + Process* p = ProcessList_get(pl, i); + if (String_contains_i(p->comm, incSearchBuffer)) { + ListBox_setSelected(lb, i); + break; + } + i++; + } + continue; + } else if (isprint((char)ch) && (incSearchIndex < INCSEARCH_MAX)) { + incSearchBuffer[incSearchIndex] = ch; + incSearchIndex++; + incSearchBuffer[incSearchIndex] = 0; + } else if ((ch == KEY_BACKSPACE || ch == 127) && (incSearchIndex > 0)) { + incSearchIndex--; + incSearchBuffer[incSearchIndex] = 0; + } else { + incSearchMode = false; + incSearchIndex = 0; + incSearchBuffer[0] = 0; + FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); + continue; + } + + bool found = false; + for (int i = 0; i < ProcessList_size(pl); i++) { + Process* p = ProcessList_get(pl, i); + if (String_contains_i(p->comm, incSearchBuffer)) { + ListBox_setSelected(lb, i); + found = true; + break; + } + } + if (found) + FunctionBar_draw(searchBar, incSearchBuffer); + else + FunctionBar_drawAttr(searchBar, incSearchBuffer, CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH]); + + continue; + } + if (isdigit((char)ch)) { + int pid = ch-48 + acc; + for (int i = 0; i < ProcessList_size(pl) && ((Process*) ListBox_getSelected(lb))->pid != pid; i++) + ListBox_setSelected(lb, i); + acc = pid * 10; + if (acc > 100000) + acc = 0; + continue; + } else { + acc = 0; + } + + if (ch == KEY_MOUSE) { + MEVENT mevent; + int ok = getmouse(&mevent); + if (ok == OK) { + if (mevent.y >= lb->y + 1 && mevent.y < LINES - 1) { + ListBox_setSelected(lb, mevent.y - lb->y + lb->scrollV - 1); + doRefresh = false; + refreshTimeout = resetRefreshTimeout; + follow = true; + continue; + } if (mevent.y == LINES - 1) { + FunctionBar* bar; + if (incSearchMode) bar = searchBar; + else bar = defaultBar; + ch = FunctionBar_synthesizeEvent(bar, mevent.x); + } + + } + } + + switch (ch) { + case KEY_RESIZE: + ListBox_resize(lb, COLS, LINES-headerHeight-1); + if (incSearchMode) + FunctionBar_draw(searchBar, incSearchBuffer); + else + FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); + break; + case 'M': + { + refreshTimeout = 0; + pl->sortKey = PERCENT_MEM; + pl->treeView = false; + settings->changed = true; + ListBox_setRichHeader(lb, ProcessList_printHeader(pl)); + break; + } + case 'T': + { + refreshTimeout = 0; + pl->sortKey = TIME; + pl->treeView = false; + settings->changed = true; + ListBox_setRichHeader(lb, ProcessList_printHeader(pl)); + break; + } + case 'U': + { + for (int i = 0; i < ListBox_getSize(lb); i++) { + Process* p = (Process*) ListBox_get(lb, i); + p->tag = false; + } + doRefresh = true; + break; + } + case 'P': + { + refreshTimeout = 0; + pl->sortKey = PERCENT_CPU; + pl->treeView = false; + settings->changed = true; + ListBox_setRichHeader(lb, ProcessList_printHeader(pl)); + break; + } + case KEY_F(1): + case 'h': + { + showHelp(); + FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); + refreshTimeout = 0; + break; + } + case '\014': // Ctrl+L + { + clear(); + FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); + refreshTimeout = 0; + break; + } + case ' ': + { + Process* p = (Process*) ListBox_getSelected(lb); + Process_toggleTag(p); + ListBox_onKey(lb, KEY_DOWN); + break; + } + case 's': + { + TraceScreen* ts = TraceScreen_new((Process*) ListBox_getSelected(lb)); + TraceScreen_run(ts); + TraceScreen_delete(ts); + clear(); + FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); + refreshTimeout = 0; + CRT_enableDelay(); + break; + } + case 'S': + case 'C': + case KEY_F(2): + { + Setup_run(settings, headerHeight); + // TODO: shouldn't need this, colors should be dynamic + ListBox_setRichHeader(lb, ProcessList_printHeader(pl)); + headerHeight = Header_calculateHeight(header); + ListBox_move(lb, 0, headerHeight); + ListBox_resize(lb, COLS, LINES-headerHeight-1); + FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); + refreshTimeout = 0; + break; + } + case 'F': + { + follow = true; + continue; + } + case 'u': + { + ListBox* lbu = ListBox_new(0, 0, 0, 0, LISTITEM_CLASS, true); + ListBox_setHeader(lbu, "Show processes of:"); + UsersTable_foreach(ut, addUserToList, lbu); + TypedVector_sort(lbu->items); + ListItem* allUsers = ListItem_new("All users", -1); + ListBox_insert(lbu, 0, (Object*) allUsers); + char* fuFunctions[2] = {"Show ", "Cancel "}; + ListItem* picked = (ListItem*) pickFromList(lb, lbu, 20, headerHeight, fuFunctions, defaultBar); + if (picked) { + if (picked == allUsers) { + userOnly = false; + break; + } else { + setUserOnly(ListItem_getRef(picked), &userOnly, &userId); + } + } + break; + } + case KEY_F(9): + case 'k': + { + if (!lbk) { + lbk = (ListBox*) SignalsListBox_new(0, 0, 0, 0); + } + SignalsListBox_reset((SignalsListBox*) lbk); + char* fuFunctions[2] = {"Send ", "Cancel "}; + Signal* signal = (Signal*) pickFromList(lb, lbk, 15, headerHeight, fuFunctions, defaultBar); + if (signal) { + if (signal->number != 0) { + ListBox_setHeader(lb, "Sending..."); + ListBox_draw(lb, true); + refresh(); + bool anyTagged = false; + for (int i = 0; i < ListBox_getSize(lb); i++) { + Process* p = (Process*) ListBox_get(lb, i); + if (p->tag) { + Process_sendSignal(p, signal->number); + Process_toggleTag(p); + anyTagged = true; + } + } + if (!anyTagged) { + Process* p = (Process*) ListBox_getSelected(lb); + Process_sendSignal(p, signal->number); + } + napms(500); + } + } + ListBox_setRichHeader(lb, ProcessList_printHeader(pl)); + refreshTimeout = 0; + break; + } + case KEY_F(10): + case 'q': + quit = 1; + break; + case '<': + case ',': + case KEY_F(18): + case '>': + case '.': + case KEY_F(6): + { + ListBox* lbf = ListBox_new(0,0,0,0,LISTITEM_CLASS,true); + ListBox_setHeader(lbf, "Sort by"); + char* fuFunctions[2] = {"Sort ", "Cancel "}; + ProcessField* fields = pl->fields; + for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) { + char* name = String_trim(Process_printField(fields[i])); + ListBox_add(lbf, (Object*) ListItem_new(name, fields[i])); + if (fields[i] == pl->sortKey) + ListBox_setSelected(lbf, i); + free(name); + } + ListItem* field = (ListItem*) pickFromList(lb, lbf, 15, headerHeight, fuFunctions, defaultBar); + if (field) { + pl->treeView = false; + settings->changed = true; + pl->sortKey = field->key; + } + ((Object*)lbf)->delete((Object*)lbf); + ListBox_setRichHeader(lb, ProcessList_printHeader(pl)); + refreshTimeout = 0; + break; + } + case 'I': + case KEY_F(4): + { + refreshTimeout = 0; + settings->changed = true; + ProcessList_invertSortOrder(pl); + break; + } + case KEY_F(8): + case '[': + case '=': + case '+': + { + doRefresh = changePriority(lb, 1); + break; + } + case KEY_F(7): + case ']': + case '-': + { + doRefresh = changePriority(lb, -1); + break; + } + case KEY_F(3): + case '/': + FunctionBar_draw(searchBar, incSearchBuffer); + incSearchMode = true; + break; + case 't': + case KEY_F(5): + refreshTimeout = 0; + pl->treeView = !pl->treeView; + settings->changed = true; + break; + case 'H': + refreshTimeout = 0; + pl->hideThreads = !pl->hideThreads; + settings->changed = true; + break; + case 'K': + refreshTimeout = 0; + pl->hideKernelThreads = !pl->hideKernelThreads; + settings->changed = true; + break; + default: + doRefresh = false; + refreshTimeout = resetRefreshTimeout; + ListBox_onKey(lb, ch); + break; + } + follow = false; + } + attron(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); + mvhline(LINES-1, 0, ' ', COLS); + attroff(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); + refresh(); + + CRT_done(); + if (settings->changed) + Settings_write(settings); + Header_delete(header); + ProcessList_delete(pl); + FunctionBar_delete((Object*)searchBar); + FunctionBar_delete((Object*)defaultBar); + ((Object*)lb)->delete((Object*)lb); + if (lbk) + ((Object*)lbk)->delete((Object*)lbk); + UsersTable_delete(ut); + Settings_delete(settings); + debug_done(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/htop.desktop b/htop.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..721b328a --- /dev/null +++ b/htop.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Encoding=UTF-8 +Version=0.6 +Name=Htop +Type=Application +Comment=Show System Processes +Terminal=true +Exec=htop +Path= +Icon=htop +Categories=ConsoleOnly;System; +GenericName=Process Viewer diff --git a/htop.h b/htop.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e069678b --- /dev/null +++ b/htop.h @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically genarated. */ + +#ifndef HEADER_htop +#define HEADER_htop +/* +htop - htop.h +(C) 2004-2006 Hisham H. Muhammad +Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file +in the source distribution for its full text. +*/ + +#include "ProcessList.h" +#include "CRT.h" +#include "ListBox.h" +#include "UsersTable.h" +#include "SignalItem.h" +#include "RichString.h" +#include "Settings.h" +#include "ScreenManager.h" +#include "FunctionBar.h" +#include "ListItem.h" +#include "CategoriesListBox.h" +#include "SignalsListBox.h" + +#include "config.h" +#include "debug.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +int usleep(int usec); + +//#link m + +#define INCSEARCH_MAX 40 + + +void printVersionFlag(); + +void printHelpFlag(); + +void showHelp(); + +void showColumnConfig(ProcessList* pl); + +void Setup_run(Settings* settings, int headerHeight); + +int main(int argc, char** argv); + +#endif diff --git a/htop.png b/htop.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b16ebdd Binary files /dev/null and b/htop.png differ