#!/usr/bin/env lua local VISUALTEST = os.getenv("VISUALTEST") local visual = VISUALTEST or false local visual_delay = VISUALTEST and (tonumber(VISUALTEST)) or 0.1 local signal = require("posix.signal") local unistd = require("posix.unistd") local time = require("posix.time") local curses = require("posix.curses") local rote = require("rote") local rt = rote.RoteTerm(24, 80) os.execute("make coverage") os.execute("rm -f *.gcda */*.gcda") os.execute("rm -f coverage.info test.htoprc") os.execute("rm -rf lcov") rt:forkPty("HTOPRC=./test.htoprc ./htop") local stdscr, term_win -- Curses initalization needed even when not in visual mode -- because luaposix only initializes KEY_* constants after initscr(). stdscr = curses.initscr() if visual then curses.echo(false) curses.start_color() curses.raw(true) curses.halfdelay(1) stdscr:keypad(true) term_win = curses.newwin(24, 80, 0, 0) local function makePair(foreground, background) return background * 8 + 7 - foreground end -- initialize the color pairs the way rt:draw() expects it for foreground = 0, 7 do for background = 0, 7 do if foreground ~= 7 or background ~= 0 then local pair = makePair(foreground, background) curses.init_pair(pair, foreground, background) end end end else curses.endwin() end local function delay(t) time.nanosleep({ tv_sec = math.floor(t), tv_nsec = (t - math.floor(t)) * 1000000000 }) end local function show(key) rt:update() if visual then rt:draw(term_win, 0, 0) if key then term_win:mvaddstr(0, 0, tostring(key)) end term_win:refresh() delay(visual_delay) end end local function send(key, times) for i = 1, times or 1 do delay(0.003) -- 30ms delay to avoid clobbering Esc sequences if type(key) == "string" then for c in key:gmatch('.') do rt:keyPress(string.byte(c)) end else rt:keyPress(key) end show(key) end end local function string_at(x, y, len) rt:update() local out = {} for i = 1, len do out[#out+1] = rt:cellChar(y-1, x+i-2) end return table.concat(out) end local function is_string_at(x, y, str) return string_at(x, y, #str) == str end local function check_string_at(x, y, str) return { str, string_at(x, y, #str) } end local ESC = 27 time.nanosleep({ tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 150000000 }) -- give some time for htop to initialize. local pos_panelhdr = (function() for i = 1, 24 do if is_string_at(3, i, "PID") then return i end end end)() or 1 show() local terminated = false signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, function(_) terminated = true end) local function running_it(desc, fn) it(desc, function() assert(not terminated) show() fn() assert(not terminated) end) end local function check(t) return t[1], t[2] end describe("htop test suite", function() running_it("visits each setup screen", function() send("S") send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 3) send(curses.KEY_F10) end) running_it("changes CPU affinity for a process", function() send("a") send(" \n") send(ESC) end) running_it("adds and removes a clock widget", function() send("S") send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 3) send("\n") send(curses.KEY_UP, 4) send("\n") local time = check_string_at(41, 2, "Time") send(curses.KEY_DC) delay(0.1) local not_time = check_string_at(41, 2, "Time") send(ESC) assert.equal(check(time)) assert.not_equal(check(not_time)) end) running_it("adds a hostname widget", function() send("S") send(curses.KEY_RIGHT, 3) send(curses.KEY_DOWN, 8) send("\n") send("\n") send(ESC) end) it("finally quits", function() assert(not terminated) send("q") while not terminated do unistd.sleep(1) end assert(terminated) if visual then curses.endwin() end os.execute("make lcov && xdg-open lcov/index.html") end) end)