/* htop - Settings.c (C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "Settings.h" #include "String.h" #include "ProcessList.h" #include "Header.h" #include "debug.h" #define DEFAULT_DELAY 15 /*{ typedef struct Settings_ { char* userSettings; ProcessList* pl; Header* header; int colorScheme; bool changed; int delay; } Settings; }*/ void Settings_delete(Settings* this) { free(this->userSettings); free(this); } static void Settings_readMeters(Settings* this, char* line, HeaderSide side) { char* trim = String_trim(line); int nIds; char** ids = String_split(trim, ' ', &nIds); free(trim); for (int i = 0; ids[i]; i++) { Header_createMeter(this->header, ids[i], side); } String_freeArray(ids); } static void Settings_readMeterModes(Settings* this, char* line, HeaderSide side) { char* trim = String_trim(line); int nIds; char** ids = String_split(trim, ' ', &nIds); free(trim); for (int i = 0; ids[i]; i++) { int mode = atoi(ids[i]); Header_setMode(this->header, i, mode, side); } String_freeArray(ids); } static bool Settings_read(Settings* this, char* fileName, int cpuCount) { // TODO: implement File object and make // file I/O object-oriented. FILE* fd; fd = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { return false; } const int maxLine = 2048; char buffer[maxLine]; bool readMeters = false; while (fgets(buffer, maxLine, fd)) { int nOptions; char** option = String_split(buffer, '=', &nOptions); if (nOptions < 2) { String_freeArray(option); continue; } if (String_eq(option[0], "fields")) { char* trim = String_trim(option[1]); int nIds; char** ids = String_split(trim, ' ', &nIds); free(trim); int i, j; for (j = 0, i = 0; i < LAST_PROCESSFIELD && ids[i]; i++) { // This "+1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. int id = atoi(ids[i]) + 1; if (id > 0 && id < LAST_PROCESSFIELD) { this->pl->fields[j] = id; j++; } } this->pl->fields[j] = (ProcessField) NULL; String_freeArray(ids); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "sort_key")) { // This "+1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. this->pl->sortKey = atoi(option[1]) + 1; } else if (String_eq(option[0], "sort_direction")) { this->pl->direction = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "tree_view")) { this->pl->treeView = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_threads")) { this->pl->hideThreads = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_kernel_threads")) { this->pl->hideKernelThreads = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "hide_userland_threads")) { this->pl->hideUserlandThreads = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "shadow_other_users")) { this->pl->shadowOtherUsers = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "show_thread_names")) { this->pl->showThreadNames = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_base_name")) { this->pl->highlightBaseName = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_megabytes")) { this->pl->highlightMegabytes = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "highlight_threads")) { this->pl->highlightThreads = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "header_margin")) { this->header->margin = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "expand_system_time")) { // Compatibility option. this->pl->detailedCPUTime = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "detailed_cpu_time")) { this->pl->detailedCPUTime = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "cpu_count_from_zero")) { this->pl->countCPUsFromZero = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "delay")) { this->delay = atoi(option[1]); } else if (String_eq(option[0], "color_scheme")) { this->colorScheme = atoi(option[1]); if (this->colorScheme < 0) this->colorScheme = 0; if (this->colorScheme > 5) this->colorScheme = 5; } else if (String_eq(option[0], "left_meters")) { Settings_readMeters(this, option[1], LEFT_HEADER); readMeters = true; } else if (String_eq(option[0], "right_meters")) { Settings_readMeters(this, option[1], RIGHT_HEADER); readMeters = true; } else if (String_eq(option[0], "left_meter_modes")) { Settings_readMeterModes(this, option[1], LEFT_HEADER); readMeters = true; } else if (String_eq(option[0], "right_meter_modes")) { Settings_readMeterModes(this, option[1], RIGHT_HEADER); readMeters = true; } String_freeArray(option); } fclose(fd); if (!readMeters) { Header_defaultMeters(this->header, cpuCount); } return true; } bool Settings_write(Settings* this) { // TODO: implement File object and make // file I/O object-oriented. FILE* fd; fd = fopen(this->userSettings, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { return false; } fprintf(fd, "# Beware! This file is rewritten by htop when settings are changed in the interface.\n"); fprintf(fd, "# The parser is also very primitive, and not human-friendly.\n"); fprintf(fd, "fields="); for (int i = 0; this->pl->fields[i]; i++) { // This "-1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. fprintf(fd, "%d ", (int) this->pl->fields[i]-1); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); // This "-1" is for compatibility with the older enum format. fprintf(fd, "sort_key=%d\n", (int) this->pl->sortKey-1); fprintf(fd, "sort_direction=%d\n", (int) this->pl->direction); fprintf(fd, "hide_threads=%d\n", (int) this->pl->hideThreads); fprintf(fd, "hide_kernel_threads=%d\n", (int) this->pl->hideKernelThreads); fprintf(fd, "hide_userland_threads=%d\n", (int) this->pl->hideUserlandThreads); fprintf(fd, "shadow_other_users=%d\n", (int) this->pl->shadowOtherUsers); fprintf(fd, "show_thread_names=%d\n", (int) this->pl->showThreadNames); fprintf(fd, "highlight_base_name=%d\n", (int) this->pl->highlightBaseName); fprintf(fd, "highlight_megabytes=%d\n", (int) this->pl->highlightMegabytes); fprintf(fd, "highlight_threads=%d\n", (int) this->pl->highlightThreads); fprintf(fd, "tree_view=%d\n", (int) this->pl->treeView); fprintf(fd, "header_margin=%d\n", (int) this->header->margin); fprintf(fd, "detailed_cpu_time=%d\n", (int) this->pl->detailedCPUTime); fprintf(fd, "cpu_count_from_zero=%d\n", (int) this->pl->countCPUsFromZero); fprintf(fd, "color_scheme=%d\n", (int) this->colorScheme); fprintf(fd, "delay=%d\n", (int) this->delay); fprintf(fd, "left_meters="); for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, LEFT_HEADER); i++) { char* name = Header_readMeterName(this->header, i, LEFT_HEADER); fprintf(fd, "%s ", name); free(name); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "left_meter_modes="); for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, LEFT_HEADER); i++) fprintf(fd, "%d ", Header_readMeterMode(this->header, i, LEFT_HEADER)); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "right_meters="); for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, RIGHT_HEADER); i++) { char* name = Header_readMeterName(this->header, i, RIGHT_HEADER); fprintf(fd, "%s ", name); free(name); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "right_meter_modes="); for (int i = 0; i < Header_size(this->header, RIGHT_HEADER); i++) fprintf(fd, "%d ", Header_readMeterMode(this->header, i, RIGHT_HEADER)); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fclose(fd); return true; } Settings* Settings_new(ProcessList* pl, Header* header, int cpuCount) { Settings* this = malloc(sizeof(Settings)); this->pl = pl; this->header = header; const char* home; char* rcfile; home = getenv("HOME_ETC"); if (!home) home = getenv("HOME"); if (!home) home = ""; rcfile = getenv("HTOPRC"); if (!rcfile) this->userSettings = String_cat(home, "/.htoprc"); else this->userSettings = String_copy(rcfile); this->colorScheme = 0; this->changed = false; this->delay = DEFAULT_DELAY; bool ok = Settings_read(this, this->userSettings, cpuCount); if (!ok) { this->changed = true; // TODO: how to get SYSCONFDIR correctly through Autoconf? char* systemSettings = String_cat(SYSCONFDIR, "/htoprc"); ok = Settings_read(this, systemSettings, cpuCount); free(systemSettings); if (!ok) { Header_defaultMeters(this->header, cpuCount); pl->hideKernelThreads = true; pl->highlightMegabytes = true; pl->highlightThreads = false; } } return this; }