/* htop - UnsupportedProcess.c (C) 2015 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPLv2, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "Process.h" #include "UnsupportedProcess.h" #include ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = { [0] = { .name = "", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, }, [PID] = { .name = "PID", .title = " PID ", .description = "Process/thread ID", .flags = 0, }, [COMM] = { .name = "Command", .title = "Command ", .description = "Command line", .flags = 0, }, [STATE] = { .name = "STATE", .title = "S ", .description = "Process state (S sleeping, R running, D disk, Z zombie, T traced, W paging)", .flags = 0, }, [PPID] = { .name = "PPID", .title = " PPID ", .description = "Parent process ID", .flags = 0, }, [PGRP] = { .name = "PGRP", .title = " PGRP ", .description = "Process group ID", .flags = 0, }, [SESSION] = { .name = "SESSION", .title = " SID ", .description = "Process's session ID", .flags = 0, }, [TTY_NR] = { .name = "TTY_NR", .title = " TTY ", .description = "Controlling terminal", .flags = 0, }, [TPGID] = { .name = "TPGID", .title = " TPGID ", .description = "Process ID of the fg process group of the controlling terminal", .flags = 0, }, [MINFLT] = { .name = "MINFLT", .title = " MINFLT ", .description = "Number of minor faults which have not required loading a memory page from disk", .flags = 0, }, [MAJFLT] = { .name = "MAJFLT", .title = " MAJFLT ", .description = "Number of major faults which have required loading a memory page from disk", .flags = 0, }, [PRIORITY] = { .name = "PRIORITY", .title = "PRI ", .description = "Kernel's internal priority for the process", .flags = 0, }, [NICE] = { .name = "NICE", .title = " NI ", .description = "Nice value (the higher the value, the more it lets other processes take priority)", .flags = 0, }, [STARTTIME] = { .name = "STARTTIME", .title = "START ", .description = "Time the process was started", .flags = 0, }, [PROCESSOR] = { .name = "PROCESSOR", .title = "CPU ", .description = "Id of the CPU the process last executed on", .flags = 0, }, [M_VIRT] = { .name = "M_VIRT", .title = " VIRT ", .description = "Total program size in virtual memory", .flags = 0, }, [M_RESIDENT] = { .name = "M_RESIDENT", .title = " RES ", .description = "Resident set size, size of the text and data sections, plus stack usage", .flags = 0, }, [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, }, [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, }, [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, }, [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, }, [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, }, [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, }, [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, }, [100] = { .name = "*** report bug! ***", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, }, }; Process* UnsupportedProcess_new(Settings* settings) { Process* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(Process)); Object_setClass(this, Class(Process)); Process_init(this, settings); return this; } void UnsupportedProcess_delete(Object* cast) { Process* this = (Process*) cast; Object_setClass(this, Class(Process)); Process_done((Process*)cast); // free platform-specific fields here free(this); }