# Copyright © 2009-2010 INRIA. All rights reserved. # Copyright © 2009-2010 Université Bordeaux 1 # Copyright © 2009-2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # See COPYING in top-level directory. # Only install the headers if we're in standalone mode (meaning: # *don't* install the headers if we're in embedded mode). if HWLOC_BUILD_STANDALONE include_HEADERS = hwloc.h include_hwlocdir = $(includedir)/hwloc include_hwloc_HEADERS = \ hwloc/bitmap.h \ hwloc/cpuset.h \ hwloc/helper.h \ hwloc/myriexpress.h \ hwloc/openfabrics-verbs.h \ hwloc/cuda.h \ hwloc/cudart.h \ hwloc/rename.h include_hwloc_autogendir = $(includedir)/hwloc/autogen nodist_include_hwloc_autogen_HEADERS = hwloc/autogen/config.h noinst_HEADERS = \ private/private.h \ private/debug.h \ private/misc.h \ private/cpuid.h if HWLOC_HAVE_LINUX include_hwloc_HEADERS += \ hwloc/linux.h \ hwloc/linux-libnuma.h endif HWLOC_HAVE_LINUX if HWLOC_HAVE_SCHED_SETAFFINITY include_hwloc_HEADERS += hwloc/glibc-sched.h endif HWLOC_HAVE_SCHED_SETAFFINITY endif HWLOC_BUILD_STANDALONE