/* htop - Vector.c (C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "Vector.h" #include #include #include #include Vector* Vector_new(ObjectClass* type, bool owner, int size) { Vector* this; if (size == DEFAULT_SIZE) size = 10; this = xMalloc(sizeof(Vector)); this->growthRate = size; this->array = (Object**) xCalloc(size, sizeof(Object*)); this->arraySize = size; this->items = 0; this->type = type; this->owner = owner; return this; } void Vector_delete(Vector* this) { if (this->owner) { for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) if (this->array[i]) Object_delete(this->array[i]); } free(this->array); free(this); } #ifdef DEBUG static inline bool Vector_isConsistent(Vector* this) { assert(this->items <= this->arraySize); if (this->owner) { for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) if (this->array[i] && !Object_isA(this->array[i], this->type)) return false; return true; } else { return true; } } int Vector_count(Vector* this) { int items = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) { if (this->array[i]) items++; } assert(items == this->items); return items; } #endif void Vector_prune(Vector* this) { assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); if (this->owner) { for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) if (this->array[i]) { Object_delete(this->array[i]); //this->array[i] = NULL; } } this->items = 0; } static int comparisons = 0; static int partition(Object** array, int left, int right, int pivotIndex, Object_Compare compare) { void* pivotValue = array[pivotIndex]; swap(array, pivotIndex, right); int storeIndex = left; for (int i = left; i < right; i++) { comparisons++; if (compare(array[i], pivotValue) <= 0) { swap(array, i, storeIndex); storeIndex++; } } swap(array, storeIndex, right); return storeIndex; } static void quickSort(Object** array, int left, int right, Object_Compare compare) { if (left >= right) return; int pivotIndex = (left+right) / 2; int pivotNewIndex = partition(array, left, right, pivotIndex, compare); quickSort(array, left, pivotNewIndex - 1, compare); quickSort(array, pivotNewIndex + 1, right, compare); } // If I were to use only one sorting algorithm for both cases, it would probably be this one: /* static void combSort(Object** array, int left, int right, Object_Compare compare) { int gap = right - left; bool swapped = true; while ((gap > 1) || swapped) { if (gap > 1) { gap = (int)((double)gap / 1.247330950103979); } swapped = false; for (int i = left; gap + i <= right; i++) { comparisons++; if (compare(array[i], array[i+gap]) > 0) { swap(array, i, i+gap); swapped = true; } } } } */ static void insertionSort(Object** array, int left, int right, Object_Compare compare) { for (int i = left+1; i <= right; i++) { void* t = array[i]; int j = i - 1; while (j >= left) { comparisons++; if (compare(array[j], t) <= 0) break; array[j+1] = array[j]; j--; } array[j+1] = t; } } void Vector_quickSort(Vector* this) { assert(this->type->compare); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); quickSort(this->array, 0, this->items - 1, this->type->compare); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); } void Vector_insertionSort(Vector* this) { assert(this->type->compare); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); insertionSort(this->array, 0, this->items - 1, this->type->compare); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); } static void Vector_checkArraySize(Vector* this) { assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); if (this->items >= this->arraySize) { //int i; //i = this->arraySize; this->arraySize = this->items + this->growthRate; this->array = (Object**) xRealloc(this->array, sizeof(Object*) * this->arraySize); //for (; i < this->arraySize; i++) // this->array[i] = NULL; } assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); } void Vector_insert(Vector* this, int idx, void* data_) { Object* data = data_; assert(idx >= 0); assert(Object_isA(data, this->type)); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); if (idx > this->items) { idx = this->items; } Vector_checkArraySize(this); //assert(this->array[this->items] == NULL); for (int i = this->items; i > idx; i--) { this->array[i] = this->array[i-1]; } this->array[idx] = data; this->items++; assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); } Object* Vector_take(Vector* this, int idx) { assert(idx >= 0 && idx < this->items); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); Object* removed = this->array[idx]; //assert (removed != NULL); this->items--; for (int i = idx; i < this->items; i++) this->array[i] = this->array[i+1]; //this->array[this->items] = NULL; assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); return removed; } Object* Vector_remove(Vector* this, int idx) { Object* removed = Vector_take(this, idx); if (this->owner) { Object_delete(removed); return NULL; } else return removed; } void Vector_moveUp(Vector* this, int idx) { assert(idx >= 0 && idx < this->items); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); if (idx == 0) return; Object* temp = this->array[idx]; this->array[idx] = this->array[idx - 1]; this->array[idx - 1] = temp; } void Vector_moveDown(Vector* this, int idx) { assert(idx >= 0 && idx < this->items); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); if (idx == this->items - 1) return; Object* temp = this->array[idx]; this->array[idx] = this->array[idx + 1]; this->array[idx + 1] = temp; } void Vector_set(Vector* this, int idx, void* data_) { Object* data = data_; assert(idx >= 0); assert(Object_isA((Object*)data, this->type)); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); Vector_checkArraySize(this); if (idx >= this->items) { this->items = idx+1; } else { if (this->owner) { Object* removed = this->array[idx]; assert (removed != NULL); if (this->owner) { Object_delete(removed); } } } this->array[idx] = data; assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); } #ifdef DEBUG inline Object* Vector_get(Vector* this, int idx) { assert(idx < this->items); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); return this->array[idx]; } #else #define Vector_get(v_, idx_) ((v_)->array[idx_]) #endif #ifdef DEBUG inline int Vector_size(Vector* this) { assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); return this->items; } #else #define Vector_size(v_) ((v_)->items) #endif /* static void Vector_merge(Vector* this, Vector* v2) { int i; assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); for (i = 0; i < v2->items; i++) Vector_add(this, v2->array[i]); v2->items = 0; Vector_delete(v2); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); } */ void Vector_add(Vector* this, void* data_) { Object* data = data_; assert(Object_isA((Object*)data, this->type)); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); int i = this->items; Vector_set(this, this->items, data); assert(this->items == i+1); (void)(i); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); } inline int Vector_indexOf(Vector* this, void* search_, Object_Compare compare) { Object* search = search_; assert(Object_isA((Object*)search, this->type)); assert(compare); assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); for (int i = 0; i < this->items; i++) { Object* o = (Object*)this->array[i]; assert(o); if (compare(search, o) == 0) return i; } return -1; } void Vector_splice(Vector* this, Vector* from) { assert(Vector_isConsistent(this)); assert(Vector_isConsistent(from)); assert(!(this->owner && from->owner)); int olditmes = this->items; this->items += from->items; Vector_checkArraySize(this); for (int j = 0; j < from->items; j++) this->array[olditmes + j] = from->array[j]; }