/* htop - htop.c (C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "ProcessList.h" #include "CRT.h" #include "Panel.h" #include "UsersTable.h" #include "RichString.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "ScreenManager.h" #include "FunctionBar.h" #include "ListItem.h" #include "String.h" #include "ColumnsPanel.h" #include "CategoriesPanel.h" #include "SignalsPanel.h" #include "TraceScreen.h" #include "OpenFilesScreen.h" #include "AffinityPanel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#link m #define INCSEARCH_MAX 40 #define COPYRIGHT "(C) 2004-2011 Hisham Muhammad" static void printVersionFlag() { fputs("htop " VERSION " - " COPYRIGHT "\n" "Released under the GNU GPL.\n\n", stdout); exit(0); } static void printHelpFlag() { fputs("htop " VERSION " - " COPYRIGHT "\n" "Released under the GNU GPL.\n\n" "-C --no-color Use a monochrome color scheme\n" "-d --delay=DELAY Set the delay between updates, in tenths of seconds\n" "-h --help Print this help screen\n" "-s --sort-key=COLUMN Sort by COLUMN (try --sort-key=help for a list)\n" "-u --user=USERNAME Show only processes of a given user\n" "-v --version Print version info\n" "\n" "Long options may be passed with a single dash.\n\n" "Press F1 inside htop for online help.\n" "See 'man htop' for more information.\n", stdout); exit(0); } static void showHelp(ProcessList* pl) { clear(); attrset(CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD]); for (int i = 0; i < LINES-1; i++) mvhline(i, 0, ' ', COLS); mvaddstr(0, 0, "htop " VERSION " - " COPYRIGHT); mvaddstr(1, 0, "Released under the GNU GPL. See 'man' page for more info."); attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); mvaddstr(3, 0, "CPU usage bar: "); #define addattrstr(a,s) attrset(a);addstr(s) addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "["); if (pl->detailedCPUTime) { addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_NICE], "low"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL], "normal"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL], "kernel"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_IRQ], "irq"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_SOFTIRQ], "soft-irq"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_IOWAIT], "io-wait"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_STEAL], "steal"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_GUEST], "guest"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW], " used%"); } else { addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_NICE], "low-priority"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_NORMAL], "normal"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_KERNEL], "kernel"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[CPU_STEAL], "virtualiz"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW], " used%"); } addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "]"); attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); mvaddstr(4, 0, "Memory bar: "); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "["); addattrstr(CRT_colors[MEMORY_USED], "used"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[MEMORY_BUFFERS], "buffers"); addstr("/"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[MEMORY_CACHE], "cache"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW], " used/total"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "]"); attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); mvaddstr(5, 0, "Swap bar: "); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "["); addattrstr(CRT_colors[SWAP], "used"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_SHADOW], " used/total"); addattrstr(CRT_colors[BAR_BORDER], "]"); attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); mvaddstr(6,0, "Type and layout of header meters are configurable in the setup screen."); if (CRT_colorScheme == COLORSCHEME_MONOCHROME) { mvaddstr(7, 0, "In monochrome, meters are displayed through different chars, in order: |#*@$%&"); } mvaddstr( 8, 0, " Status: R: running; S: sleeping; T: traced/stopped; Z: zombie; D: disk sleep"); mvaddstr( 9, 0, " Arrows: scroll process list F5 t: tree view"); mvaddstr(10, 0, " Digits: incremental PID search u: show processes of a single user"); mvaddstr(11, 0, " F3 /: incremental name search H: hide/show user threads"); mvaddstr(12, 0, " F4 \\: incremental name filtering K: hide/show kernel threads"); mvaddstr(13, 0, " Space: tag processes F: cursor follows process"); mvaddstr(14, 0, " U: untag all processes + -: expand/collapse tree"); mvaddstr(15, 0, " F9 k: kill process/tagged processes P: sort by CPU%"); mvaddstr(16, 0, " ] F7: higher priority (root only) M: sort by MEM%"); mvaddstr(17, 0, " [ F8: lower priority (+ nice) T: sort by TIME"); #if (HAVE_LIBHWLOC || HAVE_NATIVE_AFFINITY) if (pl->cpuCount > 1) mvaddstr(18, 0, " a: set CPU affinity I: invert sort order"); else #endif mvaddstr(18, 0, " I: invert sort order"); mvaddstr(19, 0, " F2 S: setup F6 >: select sort column"); mvaddstr(20, 0, " F1 h: show this help screen l: list open files with lsof"); mvaddstr(21, 0, " F10 q: quit s: trace syscalls with strace"); attrset(CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD]); mvaddstr( 9, 0, " Arrows"); mvaddstr( 9,40, " F5 t"); mvaddstr(10, 0, " Digits"); mvaddstr(10,40, " u"); mvaddstr(11, 0, " F3 /"); mvaddstr(11,40, " H"); mvaddstr(12, 0, " F4 \\"); mvaddstr(12,40, " K"); mvaddstr(13, 0, " Space"); mvaddstr(13,40, " F"); mvaddstr(14, 0, " U"); mvaddstr(14,40, " + -"); mvaddstr(15, 0, " F9 k"); mvaddstr(15,40, " P"); mvaddstr(16, 0, " ] F7"); mvaddstr(16,40, " M"); mvaddstr(17, 0, " [ F8"); mvaddstr(17,40, " T"); mvaddstr(18,40, " I"); #if (HAVE_LIBHWLOC || HAVE_NATIVE_AFFINITY) if (pl->cpuCount > 1) mvaddstr(18, 0, " a:"); #endif mvaddstr(19, 0, " F2 S"); mvaddstr(19,40, " F6 >"); mvaddstr(20, 0, " ? F1 h"); mvaddstr(20,40, " l"); mvaddstr(21, 0, " F10 q"); mvaddstr(21,40, " s"); attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); attrset(CRT_colors[HELP_BOLD]); mvaddstr(23,0, "Press any key to return."); attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); refresh(); CRT_readKey(); clear(); } static const char* CategoriesFunctions[] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "Done ", NULL}; static void Setup_run(Settings* settings, const Header* header) { ScreenManager* scr = ScreenManager_new(0, header->height, 0, -1, HORIZONTAL, header, true); CategoriesPanel* panelCategories = CategoriesPanel_new(settings, scr); ScreenManager_add(scr, (Panel*) panelCategories, FunctionBar_new(CategoriesFunctions, NULL, NULL), 16); CategoriesPanel_makeMetersPage(panelCategories); Panel* panelFocus; int ch; ScreenManager_run(scr, &panelFocus, &ch); ScreenManager_delete(scr); } static bool changePriority(Panel* panel, int delta) { bool ok = true; bool anyTagged = false; for (int i = 0; i < Panel_size(panel); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_get(panel, i); if (p->tag) { ok = Process_setPriority(p, p->nice + delta) && ok; anyTagged = true; } } if (!anyTagged) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (p) ok = Process_setPriority(p, p->nice + delta) && ok; } if (!ok) beep(); return anyTagged; } static Object* pickFromVector(Panel* panel, Panel* list, int x, int y, const char** keyLabels, FunctionBar* prevBar, Header* header) { const char* fuKeys[] = {"Enter", "Esc", NULL}; int fuEvents[] = {13, 27}; if (!list->eventHandler) Panel_setEventHandler(list, Panel_selectByTyping); ScreenManager* scr = ScreenManager_new(0, y, 0, -1, HORIZONTAL, header, false); scr->allowFocusChange = false; ScreenManager_add(scr, list, FunctionBar_new(keyLabels, fuKeys, fuEvents), x - 1); ScreenManager_add(scr, panel, NULL, -1); Panel* panelFocus; int ch; bool unfollow = false; if (header->pl->following == -1) { Process* p = (Process*)Panel_getSelected(panel); header->pl->following = p ? p->pid : -1; unfollow = true; } ScreenManager_run(scr, &panelFocus, &ch); if (unfollow) { header->pl->following = -1; } ScreenManager_delete(scr); Panel_move(panel, 0, y); Panel_resize(panel, COLS, LINES-y-1); FunctionBar_draw(prevBar, NULL); if (panelFocus == list && ch == 13) { return Panel_getSelected(list); } return NULL; } static void addUserToVector(int key, void* userCast, void* panelCast) { char* user = (char*) userCast; Panel* panel = (Panel*) panelCast; Panel_add(panel, (Object*) ListItem_new(user, key)); } static bool setUserOnly(const char* userName, bool* userOnly, uid_t* userId) { struct passwd* user = getpwnam(userName); if (user) { *userOnly = true; *userId = user->pw_uid; return true; } return false; } static inline void setSortKey(ProcessList* pl, ProcessField sortKey, Panel* panel, Settings* settings) { pl->sortKey = sortKey; pl->direction = 1; pl->treeView = false; settings->changed = true; ProcessList_printHeader(pl, Panel_getHeader(panel)); } typedef struct IncBuffer_ { char buffer[INCSEARCH_MAX]; int index; FunctionBar* bar; } IncBuffer; static void IncBuffer_reset(IncBuffer* inc) { inc->index = 0; inc->buffer[0] = 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int delay = -1; bool userOnly = false; uid_t userId = 0; int usecolors = 1; TreeType treeType = TREE_TYPE_AUTO; int opt, opti=0; static struct option long_opts[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"delay", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"sort-key", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"user", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"no-color", no_argument, 0, 'C'}, {"no-colour",no_argument, 0, 'C'}, {0,0,0,0} }; int sortKey = 0; char *lc_ctype = getenv("LC_CTYPE"); if(lc_ctype != NULL) setlocale(LC_CTYPE, lc_ctype); else if ((lc_ctype = getenv("LC_ALL"))) setlocale(LC_CTYPE, lc_ctype); else setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); /* Parse arguments */ while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvCs:d:u:", long_opts, &opti))) { if (opt == EOF) break; switch (opt) { case 'h': printHelpFlag(); break; case 'v': printVersionFlag(); break; case 's': if (strcmp(optarg, "help") == 0) { for (int j = 1; j < LAST_PROCESSFIELD; j++) printf ("%s\n", Process_fieldNames[j]); exit(0); } sortKey = ColumnsPanel_fieldNameToIndex(optarg); if (sortKey == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid column \"%s\".\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'd': if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &delay) == 1) { if (delay < 1) delay = 1; if (delay > 100) delay = 100; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid delay value \"%s\".\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'u': if (!setUserOnly(optarg, &userOnly, &userId)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid user \"%s\".\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'C': usecolors=0; break; default: exit(1); } } if (access(PROCDIR, R_OK) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not read procfs (compiled to look in %s).\n", PROCDIR); exit(1); } int quit = 0; int refreshTimeout = 0; int resetRefreshTimeout = 5; bool doRefresh = true; bool doRecalculate = false; Settings* settings; Panel* killPanel = NULL; ProcessList* pl = NULL; UsersTable* ut = UsersTable_new(); pl = ProcessList_new(ut); Process_getMaxPid(); Header* header = Header_new(pl); settings = Settings_new(pl, header, pl->cpuCount); int headerHeight = Header_calculateHeight(header); // FIXME: move delay code to settings if (delay != -1) settings->delay = delay; if (!usecolors) settings->colorScheme = COLORSCHEME_MONOCHROME; if (treeType == TREE_TYPE_AUTO) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBNCURSESW char *locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL); if (locale != NULL && (strstr(locale, "UTF-8") || strstr(locale, "utf-8") || strstr(locale, "UTF8") || strstr(locale, "utf8"))) treeType = TREE_TYPE_UTF8; else treeType = TREE_TYPE_ASCII; #else treeType = TREE_TYPE_ASCII; #endif } switch (treeType) { default: case TREE_TYPE_ASCII: pl->treeStr = ProcessList_treeStrAscii; break; case TREE_TYPE_UTF8: pl->treeStr = ProcessList_treeStrUtf8; break; } CRT_init(settings->delay, settings->colorScheme); Panel* panel = Panel_new(0, headerHeight, COLS, LINES - headerHeight - 2, PROCESS_CLASS, false, NULL); ProcessList_setPanel(pl, panel); if (sortKey > 0) { pl->sortKey = sortKey; pl->treeView = false; pl->direction = 1; } ProcessList_printHeader(pl, Panel_getHeader(panel)); IncBuffer incSearch, incFilter; bool filtering = false; memset(&incSearch, 0, sizeof(IncBuffer)); const char* searchFunctions[] = {"Next ", "Cancel ", " Search: ", NULL}; const char* searchKeys[] = {"F3", "Esc", " "}; int searchEvents[] = {KEY_F(3), 27, ERR}; incSearch.bar = FunctionBar_new(searchFunctions, searchKeys, searchEvents); memset(&incFilter, 0, sizeof(IncBuffer)); const char* filterFunctions[] = {"Done ", "Clear ", " Filter: ", NULL}; const char* filterKeys[] = {"Enter", "Esc", " "}; int filterEvents[] = {13, 27, ERR}; incFilter.bar = FunctionBar_new(filterFunctions, filterKeys, filterEvents); IncBuffer* incMode = NULL; const char* defaultFunctions[] = {"Help ", "Setup ", "Search", "Filter", "Tree ", "SortBy", "Nice -", "Nice +", "Kill ", "Quit ", NULL}; FunctionBar* defaultBar = FunctionBar_new(defaultFunctions, NULL, NULL); ProcessList_scan(pl); usleep(75000); FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); int acc = 0; bool follow = false; struct timeval tv; double newTime = 0.0; double oldTime = 0.0; bool recalculate; int ch = ERR; int closeTimeout = 0; while (!quit) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); newTime = ((double)tv.tv_sec * 10) + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 100000); recalculate = (newTime - oldTime > CRT_delay); Process* p = (Process*)Panel_getSelected(panel); int following = (follow && p) ? p->pid : -1; if (recalculate) oldTime = newTime; if (doRefresh) { if (recalculate || doRecalculate) { ProcessList_scan(pl); doRecalculate = false; } if (refreshTimeout == 0 || pl->treeView) { ProcessList_sort(pl); refreshTimeout = 1; } ProcessList_rebuildPanel(pl, true, following, userOnly, userId, filtering, incFilter.buffer); } doRefresh = true; Header_draw(header); Panel_draw(panel, true); int prev = ch; if (incMode) move(LINES-1, CRT_cursorX); ch = getch(); if (ch == ERR) { if (!incMode) refreshTimeout--; if (prev == ch && !recalculate) { closeTimeout++; if (closeTimeout == 100) { break; } } else closeTimeout = 0; continue; } if (incMode) { doRefresh = false; int size = Panel_size(panel); if (ch == KEY_F(3)) { if (Panel_size(panel) == 0) continue; int here = Panel_getSelectedIndex(panel); int i = here+1; while (i != here) { if (i == size) i = 0; Process* p = (Process*) Panel_get(panel, i); if (String_contains_i(p->comm, incMode->buffer)) { Panel_setSelected(panel, i); break; } i++; } continue; } else if (isprint((char)ch) && (incMode->index < INCSEARCH_MAX)) { incMode->buffer[incMode->index] = ch; incMode->index++; incMode->buffer[incMode->index] = 0; if (incMode == &incFilter) { doRefresh = true; if (incFilter.index == 1) filtering = true; } } else if ((ch == KEY_BACKSPACE || ch == 127) && (incMode->index > 0)) { incMode->index--; incMode->buffer[incMode->index] = 0; if (incMode == &incFilter) { doRefresh = true; if (incFilter.index == 0) { filtering = false; IncBuffer_reset(incMode); } } } else { if (incMode == &incFilter) { doRefresh = true; if (ch == 27) { filtering = false; IncBuffer_reset(incMode); } } incMode = NULL; FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); continue; } bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_get(panel, i); if (String_contains_i(p->comm, incSearch.buffer)) { Panel_setSelected(panel, i); found = true; break; } } if (found) FunctionBar_draw(incMode->bar, incMode->buffer); else FunctionBar_drawAttr(incMode->bar, incMode->buffer, CRT_colors[FAILED_SEARCH]); continue; } if (isdigit((char)ch)) { if (Panel_size(panel) == 0) continue; pid_t pid = ch-48 + acc; for (int i = 0; i < ProcessList_size(pl) && ((Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel))->pid != pid; i++) Panel_setSelected(panel, i); acc = pid * 10; if (acc > 10000000) acc = 0; continue; } else { acc = 0; } if (ch == KEY_MOUSE) { MEVENT mevent; int ok = getmouse(&mevent); if (ok == OK) { if (mevent.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED) { if (mevent.y == panel->y) { int x = panel->scrollH + mevent.x + 1; ProcessField field = ProcessList_keyAt(pl, x); if (field == pl->sortKey) { ProcessList_invertSortOrder(pl); pl->treeView = false; } else { setSortKey(pl, field, panel, settings); } refreshTimeout = 0; continue; } else if (mevent.y >= panel->y + 1 && mevent.y < LINES - 1) { Panel_setSelected(panel, mevent.y - panel->y + panel->scrollV - 1); doRefresh = false; refreshTimeout = resetRefreshTimeout; follow = true; continue; } if (mevent.y == LINES - 1) { FunctionBar* bar; if (incMode) bar = incMode->bar; else bar = defaultBar; ch = FunctionBar_synthesizeEvent(bar, mevent.x); } } else if (mevent.bstate & BUTTON4_CLICKED) { ch = KEY_UP; #if NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION > 1 } else if (mevent.bstate & BUTTON5_CLICKED) { ch = KEY_DOWN; #endif } } } switch (ch) { case KEY_RESIZE: Panel_resize(panel, COLS, LINES-headerHeight-1); if (incMode) FunctionBar_draw(incMode->bar, incMode->buffer); else FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); break; case 'M': { refreshTimeout = 0; setSortKey(pl, PERCENT_MEM, panel, settings); break; } case 'T': { refreshTimeout = 0; setSortKey(pl, TIME, panel, settings); break; } case 'U': { for (int i = 0; i < Panel_size(panel); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_get(panel, i); p->tag = false; } doRefresh = true; break; } case 'P': { refreshTimeout = 0; setSortKey(pl, PERCENT_CPU, panel, settings); break; } case KEY_F(1): case 'h': case '?': { showHelp(pl); FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); refreshTimeout = 0; break; } case '\014': // Ctrl+L { clear(); FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); refreshTimeout = 0; break; } case ' ': { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (!p) break; Process_toggleTag(p); Panel_onKey(panel, KEY_DOWN); break; } case 's': { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (!p) break; TraceScreen* ts = TraceScreen_new(p); TraceScreen_run(ts); TraceScreen_delete(ts); clear(); FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); refreshTimeout = 0; CRT_enableDelay(); break; } case 'l': { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (!p) break; OpenFilesScreen* ts = OpenFilesScreen_new(p); OpenFilesScreen_run(ts); OpenFilesScreen_delete(ts); clear(); FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); refreshTimeout = 0; CRT_enableDelay(); break; } case 'S': case 'C': case KEY_F(2): { Setup_run(settings, header); // TODO: shouldn't need this, colors should be dynamic ProcessList_printHeader(pl, Panel_getHeader(panel)); headerHeight = Header_calculateHeight(header); Panel_move(panel, 0, headerHeight); Panel_resize(panel, COLS, LINES-headerHeight-1); FunctionBar_draw(defaultBar, NULL); refreshTimeout = 0; break; } case 'F': { follow = true; continue; } case 'u': { Panel* usersPanel = Panel_new(0, 0, 0, 0, LISTITEM_CLASS, true, ListItem_compare); Panel_setHeader(usersPanel, "Show processes of:"); UsersTable_foreach(ut, addUserToVector, usersPanel); Vector_insertionSort(usersPanel->items); ListItem* allUsers = ListItem_new("All users", -1); Panel_insert(usersPanel, 0, (Object*) allUsers); const char* fuFunctions[] = {"Show ", "Cancel ", NULL}; ListItem* picked = (ListItem*) pickFromVector(panel, usersPanel, 20, headerHeight, fuFunctions, defaultBar, header); if (picked) { if (picked == allUsers) { userOnly = false; } else { setUserOnly(ListItem_getRef(picked), &userOnly, &userId); } } Panel_delete((Object*)usersPanel); break; } case '+': case '=': case '-': { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (!p) break; p->showChildren = !p->showChildren; refreshTimeout = 0; doRecalculate = true; break; } case KEY_F(9): case 'k': { if (!killPanel) { killPanel = (Panel*) SignalsPanel_new(0, 0, 0, 0); } bool anyTagged = false; pid_t selectedPid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Panel_size(panel); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_get(panel, i); if (p->tag) { anyTagged = true; break; } } if (!anyTagged) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (p) selectedPid = p->pid; } if (selectedPid == 0) break; SignalsPanel_reset((SignalsPanel*) killPanel); const char* fuFunctions[] = {"Send ", "Cancel ", NULL}; ListItem* sgn = (ListItem*) pickFromVector(panel, killPanel, 15, headerHeight, fuFunctions, defaultBar, header); if (sgn) { if (sgn->key != 0) { Panel_setHeader(panel, "Sending..."); Panel_draw(panel, true); refresh(); if (anyTagged) { for (int i = 0; i < Panel_size(panel); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_get(panel, i); if (p->tag) { Process_sendSignal(p, sgn->key); anyTagged = true; } } } else { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (p->pid == selectedPid) Process_sendSignal(p, sgn->key); } napms(500); } } ProcessList_printHeader(pl, Panel_getHeader(panel)); refreshTimeout = 0; break; } #if (HAVE_LIBHWLOC || HAVE_NATIVE_AFFINITY) case 'a': { if (pl->cpuCount == 1) break; Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (!p) break; Affinity* affinity = Process_getAffinity(p); if (!affinity) break; Panel* affinityPanel = AffinityPanel_new(pl, affinity); Affinity_delete(affinity); const char* fuFunctions[] = {"Set ", "Cancel ", NULL}; void* set = pickFromVector(panel, affinityPanel, 15, headerHeight, fuFunctions, defaultBar, header); if (set) { Affinity* affinity = AffinityPanel_getAffinity(affinityPanel); bool anyTagged = false; bool ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < Panel_size(panel); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_get(panel, i); if (p->tag) { ok = Process_setAffinity(p, affinity) && ok; anyTagged = true; } } if (!anyTagged) { Process* p = (Process*) Panel_getSelected(panel); if (p) ok = Process_setAffinity(p, affinity) && ok; } if (!ok) beep(); Affinity_delete(affinity); } Panel_delete((Object*)affinityPanel); ProcessList_printHeader(pl, Panel_getHeader(panel)); refreshTimeout = 0; break; } #endif case KEY_F(10): case 'q': quit = 1; break; case '<': case ',': case KEY_F(18): case '>': case '.': case KEY_F(6): { Panel* sortPanel = Panel_new(0, 0, 0, 0, LISTITEM_CLASS, true, ListItem_compare); Panel_setHeader(sortPanel, "Sort by"); const char* fuFunctions[] = {"Sort ", "Cancel ", NULL}; ProcessField* fields = pl->fields; for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) { char* name = String_trim(Process_fieldTitles[fields[i]]); Panel_add(sortPanel, (Object*) ListItem_new(name, fields[i])); if (fields[i] == pl->sortKey) Panel_setSelected(sortPanel, i); free(name); } ListItem* field = (ListItem*) pickFromVector(panel, sortPanel, 15, headerHeight, fuFunctions, defaultBar, header); if (field) { settings->changed = true; setSortKey(pl, field->key, panel, settings); } else { ProcessList_printHeader(pl, Panel_getHeader(panel)); } ((Object*)sortPanel)->delete((Object*)sortPanel); refreshTimeout = 0; break; } case 'I': { refreshTimeout = 0; settings->changed = true; ProcessList_invertSortOrder(pl); break; } case KEY_F(8): case '[': { doRefresh = changePriority(panel, 1); break; } case KEY_F(7): case ']': { doRefresh = changePriority(panel, -1); break; } case KEY_F(3): case '/': incMode = &incSearch; IncBuffer_reset(incMode); FunctionBar_draw(incSearch.bar, incSearch.buffer); break; case KEY_F(4): case '\\': incMode = &incFilter; refreshTimeout = 0; doRefresh = true; FunctionBar_draw(incFilter.bar, incFilter.buffer); continue; case 't': case KEY_F(5): refreshTimeout = 0; pl->treeView = !pl->treeView; ProcessList_expandTree(pl); settings->changed = true; break; case 'H': doRecalculate = true; refreshTimeout = 0; pl->hideUserlandThreads = !pl->hideUserlandThreads; pl->hideThreads = pl->hideUserlandThreads; settings->changed = true; break; case 'K': doRecalculate = true; refreshTimeout = 0; pl->hideKernelThreads = !pl->hideKernelThreads; settings->changed = true; break; default: doRefresh = false; refreshTimeout = resetRefreshTimeout; Panel_onKey(panel, ch); break; } follow = false; } attron(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); mvhline(LINES-1, 0, ' ', COLS); attroff(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); refresh(); CRT_done(); if (settings->changed) Settings_write(settings); Header_delete(header); ProcessList_delete(pl); FunctionBar_delete((Object*)incFilter.bar); FunctionBar_delete((Object*)incSearch.bar); FunctionBar_delete((Object*)defaultBar); Panel_delete((Object*)panel); if (killPanel) ((Object*)killPanel)->delete((Object*)killPanel); UsersTable_delete(ut); Settings_delete(settings); return 0; }