#include "EnvScreen.h" #include "config.h" #include "CRT.h" #include "IncSet.h" #include "ListItem.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include #include #include /*{ #include "ProcessList.h" #include "Panel.h" #include "FunctionBar.h" typedef struct EnvScreen_ { Process* process; Panel* display; FunctionBar* bar; } EnvScreen; }*/ static const char* EnvScreenFunctions[] = {"Search ", "Filter ", "Refresh", "Done ", NULL}; static const char* EnvScreenKeys[] = {"F3", "F4", "F5", "Esc"}; static int EnvScreenEvents[] = {KEY_F(3), KEY_F(4), KEY_F(5), 27}; EnvScreen* EnvScreen_new(Process* process) { EnvScreen* this = malloc(sizeof(EnvScreen)); this->process = process; FunctionBar* bar = FunctionBar_new(EnvScreenFunctions, EnvScreenKeys, EnvScreenEvents); this->display = Panel_new(0, 1, COLS, LINES-3, false, Class(ListItem), bar); return this; } void EnvScreen_delete(EnvScreen* this) { Panel_delete((Object*)this->display); free(this); } static void EnvScreen_draw(EnvScreen* this, IncSet* inc) { attrset(CRT_colors[METER_TEXT]); mvhline(0, 0, ' ', COLS); mvprintw(0, 0, "environment of process %d - %s", this->process->pid, this->process->comm); attrset(CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]); Panel_draw(this->display, true); IncSet_drawBar(inc); } static inline void addLine(const char* line, Vector* lines, Panel* panel, const char* incFilter) { Vector_add(lines, (Object*) ListItem_new(line, 0)); if (!incFilter || String_contains_i(line, incFilter)) Panel_add(panel, (Object*)Vector_get(lines, Vector_size(lines)-1)); } static void EnvScreen_scan(EnvScreen* this, Vector* lines, IncSet* inc) { Panel* panel = this->display; int idx = MAX(Panel_getSelectedIndex(panel), 0); uid_t uid = getuid(); Panel_prune(panel); if (uid == 0 || uid == this->process->st_uid) { char *env = Platform_getProcessEnv(this->process->pid); if (env) { for (char *p = env; *p; p = strrchr(p, 0)+1) addLine(p, lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc)); free(env); } else { addLine("Could not read process environment.", lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc)); } } else { addLine("Process belongs to different user.", lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc)); } Vector_insertionSort(lines); Vector_insertionSort(panel->items); Panel_setSelected(panel, idx); } void EnvScreen_run(EnvScreen* this) { Panel* panel = this->display; Panel_setHeader(panel, " "); FunctionBar* bar = panel->defaultBar; IncSet* inc = IncSet_new(bar); Vector* lines = Vector_new(panel->items->type, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); EnvScreen_scan(this, lines, inc); EnvScreen_draw(this, inc); bool looping = true; while (looping) { Panel_draw(panel, true); if (inc->active) move(LINES-1, CRT_cursorX); int ch = getch(); if (ch == KEY_MOUSE) { MEVENT mevent; int ok = getmouse(&mevent); if (ok == OK) if (mevent.y >= panel->y && mevent.y < LINES - 1) { Panel_setSelected(panel, mevent.y - panel->y + panel->scrollV); ch = 0; } if (mevent.y == LINES - 1) ch = IncSet_synthesizeEvent(inc, mevent.x); } if (inc->active) { IncSet_handleKey(inc, ch, panel, IncSet_getListItemValue, lines); continue; } switch(ch) { case ERR: continue; case KEY_F(3): case '/': IncSet_activate(inc, INC_SEARCH, panel); break; case KEY_F(4): case '\\': IncSet_activate(inc, INC_FILTER, panel); break; case KEY_F(5): clear(); EnvScreen_scan(this, lines, inc); EnvScreen_draw(this, inc); break; case '\014': // Ctrl+L clear(); EnvScreen_draw(this, inc); break; case 'q': case 27: case KEY_F(10): looping = false; break; case KEY_RESIZE: Panel_resize(panel, COLS, LINES-2); EnvScreen_draw(this, inc); break; default: Panel_onKey(panel, ch); } } Vector_delete(lines); IncSet_delete(inc); }