/* htop - Process.c (C) 2004-2014 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "Process.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "CRT.h" #include "String.h" #include "RichString.h" #include "Platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // On Linux, this works only with glibc 2.1+. On earlier versions // the behavior is similar to have a hardcoded page size. #ifndef PAGE_SIZE #define PAGE_SIZE ( sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) ) #endif #define PAGE_SIZE_KB ( PAGE_SIZE / ONE_K ) /*{ #include "Object.h" #include #define PROCESS_FLAG_IO 0x0001 #ifndef Process_isKernelThread #define Process_isKernelThread(_process) (_process->pgrp == 0) #endif #ifndef Process_isUserlandThread #define Process_isUserlandThread(_process) (_process->pid != _process->tgid) #endif #ifndef Process_isThread #define Process_isThread(_process) (Process_isUserlandThread(_process) || Process_isKernelThread(_process)) #endif typedef int ProcessField; typedef struct Process_ { Object super; struct Settings_* settings; pid_t pid; char* comm; int indent; int basenameOffset; bool updated; char state; bool tag; bool showChildren; bool show; pid_t ppid; unsigned int pgrp; unsigned int session; unsigned int tty_nr; pid_t tgid; int tpgid; unsigned long int flags; uid_t st_uid; float percent_cpu; float percent_mem; char* user; unsigned long long int utime; unsigned long long int stime; unsigned long long int cutime; unsigned long long int cstime; long int priority; long int nice; long int nlwp; char starttime_show[8]; time_t starttime_ctime; #ifdef HAVE_TASKSTATS unsigned long long io_rchar; unsigned long long io_wchar; unsigned long long io_syscr; unsigned long long io_syscw; unsigned long long io_read_bytes; unsigned long long io_write_bytes; unsigned long long io_cancelled_write_bytes; unsigned long long io_rate_read_time; unsigned long long io_rate_write_time; double io_rate_read_bps; double io_rate_write_bps; #endif int processor; long m_size; long m_resident; long m_share; long m_trs; long m_drs; long m_lrs; long m_dt; #ifdef HAVE_OPENVZ unsigned int ctid; unsigned int vpid; #endif #ifdef HAVE_VSERVER unsigned int vxid; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CGROUP char* cgroup; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OOM unsigned int oom; #endif int exit_signal; unsigned long int minflt; unsigned long int cminflt; unsigned long int majflt; unsigned long int cmajflt; #ifdef DEBUG long int itrealvalue; unsigned long int vsize; long int rss; unsigned long int rlim; unsigned long int startcode; unsigned long int endcode; unsigned long int startstack; unsigned long int kstkesp; unsigned long int kstkeip; unsigned long int signal; unsigned long int blocked; unsigned long int sigignore; unsigned long int sigcatch; unsigned long int wchan; unsigned long int nswap; unsigned long int cnswap; #endif } Process; typedef struct ProcessFieldData_ { const char* name; const char* title; const char* description; int flags; } ProcessFieldData; void Process_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field); long Process_compare(const void* v1, const void* v2); }*/ static int Process_getuid = -1; #define ONE_K 1024L #define ONE_M (ONE_K * ONE_K) #define ONE_G (ONE_M * ONE_K) #define ONE_DECIMAL_K 1000L #define ONE_DECIMAL_M (ONE_DECIMAL_K * ONE_DECIMAL_K) #define ONE_DECIMAL_G (ONE_DECIMAL_M * ONE_DECIMAL_K) static void Process_humanNumber(RichString* str, unsigned long number, bool coloring) { char buffer[11]; int len; int largeNumberColor = CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER]; int processMegabytesColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES]; int processColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; if (!coloring) { largeNumberColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; processMegabytesColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; } if(number >= (10 * ONE_DECIMAL_M)) { #ifdef __LP64__ if(number >= (100 * ONE_DECIMAL_G)) { len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%4ldT ", number / ONE_G); RichString_appendn(str, largeNumberColor, buffer, len); return; } else if (number >= (1000 * ONE_DECIMAL_M)) { len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%4.1lfT ", (double)number / ONE_G); RichString_appendn(str, largeNumberColor, buffer, len); return; } #endif if(number >= (100 * ONE_DECIMAL_M)) { len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%4ldG ", number / ONE_M); RichString_appendn(str, largeNumberColor, buffer, len); return; } len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%4.1lfG ", (double)number / ONE_M); RichString_appendn(str, largeNumberColor, buffer, len); return; } else if (number >= 100000) { len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%4ldM ", number / ONE_K); RichString_appendn(str, processMegabytesColor, buffer, len); return; } else if (number >= 1000) { len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%2ld", number/1000); RichString_appendn(str, processMegabytesColor, buffer, len); number %= 1000; len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%03lu ", number); RichString_appendn(str, processColor, buffer, len); return; } len = snprintf(buffer, 10, "%5lu ", number); RichString_appendn(str, processColor, buffer, len); } static void Process_colorNumber(RichString* str, unsigned long long number, bool coloring) { char buffer[14]; int largeNumberColor = CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER]; int processMegabytesColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES]; int processColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; int processShadowColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW]; if (!coloring) { largeNumberColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; processMegabytesColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; processShadowColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; } if (number > 10000000000) { snprintf(buffer, 13, "%11lld ", number / 1000); RichString_appendn(str, largeNumberColor, buffer, 5); RichString_appendn(str, processMegabytesColor, buffer+5, 3); RichString_appendn(str, processColor, buffer+8, 4); } else { snprintf(buffer, 13, "%11llu ", number); RichString_appendn(str, largeNumberColor, buffer, 2); RichString_appendn(str, processMegabytesColor, buffer+2, 3); RichString_appendn(str, processColor, buffer+5, 3); RichString_appendn(str, processShadowColor, buffer+8, 4); } } static double jiffy = 0.0; static void Process_printTime(RichString* str, unsigned long long t) { if(jiffy == 0.0) jiffy = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); double jiffytime = 1.0 / jiffy; double realTime = t * jiffytime; unsigned long long iRealTime = (unsigned long long) realTime; unsigned long long hours = iRealTime / 3600; int minutes = (iRealTime / 60) % 60; int seconds = iRealTime % 60; int hundredths = (realTime - iRealTime) * 100; char buffer[11]; if (hours >= 100) { snprintf(buffer, 10, "%7lluh ", hours); RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER], buffer); } else { if (hours) { snprintf(buffer, 10, "%2lluh", hours); RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER], buffer); snprintf(buffer, 10, "%02d:%02d ", minutes, seconds); } else { snprintf(buffer, 10, "%2d:%02d.%02d ", minutes, seconds, hundredths); } RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR], buffer); } } static inline void Process_writeCommand(Process* this, int attr, int baseattr, RichString* str) { int start = RichString_size(str); RichString_append(str, attr, this->comm); if (this->settings->highlightBaseName) { int finish = RichString_size(str) - 1; if (this->basenameOffset != -1) finish = (start + this->basenameOffset) - 1; int colon = RichString_findChar(str, ':', start); if (colon != -1 && colon < finish) { finish = colon; } else { for (int i = finish - start; i >= 0; i--) { if (this->comm[i] == '/') { start += i+1; break; } } } RichString_setAttrn(str, baseattr, start, finish); } } static inline void Process_outputRate(RichString* str, char* buffer, int n, double rate, int coloring) { int largeNumberColor = CRT_colors[LARGE_NUMBER]; int processMegabytesColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS_MEGABYTES]; int processColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; if (!coloring) { largeNumberColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; processMegabytesColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS]; } if (rate < ONE_K) { int len = snprintf(buffer, n, "%7.2f B/s ", rate); RichString_appendn(str, processColor, buffer, len); } else if (rate < ONE_K * ONE_K) { int len = snprintf(buffer, n, "%7.2f K/s ", rate / ONE_K); RichString_appendn(str, processColor, buffer, len); } else if (rate < ONE_K * ONE_K * ONE_K) { int len = snprintf(buffer, n, "%7.2f M/s ", rate / ONE_K / ONE_K); RichString_appendn(str, processMegabytesColor, buffer, len); } else { int len = snprintf(buffer, n, "%7.2f G/s ", rate / ONE_K / ONE_K / ONE_K); RichString_appendn(str, largeNumberColor, buffer, len); } } void Process_writeDefaultField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field) { char buffer[256]; buffer[255] = '\0'; int attr = CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]; int baseattr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME]; int n = sizeof(buffer) - 1; bool coloring = this->settings->highlightMegabytes; switch (field) { case PID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->pid); break; case PPID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->ppid); break; case PGRP: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->pgrp); break; case SESSION: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->session); break; case TTY_NR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->tty_nr); break; case TGID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->tgid); break; case TPGID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_tpgidFormat, this->tpgid); break; case MINFLT: Process_colorNumber(str, this->minflt, coloring); return; case CMINFLT: Process_colorNumber(str, this->cminflt, coloring); return; case MAJFLT: Process_colorNumber(str, this->majflt, coloring); return; case CMAJFLT: Process_colorNumber(str, this->cmajflt, coloring); return; case PROCESSOR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%3d ", Settings_cpuId(this->settings, this->processor)); break; case NLWP: snprintf(buffer, n, "%4ld ", this->nlwp); break; case COMM: { if (this->settings->highlightThreads && Process_isThread(this)) { attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD]; baseattr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD_BASENAME]; } if (!this->settings->treeView || this->indent == 0) { Process_writeCommand(this, attr, baseattr, str); return; } else { char* buf = buffer; int maxIndent = 0; bool lastItem = (this->indent < 0); int indent = (this->indent < 0 ? -this->indent : this->indent); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) if (indent & (1 << i)) maxIndent = i+1; for (int i = 0; i < maxIndent - 1; i++) { int written; if (indent & (1 << i)) written = snprintf(buf, n, "%s ", CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT]); else written = snprintf(buf, n, " "); buf += written; n -= written; } const char* draw = CRT_treeStr[lastItem ? (this->settings->direction == 1 ? TREE_STR_BEND : TREE_STR_TEND) : TREE_STR_RTEE]; snprintf(buf, n, "%s%s ", draw, this->showChildren ? CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_SHUT] : CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_OPEN] ); RichString_append(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE], buffer); Process_writeCommand(this, attr, baseattr, str); return; } } case STATE: { snprintf(buffer, n, "%c ", this->state); switch(this->state) { case 'R': attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_R_STATE]; break; case 'D': attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_D_STATE]; break; } break; } case PRIORITY: { if(this->priority == -100) snprintf(buffer, n, " RT "); else snprintf(buffer, n, "%3ld ", this->priority); break; } case NICE: { snprintf(buffer, n, "%3ld ", this->nice); attr = this->nice < 0 ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY] : this->nice > 0 ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_LOW_PRIORITY] : attr; break; } case M_DRS: Process_humanNumber(str, this->m_drs * PAGE_SIZE_KB, coloring); return; case M_DT: Process_humanNumber(str, this->m_dt * PAGE_SIZE_KB, coloring); return; case M_LRS: Process_humanNumber(str, this->m_lrs * PAGE_SIZE_KB, coloring); return; case M_TRS: Process_humanNumber(str, this->m_trs * PAGE_SIZE_KB, coloring); return; case M_SIZE: Process_humanNumber(str, this->m_size * PAGE_SIZE_KB, coloring); return; case M_RESIDENT: Process_humanNumber(str, this->m_resident * PAGE_SIZE_KB, coloring); return; case M_SHARE: Process_humanNumber(str, this->m_share * PAGE_SIZE_KB, coloring); return; case ST_UID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%4d ", this->st_uid); break; case USER: { if (Process_getuid != (int) this->st_uid) attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW]; if (this->user) { snprintf(buffer, n, "%-9s ", this->user); } else { snprintf(buffer, n, "%-9d ", this->st_uid); } if (buffer[9] != '\0') { buffer[9] = ' '; buffer[10] = '\0'; } break; } case UTIME: Process_printTime(str, this->utime); return; case STIME: Process_printTime(str, this->stime); return; case CUTIME: Process_printTime(str, this->cutime); return; case CSTIME: Process_printTime(str, this->cstime); return; case TIME: Process_printTime(str, this->utime + this->stime); return; case PERCENT_CPU: { if (this->percent_cpu > 999.9) { snprintf(buffer, n, "%4d ", (unsigned int)this->percent_cpu); } else if (this->percent_cpu > 99.9) { snprintf(buffer, n, "%3d. ", (unsigned int)this->percent_cpu); } else { snprintf(buffer, n, "%4.1f ", this->percent_cpu); } break; } case PERCENT_MEM: { if (this->percent_mem > 99.9) { snprintf(buffer, n, "100. "); } else { snprintf(buffer, n, "%4.1f ", this->percent_mem); } break; } case STARTTIME: snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", this->starttime_show); break; #ifdef HAVE_OPENVZ case CTID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%7u ", this->ctid); break; case VPID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->vpid); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_VSERVER case VXID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->vxid); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_TASKSTATS case RCHAR: Process_colorNumber(str, this->io_rchar, coloring); return; case WCHAR: Process_colorNumber(str, this->io_wchar, coloring); return; case SYSCR: Process_colorNumber(str, this->io_syscr, coloring); return; case SYSCW: Process_colorNumber(str, this->io_syscw, coloring); return; case RBYTES: Process_colorNumber(str, this->io_read_bytes, coloring); return; case WBYTES: Process_colorNumber(str, this->io_write_bytes, coloring); return; case CNCLWB: Process_colorNumber(str, this->io_cancelled_write_bytes, coloring); return; case IO_READ_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, this->io_rate_read_bps, coloring); return; case IO_WRITE_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, this->io_rate_write_bps, coloring); return; case IO_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, this->io_rate_read_bps + this->io_rate_write_bps, coloring); return; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CGROUP case CGROUP: snprintf(buffer, n, "%-10s ", this->cgroup); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OOM case OOM: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->oom); break; #endif default: snprintf(buffer, n, "- "); } RichString_append(str, attr, buffer); } static void Process_display(Object* cast, RichString* out) { Process* this = (Process*) cast; ProcessField* fields = this->settings->fields; RichString_prune(out); for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) Process_writeField(this, out, fields[i]); if (this->settings->shadowOtherUsers && (int)this->st_uid != Process_getuid) RichString_setAttr(out, CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW]); if (this->tag == true) RichString_setAttr(out, CRT_colors[PROCESS_TAG]); assert(out->chlen > 0); } void Process_done(Process* this) { assert (this != NULL); free(this->comm); #ifdef HAVE_CGROUP free(this->cgroup); #endif } ObjectClass Process_class = { .extends = Class(Object), .display = Process_display, .delete = Process_delete, .compare = Process_compare }; void Process_init(Process* this, struct Settings_* settings) { this->pid = 0; this->settings = settings; this->tag = false; this->showChildren = true; this->show = true; this->updated = false; this->utime = 0; this->stime = 0; this->comm = NULL; this->basenameOffset = -1; this->indent = 0; #ifdef HAVE_CGROUP this->cgroup = NULL; #endif if (Process_getuid == -1) Process_getuid = getuid(); } void Process_toggleTag(Process* this) { this->tag = this->tag == true ? false : true; } bool Process_setPriority(Process* this, int priority) { int old_prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, this->pid); int err = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, this->pid, priority); if (err == 0 && old_prio != getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, this->pid)) { this->nice = priority; } return (err == 0); } bool Process_changePriorityBy(Process* this, size_t delta) { return Process_setPriority(this, this->nice + delta); } void Process_sendSignal(Process* this, size_t sgn) { kill(this->pid, (int) sgn); } long Process_pidCompare(const void* v1, const void* v2) { Process* p1 = (Process*)v1; Process* p2 = (Process*)v2; return (p1->pid - p2->pid); } long Process_defaultCompare(const void* v1, const void* v2) { Process *p1, *p2; Settings *settings = ((Process*)v1)->settings; if (settings->direction == 1) { p1 = (Process*)v1; p2 = (Process*)v2; } else { p2 = (Process*)v1; p1 = (Process*)v2; } long long diff; switch (settings->sortKey) { case PID: return (p1->pid - p2->pid); case PPID: return (p1->ppid - p2->ppid); case USER: return strcmp(p1->user ? p1->user : "", p2->user ? p2->user : ""); case PRIORITY: return (p1->priority - p2->priority); case PROCESSOR: return (p1->processor - p2->processor); case SESSION: return (p1->session - p2->session); case STATE: return (p1->state - p2->state); case NICE: return (p1->nice - p2->nice); case M_DRS: return (p2->m_drs - p1->m_drs); case M_DT: return (p2->m_dt - p1->m_dt); case M_LRS: return (p2->m_lrs - p1->m_lrs); case M_TRS: return (p2->m_trs - p1->m_trs); case M_SIZE: return (p2->m_size - p1->m_size); case M_RESIDENT: return (p2->m_resident - p1->m_resident); case M_SHARE: return (p2->m_share - p1->m_share); case PERCENT_CPU: return (p2->percent_cpu > p1->percent_cpu ? 1 : -1); case PERCENT_MEM: return (p2->m_resident - p1->m_resident); case UTIME: diff = p2->utime - p1->utime; goto test_diff; case CUTIME: diff = p2->cutime - p1->cutime; goto test_diff; case STIME: diff = p2->stime - p1->stime; goto test_diff; case CSTIME: diff = p2->cstime - p2->cstime; goto test_diff; case TIME: return ((p2->utime+p2->stime) - (p1->utime+p1->stime)); case COMM: return strcmp(p1->comm, p2->comm); case NLWP: return (p1->nlwp - p2->nlwp); case STARTTIME: { if (p1->starttime_ctime == p2->starttime_ctime) return (p1->pid - p2->pid); else return (p1->starttime_ctime - p2->starttime_ctime); } #ifdef HAVE_OPENVZ case CTID: return (p1->ctid - p2->ctid); case VPID: return (p1->vpid - p2->vpid); #endif #ifdef HAVE_VSERVER case VXID: return (p1->vxid - p2->vxid); #endif #ifdef HAVE_TASKSTATS case RCHAR: diff = p2->io_rchar - p1->io_rchar; goto test_diff; case WCHAR: diff = p2->io_wchar - p1->io_wchar; goto test_diff; case SYSCR: diff = p2->io_syscr - p1->io_syscr; goto test_diff; case SYSCW: diff = p2->io_syscw - p1->io_syscw; goto test_diff; case RBYTES: diff = p2->io_read_bytes - p1->io_read_bytes; goto test_diff; case WBYTES: diff = p2->io_write_bytes - p1->io_write_bytes; goto test_diff; case CNCLWB: diff = p2->io_cancelled_write_bytes - p1->io_cancelled_write_bytes; goto test_diff; case IO_READ_RATE: diff = p2->io_rate_read_bps - p1->io_rate_read_bps; goto test_diff; case IO_WRITE_RATE: diff = p2->io_rate_write_bps - p1->io_rate_write_bps; goto test_diff; case IO_RATE: diff = (p2->io_rate_read_bps + p2->io_rate_write_bps) - (p1->io_rate_read_bps + p1->io_rate_write_bps); goto test_diff; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CGROUP case CGROUP: return strcmp(p1->cgroup ? p1->cgroup : "", p2->cgroup ? p2->cgroup : ""); #endif #ifdef HAVE_OOM case OOM: return (p1->oom - p2->oom); #endif default: return (p1->pid - p2->pid); } test_diff: return (diff > 0) ? 1 : (diff < 0 ? -1 : 0); }