/* htop - ScreenManager.c (C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "ScreenManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include "CRT.h" #include "FunctionBar.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "ProcessList.h" #include "ProvideCurses.h" #include "XUtils.h" ScreenManager* ScreenManager_new(Header* header, const Settings* settings, const State* state, bool owner) { ScreenManager* this; this = xMalloc(sizeof(ScreenManager)); this->x1 = 0; this->y1 = 0; this->x2 = 0; this->y2 = -1; this->panels = Vector_new(Class(Panel), owner, DEFAULT_SIZE); this->panelCount = 0; this->header = header; this->settings = settings; this->state = state; this->allowFocusChange = true; return this; } void ScreenManager_delete(ScreenManager* this) { Vector_delete(this->panels); free(this); } inline int ScreenManager_size(const ScreenManager* this) { return this->panelCount; } void ScreenManager_add(ScreenManager* this, Panel* item, int size) { ScreenManager_insert(this, item, size, Vector_size(this->panels)); } void ScreenManager_insert(ScreenManager* this, Panel* item, int size, int idx) { int lastX = 0; if (idx > 0) { const Panel* last = (const Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, idx - 1); lastX = last->x + last->w + 1; } int height = LINES - this->y1 - (this->header ? this->header->height : 0) + this->y2; if (size <= 0) { size = COLS - this->x1 + this->x2 - lastX; } Panel_resize(item, size, height); Panel_move(item, lastX, this->y1 + (this->header ? this->header->height : 0)); if (idx < this->panelCount) { for (int i = idx + 1; i <= this->panelCount; i++) { Panel* p = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, i); Panel_move(p, p->x + size, p->y); } } Vector_insert(this->panels, idx, item); item->needsRedraw = true; this->panelCount++; } Panel* ScreenManager_remove(ScreenManager* this, int idx) { assert(this->panelCount > idx); int w = ((Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, idx))->w; Panel* panel = (Panel*) Vector_remove(this->panels, idx); this->panelCount--; if (idx < this->panelCount) { for (int i = idx; i < this->panelCount; i++) { Panel* p = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, i); Panel_move(p, p->x - w, p->y); } } return panel; } void ScreenManager_resize(ScreenManager* this) { int y1_header = this->y1 + (this->header ? this->header->height : 0); int panels = this->panelCount; int lastX = 0; for (int i = 0; i < panels - 1; i++) { Panel* panel = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, i); Panel_resize(panel, panel->w, LINES - y1_header + this->y2); Panel_move(panel, lastX, y1_header); lastX = panel->x + panel->w + 1; } Panel* panel = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, panels - 1); Panel_resize(panel, COLS - this->x1 + this->x2 - lastX, LINES - y1_header + this->y2); Panel_move(panel, lastX, y1_header); } static void checkRecalculation(ScreenManager* this, double* oldTime, int* sortTimeout, bool* redraw, bool* rescan, bool* timedOut, bool *force_redraw) { ProcessList* pl = this->header->pl; Platform_gettime_realtime(&pl->realtime, &pl->realtimeMs); double newTime = ((double)pl->realtime.tv_sec * 10) + ((double)pl->realtime.tv_usec / 100000); *timedOut = (newTime - *oldTime > this->settings->delay); *rescan |= *timedOut; if (newTime < *oldTime) { *rescan = true; // clock was adjusted? } if (*rescan) { *oldTime = newTime; int oldUidDigits = Process_uidDigits; // scan processes first - some header values are calculated there ProcessList_scan(pl, this->state->pauseProcessUpdate); // always update header, especially to avoid gaps in graph meters Header_updateData(this->header); if (!this->state->pauseProcessUpdate && (*sortTimeout == 0 || this->settings->ss->treeView)) { ProcessList_sort(pl); *sortTimeout = 1; } // force redraw if the number of UID digits was changed if (Process_uidDigits != oldUidDigits) { *force_redraw = true; } *redraw = true; } if (*redraw) { ProcessList_rebuildPanel(pl); Header_draw(this->header); } *rescan = false; } static inline bool drawTab(int* y, int* x, int l, const char* name, bool cur) { attrset(CRT_colors[cur ? SCREENS_CUR_BORDER : SCREENS_OTH_BORDER]); mvaddch(*y, *x, '['); (*x)++; if (*x >= l) return false; int nameLen = strlen(name); int n = MINIMUM(l - *x, nameLen); attrset(CRT_colors[cur ? SCREENS_CUR_TEXT : SCREENS_OTH_TEXT]); mvaddnstr(*y, *x, name, n); *x += n; if (*x >= l) return false; attrset(CRT_colors[cur ? SCREENS_CUR_BORDER : SCREENS_OTH_BORDER]); mvaddch(*y, *x, ']'); *x += 2; if (*x >= l) return false; return true; } static void ScreenManager_drawScreenTabs(ScreenManager* this) { ScreenSettings** screens = this->settings->screens; int cur = this->settings->ssIndex; int l = COLS; Panel* panel = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, 0); int y = panel->y - 1; int x = 2; if (this->name) { drawTab(&y, &x, l, this->name, true); return; } for (int s = 0; screens[s]; s++) { bool ok = drawTab(&y, &x, l, screens[s]->name, s == cur); if (!ok) { break; } } attrset(CRT_colors[RESET_COLOR]); } static void ScreenManager_drawPanels(ScreenManager* this, int focus, bool force_redraw) { if (this->settings->screenTabs) { ScreenManager_drawScreenTabs(this); } const int nPanels = this->panelCount; for (int i = 0; i < nPanels; i++) { Panel* panel = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, i); Panel_draw(panel, force_redraw, i == focus, panel != (Panel*)this->state->mainPanel || !this->state->hideProcessSelection, State_hideFunctionBar(this->state)); mvvline(panel->y, panel->x + panel->w, ' ', panel->h + (State_hideFunctionBar(this->state) ? 1 : 0)); } } void ScreenManager_run(ScreenManager* this, Panel** lastFocus, int* lastKey, const char* name) { bool quit = false; int focus = 0; Panel* panelFocus = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, focus); double oldTime = 0.0; int ch = ERR; int closeTimeout = 0; bool timedOut = true; bool redraw = true; bool force_redraw = true; bool rescan = false; int sortTimeout = 0; int resetSortTimeout = 5; this->name = name; while (!quit) { if (this->header) { checkRecalculation(this, &oldTime, &sortTimeout, &redraw, &rescan, &timedOut, &force_redraw); } if (redraw || force_redraw) { ScreenManager_drawPanels(this, focus, force_redraw); force_redraw = false; } int prevCh = ch; ch = Panel_getCh(panelFocus); HandlerResult result = IGNORED; #ifdef HAVE_GETMOUSE if (ch == KEY_MOUSE && this->settings->enableMouse) { ch = ERR; MEVENT mevent; int ok = getmouse(&mevent); if (ok == OK) { if (mevent.bstate & BUTTON1_RELEASED) { if (mevent.y == LINES - 1) { ch = FunctionBar_synthesizeEvent(panelFocus->currentBar, mevent.x); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this->panelCount; i++) { Panel* panel = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, i); if (mevent.x >= panel->x && mevent.x <= panel->x + panel->w) { if (mevent.y == panel->y) { ch = EVENT_HEADER_CLICK(mevent.x - panel->x); break; } else if (this->settings->screenTabs && mevent.y == panel->y - 1) { ch = EVENT_SCREEN_TAB_CLICK(mevent.x); break; } else if (mevent.y > panel->y && mevent.y <= panel->y + panel->h) { ch = KEY_MOUSE; if (panel == panelFocus || this->allowFocusChange) { focus = i; panelFocus = panel; const Object* oldSelection = Panel_getSelected(panel); Panel_setSelected(panel, mevent.y - panel->y + panel->scrollV - 1); if (Panel_getSelected(panel) == oldSelection) { ch = KEY_RECLICK; } } break; } } } } #if NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION > 1 } else if (mevent.bstate & BUTTON4_PRESSED) { ch = KEY_WHEELUP; } else if (mevent.bstate & BUTTON5_PRESSED) { ch = KEY_WHEELDOWN; #endif } } } #endif if (ch == ERR) { if (sortTimeout > 0) sortTimeout--; if (prevCh == ch && !timedOut) { closeTimeout++; if (closeTimeout == 100) { break; } } else { closeTimeout = 0; } redraw = false; continue; } switch (ch) { case KEY_ALT('H'): ch = KEY_LEFT; break; case KEY_ALT('J'): ch = KEY_DOWN; break; case KEY_ALT('K'): ch = KEY_UP; break; case KEY_ALT('L'): ch = KEY_RIGHT; break; } redraw = true; if (Panel_eventHandlerFn(panelFocus)) { result = Panel_eventHandler(panelFocus, ch); } if (result & SYNTH_KEY) { ch = result >> 16; } if (result & REFRESH) { sortTimeout = 0; } if (result & REDRAW) { force_redraw = true; } if (result & RESIZE) { ScreenManager_resize(this); force_redraw = true; } if (result & RESCAN) { rescan = true; sortTimeout = 0; } if (result & HANDLED) { continue; } else if (result & BREAK_LOOP) { quit = true; continue; } switch (ch) { case KEY_RESIZE: { ScreenManager_resize(this); continue; } case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_CTRL('B'): if (this->panelCount < 2) { goto defaultHandler; } if (!this->allowFocusChange) { break; } tryLeft: if (focus > 0) { focus--; } panelFocus = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, focus); if (Panel_size(panelFocus) == 0 && focus > 0) { goto tryLeft; } break; case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_CTRL('F'): case 9: if (this->panelCount < 2) { goto defaultHandler; } if (!this->allowFocusChange) { break; } tryRight: if (focus < this->panelCount - 1) { focus++; } panelFocus = (Panel*) Vector_get(this->panels, focus); if (Panel_size(panelFocus) == 0 && focus < this->panelCount - 1) { goto tryRight; } break; case 27: case 'q': case KEY_F(10): quit = true; continue; default: defaultHandler: sortTimeout = resetSortTimeout; Panel_onKey(panelFocus, ch); break; } } if (lastFocus) { *lastFocus = panelFocus; } if (lastKey) { *lastKey = ch; } }