/* htop - ProcessList.c (C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "ProcessList.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "CRT.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include #include /*{ #include "Vector.h" #include "Hashtable.h" #include "UsersTable.h" #include "Panel.h" #include "Process.h" #include "Settings.h" #ifndef MAX_NAME #define MAX_NAME 128 #endif #ifndef MAX_READ #define MAX_READ 2048 #endif typedef struct ProcessList_ { Settings* settings; Vector* processes; Vector* processes2; Hashtable* processTable; UsersTable* usersTable; Panel* panel; int following; uid_t userId; const char* incFilter; Hashtable* pidWhiteList; #ifdef HAVE_LIBHWLOC hwloc_topology_t topology; bool topologyOk; #endif int totalTasks; int runningTasks; int userlandThreads; int kernelThreads; unsigned long long int totalMem; unsigned long long int usedMem; unsigned long long int freeMem; unsigned long long int sharedMem; unsigned long long int buffersMem; unsigned long long int cachedMem; unsigned long long int totalSwap; unsigned long long int usedSwap; unsigned long long int freeSwap; int cpuCount; } ProcessList; ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* ut, Hashtable* pidWhiteList, uid_t userId); void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* pl); void ProcessList_goThroughEntries(ProcessList* pl); }*/ ProcessList* ProcessList_init(ProcessList* this, ObjectClass* klass, UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidWhiteList, uid_t userId) { this->processes = Vector_new(klass, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); this->processTable = Hashtable_new(140, false); this->usersTable = usersTable; this->pidWhiteList = pidWhiteList; this->userId = userId; // tree-view auxiliary buffer this->processes2 = Vector_new(klass, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); // set later by platform-specific code this->cpuCount = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LIBHWLOC this->topologyOk = false; int topoErr = hwloc_topology_init(&this->topology); if (topoErr == 0) { topoErr = hwloc_topology_load(this->topology); } if (topoErr == 0) { this->topologyOk = true; } #endif this->following = -1; return this; } void ProcessList_done(ProcessList* this) { Hashtable_delete(this->processTable); Vector_delete(this->processes); Vector_delete(this->processes2); } void ProcessList_setPanel(ProcessList* this, Panel* panel) { this->panel = panel; } void ProcessList_printHeader(ProcessList* this, RichString* header) { RichString_prune(header); ProcessField* fields = this->settings->fields; for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) { const char* field = Process_fields[fields[i]].title; if (!field) field = "- "; if (!this->settings->treeView && this->settings->sortKey == fields[i]) RichString_append(header, CRT_colors[PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS], field); else RichString_append(header, CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS], field); } } void ProcessList_add(ProcessList* this, Process* p) { assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) == -1); assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) == NULL); Vector_add(this->processes, p); Hashtable_put(this->processTable, p->pid, p); assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) != -1); assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) != NULL); assert(Hashtable_count(this->processTable) == Vector_count(this->processes)); } void ProcessList_remove(ProcessList* this, Process* p) { assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) != -1); assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) != NULL); Process* pp = Hashtable_remove(this->processTable, p->pid); assert(pp == p); (void)pp; unsigned int pid = p->pid; int idx = Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare); assert(idx != -1); if (idx >= 0) Vector_remove(this->processes, idx); assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid) == NULL); (void)pid; assert(Hashtable_count(this->processTable) == Vector_count(this->processes)); } Process* ProcessList_get(ProcessList* this, int idx) { return (Process*) (Vector_get(this->processes, idx)); } int ProcessList_size(ProcessList* this) { return (Vector_size(this->processes)); } static void ProcessList_buildTree(ProcessList* this, pid_t pid, int level, int indent, int direction, bool show) { Vector* children = Vector_new(Class(Process), false, DEFAULT_SIZE); for (int i = Vector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Process* process = (Process*) (Vector_get(this->processes, i)); if (process->tgid == pid || (process->tgid == process->pid && process->ppid == pid)) { process = (Process*) (Vector_take(this->processes, i)); Vector_add(children, process); } } int size = Vector_size(children); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* process = (Process*) (Vector_get(children, i)); if (!show) process->show = false; int s = this->processes2->items; if (direction == 1) Vector_add(this->processes2, process); else Vector_insert(this->processes2, 0, process); assert(this->processes2->items == s+1); (void)s; int nextIndent = indent | (1 << level); ProcessList_buildTree(this, process->pid, level+1, (i < size - 1) ? nextIndent : indent, direction, show ? process->showChildren : false); if (i == size - 1) process->indent = -nextIndent; else process->indent = nextIndent; } Vector_delete(children); } void ProcessList_sort(ProcessList* this) { if (!this->settings->treeView) { Vector_insertionSort(this->processes); } else { // Save settings int direction = this->settings->direction; int sortKey = this->settings->sortKey; // Sort by PID this->settings->sortKey = PID; this->settings->direction = 1; Vector_quickSort(this->processes); // Restore settings this->settings->sortKey = sortKey; this->settings->direction = direction; // Take PID 1 as root and add to the new listing int vsize = Vector_size(this->processes); Process* init = (Process*) (Vector_take(this->processes, 0)); if (!init) return; // This assertion crashes on hardened kernels. // I wonder how well tree view works on those systems. // assert(init->pid == 1); init->indent = 0; Vector_add(this->processes2, init); // Recursively empty list ProcessList_buildTree(this, init->pid, 0, 0, direction, true); // Add leftovers while (Vector_size(this->processes)) { Process* p = (Process*) (Vector_take(this->processes, 0)); p->indent = 0; Vector_add(this->processes2, p); ProcessList_buildTree(this, p->pid, 0, 0, direction, p->showChildren); } assert(Vector_size(this->processes2) == vsize); (void)vsize; assert(Vector_size(this->processes) == 0); // Swap listings around Vector* t = this->processes; this->processes = this->processes2; this->processes2 = t; } } ProcessField ProcessList_keyAt(ProcessList* this, int at) { int x = 0; ProcessField* fields = this->settings->fields; ProcessField field; for (int i = 0; (field = fields[i]); i++) { const char* title = Process_fields[field].title; if (!title) title = "- "; int len = strlen(title); if (at >= x && at <= x + len) { return field; } x += len; } return COMM; } void ProcessList_expandTree(ProcessList* this) { int size = Vector_size(this->processes); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* process = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); process->showChildren = true; } } void ProcessList_rebuildPanel(ProcessList* this) { const char* incFilter = this->incFilter; int currPos = Panel_getSelectedIndex(this->panel); pid_t currPid = this->following != -1 ? this->following : 0; int currScrollV = this->panel->scrollV; Panel_prune(this->panel); int size = ProcessList_size(this); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { bool hidden = false; Process* p = ProcessList_get(this, i); if ( (!p->show) || (this->userId != (uid_t) -1 && (p->st_uid != this->userId)) || (incFilter && !(String_contains_i(p->comm, incFilter))) || (this->pidWhiteList && !Hashtable_get(this->pidWhiteList, p->tgid)) ) hidden = true; if (!hidden) { Panel_set(this->panel, idx, (Object*)p); if ((this->following == -1 && idx == currPos) || (this->following != -1 && p->pid == currPid)) { Panel_setSelected(this->panel, idx); this->panel->scrollV = currScrollV; } idx++; } } } Process* ProcessList_getProcess(ProcessList* this, pid_t pid, bool* preExisting, Process_New constructor) { Process* proc = (Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid); *preExisting = proc; if (proc) { assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, proc, Process_pidCompare) != -1); assert(proc->pid == pid); } else { proc = constructor(this->settings); assert(proc->comm == NULL); proc->pid = pid; } return proc; } void ProcessList_scan(ProcessList* this) { // mark all process as "dirty" for (int i = 0; i < Vector_size(this->processes); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); p->updated = false; } this->totalTasks = 0; this->userlandThreads = 0; this->kernelThreads = 0; this->runningTasks = 0; ProcessList_goThroughEntries(this); for (int i = Vector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); if (p->updated == false) ProcessList_remove(this, p); else p->updated = false; } }