/* htop - ProcessList.c (C) 2004,2005 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPLv2, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "ProcessList.h" #include #include #include #include "CRT.h" #include "Hashtable.h" #include "Macros.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Vector.h" #include "XUtils.h" ProcessList* ProcessList_init(ProcessList* this, const ObjectClass* klass, UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidMatchList, uid_t userId) { this->processes = Vector_new(klass, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); this->processes2 = Vector_new(klass, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); // tree-view auxiliary buffer this->processTable = Hashtable_new(200, false); this->displayTreeSet = Hashtable_new(200, false); this->draftingTreeSet = Hashtable_new(200, false); this->usersTable = usersTable; this->pidMatchList = pidMatchList; this->userId = userId; // set later by platform-specific code this->cpuCount = 0; this->monotonicMs = 0; // always maintain valid realtime timestamps Platform_gettime_realtime(&this->realtime, &this->realtimeMs); #ifdef HAVE_LIBHWLOC this->topologyOk = false; if (hwloc_topology_init(&this->topology) == 0) { this->topologyOk = #if HWLOC_API_VERSION < 0x00020000 /* try to ignore the top-level machine object type */ 0 == hwloc_topology_ignore_type_keep_structure(this->topology, HWLOC_OBJ_MACHINE) && /* ignore caches, which don't add structure */ 0 == hwloc_topology_ignore_type_keep_structure(this->topology, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE) && 0 == hwloc_topology_ignore_type_keep_structure(this->topology, HWLOC_OBJ_CACHE) && 0 == hwloc_topology_set_flags(this->topology, HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_WHOLE_SYSTEM) && #else 0 == hwloc_topology_set_all_types_filter(this->topology, HWLOC_TYPE_FILTER_KEEP_STRUCTURE) && #endif 0 == hwloc_topology_load(this->topology); } #endif this->following = -1; return this; } void ProcessList_done(ProcessList* this) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBHWLOC if (this->topologyOk) { hwloc_topology_destroy(this->topology); } #endif Hashtable_delete(this->draftingTreeSet); Hashtable_delete(this->displayTreeSet); Hashtable_delete(this->processTable); Vector_delete(this->processes2); Vector_delete(this->processes); } void ProcessList_setPanel(ProcessList* this, Panel* panel) { this->panel = panel; } static const char* alignedProcessFieldTitle(ProcessField field) { const char* title = Process_fields[field].title; if (!title) return "- "; if (!Process_fields[field].pidColumn) return title; static char titleBuffer[PROCESS_MAX_PID_DIGITS + /* space */ 1 + /* null-terminator */ + 1]; xSnprintf(titleBuffer, sizeof(titleBuffer), "%*s ", Process_pidDigits, title); return titleBuffer; } void ProcessList_printHeader(const ProcessList* this, RichString* header) { RichString_rewind(header, RichString_size(header)); const Settings* settings = this->settings; const ProcessField* fields = settings->fields; ProcessField key = Settings_getActiveSortKey(settings); for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) { int color; if (settings->treeView && settings->treeViewAlwaysByPID) { color = CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS]; } else if (key == fields[i]) { color = CRT_colors[PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS]; } else { color = CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS]; } RichString_appendWide(header, color, alignedProcessFieldTitle(fields[i])); if (key == fields[i] && RichString_getCharVal(*header, RichString_size(header) - 1) == ' ') { RichString_rewind(header, 1); // rewind to override space RichString_appendnWide(header, CRT_colors[PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS], CRT_treeStr[Settings_getActiveDirection(this->settings) == 1 ? TREE_STR_ASC : TREE_STR_DESC], 1); } if (COMM == fields[i] && settings->showMergedCommand) { RichString_appendAscii(header, color, "(merged)"); } } } void ProcessList_add(ProcessList* this, Process* p) { assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) == -1); assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) == NULL); p->processList = this; // highlighting processes found in first scan by first scan marked "far in the past" p->seenStampMs = this->monotonicMs; Vector_add(this->processes, p); Hashtable_put(this->processTable, p->pid, p); assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) != -1); assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) != NULL); assert(Hashtable_count(this->processTable) == Vector_count(this->processes)); } void ProcessList_remove(ProcessList* this, const Process* p) { assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare) != -1); assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) != NULL); const Process* pp = Hashtable_remove(this->processTable, p->pid); assert(pp == p); (void)pp; pid_t pid = p->pid; int idx = Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidCompare); assert(idx != -1); if (idx >= 0) { Vector_remove(this->processes, idx); } if (this->following != -1 && this->following == pid) { this->following = -1; Panel_setSelectionColor(this->panel, PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS); } assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid) == NULL); assert(Hashtable_count(this->processTable) == Vector_count(this->processes)); } // ProcessList_updateTreeSetLayer sorts this->displayTreeSet, // relying only on itself. // // Algorithm // // The algorithm is based on `depth-first search`, // even though `breadth-first search` approach may be more efficient on first glance, // after comparison it may be not, as it's not safe to go deeper without first updating the tree structure. // If it would be safe that approach would likely bring an advantage in performance. // // Each call of the function looks for a 'layer'. A 'layer' is a list of processes with the same depth. // First it sorts a list. Then it runs the function recursively for each element of the sorted list. // After that it updates the settings of processes. // // It relies on `leftBound` and `rightBound` as an optimization to cut the list size at the time it builds a 'layer'. // // It uses a temporary Hashtable `draftingTreeSet` because it's not safe to traverse a tree // and at the same time make changes in it. // static void ProcessList_updateTreeSetLayer(ProcessList* this, unsigned int leftBound, unsigned int rightBound, unsigned int deep, unsigned int left, unsigned int right, unsigned int* index, unsigned int* treeIndex, int indent) { // It's guaranteed that layer_size is enough space // but most likely it needs less. Specifically on first iteration. int layerSize = (right - left) / 2; // check if we reach `children` of `leaves` if (layerSize == 0) return; Vector* layer = Vector_new(Vector_type(this->processes), false, layerSize); // Find all processes on the same layer (process with the same `deep` value // and included in a range from `leftBound` to `rightBound`). // // This loop also keeps track of left_bound and right_bound of these processes // in order not to lose this information once the list is sorted. // // The variables left_bound and right_bound are different from what the values lhs and rhs represent. // While left_bound and right_bound define a range of processes to look at, the values given by lhs and rhs are indices into an array // // In the below example note how filtering a range of indices i is different from filtering for processes in the bounds left_bound < x < right_bound … // // The nested tree set is sorted by left value, which is guaranteed upon entry/exit of this function. // // i | l | r // 1 | 1 | 9 // 2 | 2 | 8 // 3 | 4 | 5 // 4 | 6 | 7 for (unsigned int i = leftBound; i < rightBound; i++) { Process* proc = (Process*)Hashtable_get(this->displayTreeSet, i); assert(proc); if (proc && proc->tree_depth == deep && proc->tree_left > left && proc->tree_right < right) { if (Vector_size(layer) > 0) { Process* previous_process = (Process*)Vector_get(layer, Vector_size(layer) - 1); // Make a 'right_bound' of previous_process in a layer the current process's index. // // Use 'tree_depth' as a temporal variable. // It's safe to do as later 'tree_depth' will be renovated. previous_process->tree_depth = proc->tree_index; } Vector_add(layer, proc); } } // The loop above changes just up to process-1. // So the last process of the layer isn't updated by the above code. // // Thus, if present, set the `rightBound` to the last process on the layer if (Vector_size(layer) > 0) { Process* previous_process = (Process*)Vector_get(layer, Vector_size(layer) - 1); previous_process->tree_depth = rightBound; } Vector_quickSort(layer); int size = Vector_size(layer); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* proc = (Process*)Vector_get(layer, i); unsigned int idx = (*index)++; int newLeft = (*treeIndex)++; int level = deep == 0 ? 0 : (int)deep - 1; int currentIndent = indent == -1 ? 0 : indent | (1 << level); int nextIndent = indent == -1 ? 0 : ((i < size - 1) ? currentIndent : indent); unsigned int newLeftBound = proc->tree_index; unsigned int newRightBound = proc->tree_depth; ProcessList_updateTreeSetLayer(this, newLeftBound, newRightBound, deep + 1, proc->tree_left, proc->tree_right, index, treeIndex, nextIndent); int newRight = (*treeIndex)++; proc->tree_left = newLeft; proc->tree_right = newRight; proc->tree_index = idx; proc->tree_depth = deep; if (indent == -1) { proc->indent = 0; } else if (i == size - 1) { proc->indent = -currentIndent; } else { proc->indent = currentIndent; } Hashtable_put(this->draftingTreeSet, proc->tree_index, proc); // It's not strictly necessary to do this, but doing so anyways // allows for checking the correctness of the inner workings. Hashtable_remove(this->displayTreeSet, newLeftBound); } Vector_delete(layer); } static void ProcessList_updateTreeSet(ProcessList* this) { unsigned int index = 0; unsigned int tree_index = 1; const int vsize = Vector_size(this->processes); assert(Hashtable_count(this->draftingTreeSet) == 0); assert((int)Hashtable_count(this->displayTreeSet) == vsize); ProcessList_updateTreeSetLayer(this, 0, vsize, 0, 0, vsize * 2 + 1, &index, &tree_index, -1); Hashtable* tmp = this->draftingTreeSet; this->draftingTreeSet = this->displayTreeSet; this->displayTreeSet = tmp; assert(Hashtable_count(this->draftingTreeSet) == 0); assert((int)Hashtable_count(this->displayTreeSet) == vsize); } static void ProcessList_buildTreeBranch(ProcessList* this, pid_t pid, int level, int indent, int direction, bool show, int* node_counter, int* node_index) { // On OpenBSD the kernel thread 'swapper' has pid 0. // Do not treat it as root of any tree. if (pid == 0) return; Vector* children = Vector_new(Class(Process), false, DEFAULT_SIZE); for (int i = Vector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, i); if (process->show && Process_isChildOf(process, pid)) { process = (Process*)Vector_take(this->processes, i); Vector_add(children, process); } } int size = Vector_size(children); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int index = (*node_index)++; Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(children, i); int lft = (*node_counter)++; if (!show) { process->show = false; } int s = Vector_size(this->processes2); if (direction == 1) { Vector_add(this->processes2, process); } else { Vector_insert(this->processes2, 0, process); } assert(Vector_size(this->processes2) == s + 1); (void)s; int nextIndent = indent | (1 << level); ProcessList_buildTreeBranch(this, process->pid, level + 1, (i < size - 1) ? nextIndent : indent, direction, show ? process->showChildren : false, node_counter, node_index); if (i == size - 1) { process->indent = -nextIndent; } else { process->indent = nextIndent; } int rht = (*node_counter)++; process->tree_left = lft; process->tree_right = rht; process->tree_depth = level + 1; process->tree_index = index; Hashtable_put(this->displayTreeSet, index, process); } Vector_delete(children); } static int ProcessList_treeProcessCompare(const void* v1, const void* v2) { const Process *p1 = (const Process*)v1; const Process *p2 = (const Process*)v2; return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(p1->tree_left, p2->tree_left); } static int ProcessList_treeProcessCompareByPID(const void* v1, const void* v2) { const Process *p1 = (const Process*)v1; const Process *p2 = (const Process*)v2; return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(p1->pid, p2->pid); } // Builds a sorted tree from scratch, without relying on previously gathered information static void ProcessList_buildTree(ProcessList* this) { int node_counter = 1; int node_index = 0; int direction = Settings_getActiveDirection(this->settings); // Sort by PID Vector_quickSortCustomCompare(this->processes, ProcessList_treeProcessCompareByPID); int vsize = Vector_size(this->processes); // Find all processes whose parent is not visible int size; while ((size = Vector_size(this->processes))) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, i); // Immediately consume processes hidden from view if (!process->show) { process = (Process*)Vector_take(this->processes, i); process->indent = 0; process->tree_depth = 0; process->tree_left = node_counter++; process->tree_index = node_index++; Vector_add(this->processes2, process); ProcessList_buildTreeBranch(this, process->pid, 0, 0, direction, false, &node_counter, &node_index); process->tree_right = node_counter++; Hashtable_put(this->displayTreeSet, process->tree_index, process); break; } pid_t ppid = Process_getParentPid(process); // Bisect the process vector to find parent int l = 0; int r = size; // If PID corresponds with PPID (e.g. "kernel_task" (PID:0, PPID:0) // on Mac OS X 10.11.6) cancel bisecting and regard this process as // root. if (process->pid == ppid) r = 0; // On Linux both the init process (pid 1) and the root UMH kernel thread (pid 2) // use a ppid of 0. As that PID can't exist, we can skip searching for it. if (!ppid) r = 0; while (l < r) { int c = (l + r) / 2; pid_t pid = ((Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, c))->pid; if (ppid == pid) { break; } else if (ppid < pid) { r = c; } else { l = c + 1; } } // If parent not found, then construct the tree with this node as root if (l >= r) { process = (Process*)Vector_take(this->processes, i); process->indent = 0; process->tree_depth = 0; process->tree_left = node_counter++; process->tree_index = node_index++; Vector_add(this->processes2, process); Hashtable_put(this->displayTreeSet, process->tree_index, process); ProcessList_buildTreeBranch(this, process->pid, 0, 0, direction, process->showChildren, &node_counter, &node_index); process->tree_right = node_counter++; break; } } // There should be no loop in the process tree assert(i < size); } // Swap listings around Vector* t = this->processes; this->processes = this->processes2; this->processes2 = t; // Check consistency of the built structures assert(Vector_size(this->processes) == vsize); (void)vsize; assert(Vector_size(this->processes2) == 0); } void ProcessList_sort(ProcessList* this) { if (this->settings->treeView) { ProcessList_updateTreeSet(this); Vector_quickSortCustomCompare(this->processes, ProcessList_treeProcessCompare); } else { Vector_insertionSort(this->processes); } } ProcessField ProcessList_keyAt(const ProcessList* this, int at) { int x = 0; const ProcessField* fields = this->settings->fields; ProcessField field; for (int i = 0; (field = fields[i]); i++) { int len = strlen(alignedProcessFieldTitle(field)); if (at >= x && at <= x + len) { return field; } x += len; } return COMM; } void ProcessList_expandTree(ProcessList* this) { int size = Vector_size(this->processes); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* process = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); process->showChildren = true; } } void ProcessList_collapseAllBranches(ProcessList* this) { int size = Vector_size(this->processes); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* process = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); // FreeBSD has pid 0 = kernel and pid 1 = init, so init has tree_depth = 1 if (process->tree_depth > 0 && process->pid > 1) process->showChildren = false; } } void ProcessList_rebuildPanel(ProcessList* this) { const char* incFilter = this->incFilter; const int currPos = Panel_getSelectedIndex(this->panel); const int currScrollV = this->panel->scrollV; const int currSize = Panel_size(this->panel); Panel_prune(this->panel); /* Follow main process if followed a userland thread and threads are now hidden */ const Settings* settings = this->settings; if (this->following != -1 && settings->hideUserlandThreads) { const Process* followedProcess = (const Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, this->following); if (followedProcess && Process_isThread(followedProcess) && Hashtable_get(this->processTable, followedProcess->tgid) != NULL) { this->following = followedProcess->tgid; } } const int processCount = Vector_size(this->processes); int idx = 0; bool foundFollowed = false; for (int i = 0; i < processCount; i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); if ( (!p->show) || (this->userId != (uid_t) -1 && (p->st_uid != this->userId)) || (incFilter && !(String_contains_i(Process_getCommand(p), incFilter))) || (this->pidMatchList && !Hashtable_get(this->pidMatchList, p->tgid)) ) continue; Panel_set(this->panel, idx, (Object*)p); if (this->following != -1 && p->pid == this->following) { foundFollowed = true; Panel_setSelected(this->panel, idx); this->panel->scrollV = currScrollV; } idx++; } if (this->following != -1 && !foundFollowed) { /* Reset if current followed pid not found */ this->following = -1; Panel_setSelectionColor(this->panel, PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS); } if (this->following == -1) { /* If the last item was selected, keep the new last item selected */ if (currPos > 0 && currPos == currSize - 1) Panel_setSelected(this->panel, Panel_size(this->panel) - 1); else Panel_setSelected(this->panel, currPos); this->panel->scrollV = currScrollV; } } Process* ProcessList_getProcess(ProcessList* this, pid_t pid, bool* preExisting, Process_New constructor) { Process* proc = (Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid); *preExisting = proc != NULL; if (proc) { assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, proc, Process_pidCompare) != -1); assert(proc->pid == pid); } else { proc = constructor(this->settings); assert(proc->comm == NULL); proc->pid = pid; } return proc; } void ProcessList_scan(ProcessList* this, bool pauseProcessUpdate) { // in pause mode only gather global data for meters (CPU/memory/...) if (pauseProcessUpdate) { ProcessList_goThroughEntries(this, true); return; } // mark all process as "dirty" for (int i = 0; i < Vector_size(this->processes); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); p->updated = false; p->wasShown = p->show; p->show = true; } this->totalTasks = 0; this->userlandThreads = 0; this->kernelThreads = 0; this->runningTasks = 0; // set scan timestamp static bool firstScanDone = false; if (firstScanDone) { Platform_gettime_monotonic(&this->monotonicMs); } else { this->monotonicMs = 0; firstScanDone = true; } ProcessList_goThroughEntries(this, false); for (int i = Vector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i); if (p->tombStampMs > 0) { // remove tombed process if (this->monotonicMs >= p->tombStampMs) { ProcessList_remove(this, p); } } else if (p->updated == false) { // process no longer exists if (this->settings->highlightChanges && p->wasShown) { // mark tombed p->tombStampMs = this->monotonicMs + 1000 * this->settings->highlightDelaySecs; } else { // immediately remove ProcessList_remove(this, p); } } else { p->updated = false; } } if (this->settings->treeView) { // Clear out the hashtable to avoid any left-over processes from previous build // // The sorting algorithm relies on the fact that // len(this->displayTreeSet) == len(this->processes) Hashtable_clear(this->displayTreeSet); ProcessList_buildTree(this); } }