
462 lines
16 KiB

htop - DarwinProcess.c
(C) 2015 Hisham H. Muhammad
Released under the GNU GPLv2, see the COPYING file
in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "darwin/DarwinProcess.h"
#include <libproc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include "CRT.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "darwin/Platform.h"
const ProcessFieldData Process_fields[LAST_PROCESSFIELD] = {
[0] = { .name = "", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, },
[PID] = { .name = "PID", .title = "PID", .description = "Process/thread ID", .flags = 0, .pidColumn = true, },
[COMM] = { .name = "Command", .title = "Command ", .description = "Command line", .flags = 0, },
[STATE] = { .name = "STATE", .title = "S ", .description = "Process state (S sleeping, R running, D disk, Z zombie, T traced, W paging)", .flags = 0, },
[PPID] = { .name = "PPID", .title = "PPID", .description = "Parent process ID", .flags = 0, .pidColumn = true, },
[PGRP] = { .name = "PGRP", .title = "PGRP", .description = "Process group ID", .flags = 0, .pidColumn = true, },
[SESSION] = { .name = "SESSION", .title = "SID", .description = "Process's session ID", .flags = 0, .pidColumn = true, },
[TTY] = { .name = "TTY", .title = "TTY ", .description = "Controlling terminal", .flags = 0, },
[TPGID] = { .name = "TPGID", .title = "TPGID", .description = "Process ID of the fg process group of the controlling terminal", .flags = 0, .pidColumn = true, },
[MINFLT] = { .name = "MINFLT", .title = " MINFLT ", .description = "Number of minor faults which have not required loading a memory page from disk", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[MAJFLT] = { .name = "MAJFLT", .title = " MAJFLT ", .description = "Number of major faults which have required loading a memory page from disk", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[PRIORITY] = { .name = "PRIORITY", .title = "PRI ", .description = "Kernel's internal priority for the process", .flags = 0, },
[NICE] = { .name = "NICE", .title = " NI ", .description = "Nice value (the higher the value, the more it lets other processes take priority)", .flags = 0, },
[STARTTIME] = { .name = "STARTTIME", .title = "START ", .description = "Time the process was started", .flags = 0, },
[ELAPSED] = { .name = "ELAPSED", .title = "ELAPSED ", .description = "Time since the process was started", .flags = 0, },
[PROCESSOR] = { .name = "PROCESSOR", .title = "CPU ", .description = "Id of the CPU the process last executed on", .flags = 0, },
[M_VIRT] = { .name = "M_VIRT", .title = " VIRT ", .description = "Total program size in virtual memory", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[M_RESIDENT] = { .name = "M_RESIDENT", .title = " RES ", .description = "Resident set size, size of the text and data sections, plus stack usage", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
[PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[PERCENT_NORM_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_NORM_CPU", .title = "NCPU%", .description = "Normalized percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling (normalized by cpu count)", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
[TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
[TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = "TGID", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, .pidColumn = true, },
[PROC_EXE] = { .name = "EXE", .title = "EXE ", .description = "Basename of exe of the process from /proc/[pid]/exe", .flags = 0, },
[CWD] = { .name = "CWD", .title = "CWD ", .description = "The current working directory of the process", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_CWD, },
[TRANSLATED] = { .name = "TRANSLATED", .title = "T ", .description = "Translation info (T translated, N native)", .flags = 0, },
Process* DarwinProcess_new(const Settings* settings) {
DarwinProcess* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(DarwinProcess));
Object_setClass(this, Class(DarwinProcess));
Process_init(&this->super, settings);
this->utime = 0;
this->stime = 0;
this->taskAccess = true;
this->translated = false;
return &this->super;
void Process_delete(Object* cast) {
DarwinProcess* this = (DarwinProcess*) cast;
// free platform-specific fields here
static void DarwinProcess_writeField(const Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field) {
const DarwinProcess* dp = (const DarwinProcess*) this;
char buffer[256]; buffer[255] = '\0';
int attr = CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR];
int n = sizeof(buffer) - 1;
switch (field) {
// add Platform-specific fields here
case TRANSLATED: xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%c ", dp->translated ? 'T' : 'N'); break;
Process_writeField(this, str, field);
RichString_appendWide(str, attr, buffer);
static int DarwinProcess_compareByKey(const Process* v1, const Process* v2, ProcessField key) {
const DarwinProcess* p1 = (const DarwinProcess*)v1;
const DarwinProcess* p2 = (const DarwinProcess*)v2;
switch (key) {
// add Platform-specific fields here
return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(p1->translated, p2->translated);
return Process_compareByKey_Base(v1, v2, key);
static void DarwinProcess_updateExe(pid_t pid, Process* proc) {
int r = proc_pidpath(pid, path, sizeof(path));
if (r <= 0)
Process_updateExe(proc, path);
static void DarwinProcess_updateCwd(pid_t pid, Process* proc) {
struct proc_vnodepathinfo vpi;
int r = proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDVNODEPATHINFO, 0, &vpi, sizeof(vpi));
if (r <= 0) {
proc->procCwd = NULL;
if (!vpi.pvi_cdir.vip_path[0]) {
proc->procCwd = NULL;
free_and_xStrdup(&proc->procCwd, vpi.pvi_cdir.vip_path);
static void DarwinProcess_updateCmdLine(const struct kinfo_proc* k, Process* proc) {
Process_updateComm(proc, k->kp_proc.p_comm);
/* This function is from the old Mac version of htop. Originally from ps? */
int mib[3], argmax, nargs, c = 0;
size_t size;
char *procargs, *sp, *np, *cp;
/* Get the maximum process arguments size. */
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_ARGMAX;
size = sizeof( argmax );
if ( sysctl( mib, 2, &argmax, &size, NULL, 0 ) == -1 ) {
goto ERROR_A;
/* Allocate space for the arguments. */
procargs = (char*)xMalloc(argmax);
if ( procargs == NULL ) {
goto ERROR_A;
* Make a sysctl() call to get the raw argument space of the process.
* The layout is documented in start.s, which is part of the Csu
* project. In summary, it looks like:
* /---------------\ 0x00000000
* : :
* : :
* |---------------|
* | argc |
* |---------------|
* | arg[0] |
* |---------------|
* : :
* : :
* |---------------|
* | arg[argc - 1] |
* |---------------|
* | 0 |
* |---------------|
* | env[0] |
* |---------------|
* : :
* : :
* |---------------|
* | env[n] |
* |---------------|
* | 0 |
* |---------------| <-- Beginning of data returned by sysctl() is here.
* | argc |
* |---------------|
* | exec_path |
* |:::::::::::::::|
* | |
* | String area. |
* | |
* |---------------| <-- Top of stack.
* : :
* : :
* \---------------/ 0xffffffff
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_PROCARGS2;
mib[2] = k->kp_proc.p_pid;
size = ( size_t ) argmax;
if ( sysctl( mib, 3, procargs, &size, NULL, 0 ) == -1 ) {
goto ERROR_B;
memcpy( &nargs, procargs, sizeof( nargs ) );
cp = procargs + sizeof( nargs );
/* Skip the saved exec_path. */
for ( ; cp < &procargs[size]; cp++ ) {
if ( *cp == '\0' ) {
/* End of exec_path reached. */
if ( cp == &procargs[size] ) {
goto ERROR_B;
/* Skip trailing '\0' characters. */
for ( ; cp < &procargs[size]; cp++ ) {
if ( *cp != '\0' ) {
/* Beginning of first argument reached. */
if ( cp == &procargs[size] ) {
goto ERROR_B;
/* Save where the argv[0] string starts. */
sp = cp;
int end = 0;
for ( np = NULL; c < nargs && cp < &procargs[size]; cp++ ) {
if ( *cp == '\0' ) {
if ( np != NULL ) {
/* Convert previous '\0'. */
*np = ' ';
/* Note location of current '\0'. */
np = cp;
if (end == 0) {
end = cp - sp;
* sp points to the beginning of the arguments/environment string, and
* np should point to the '\0' terminator for the string.
if ( np == NULL || np == sp ) {
/* Empty or unterminated string. */
goto ERROR_B;
if (end == 0) {
end = np - sp;
Process_updateCmdline(proc, sp, 0, end);
/* Clean up. */
free( procargs );
free( procargs );
Process_updateCmdline(proc, k->kp_proc.p_comm, 0, strlen(k->kp_proc.p_comm));
// Converts ticks in the Mach "timebase" to nanoseconds.
// See `mach_timebase_info`, as used to define the `Platform_timebaseToNS` constant.
static uint64_t machTicksToNanoseconds(uint64_t schedulerTicks) {
double nanoseconds_per_mach_tick = Platform_timebaseToNS;
return (uint64_t) (nanoseconds_per_mach_tick * (double) schedulerTicks);
// Converts nanoseconds to hundreths of a second (centiseconds) as needed by the "time" field of the Process struct.
static long long int nanosecondsToCentiseconds(uint64_t nanoseconds) {
const uint64_t centiseconds_per_second = 100;
const uint64_t nanoseconds_per_second = 1e9;
return nanoseconds / nanoseconds_per_second * centiseconds_per_second;
void DarwinProcess_setFromKInfoProc(Process* proc, const struct kinfo_proc* ps, bool exists) {
DarwinProcess* dp = (DarwinProcess*)proc;
const struct extern_proc* ep = &ps->kp_proc;
* processor
* user (set at ProcessList level)
* nlwp
* percent_cpu
* percent_mem
* m_virt
* m_resident
* minflt
* majflt
/* First, the "immutable" parts */
if (!exists) {
/* Set the PID/PGID/etc. */
proc->pid = ep->p_pid;
proc->ppid = ps->kp_eproc.e_ppid;
proc->pgrp = ps->kp_eproc.e_pgid;
proc->session = 0; /* TODO Get the session id */
proc->tpgid = ps->kp_eproc.e_tpgid;
proc->tgid = proc->pid;
proc->isKernelThread = false;
proc->isUserlandThread = false;
dp->translated = ps->kp_proc.p_flag & P_TRANSLATED;
proc->tty_nr = ps->kp_eproc.e_tdev;
const char* name = (ps->kp_eproc.e_tdev != NODEV) ? devname(ps->kp_eproc.e_tdev, S_IFCHR) : NULL;
if (!name) {
proc->tty_name = NULL;
} else {
free_and_xStrdup(&proc->tty_name, name);
proc->starttime_ctime = ep->p_starttime.tv_sec;
DarwinProcess_updateExe(ep->p_pid, proc);
DarwinProcess_updateCmdLine(ps, proc);
if (proc->settings->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_CWD) {
DarwinProcess_updateCwd(ep->p_pid, proc);
/* Mutable information */
proc->nice = ep->p_nice;
proc->priority = ep->p_priority;
proc->state = (ep->p_stat == SZOMB) ? 'Z' : '?';
/* Make sure the updated flag is set */
proc->updated = true;
void DarwinProcess_setFromLibprocPidinfo(DarwinProcess* proc, DarwinProcessList* dpl, double timeIntervalNS) {
struct proc_taskinfo pti;
if (sizeof(pti) == proc_pidinfo(proc->, PROC_PIDTASKINFO, 0, &pti, sizeof(pti))) {
uint64_t total_existing_time_ns = proc->stime + proc->utime;
uint64_t user_time_ns = machTicksToNanoseconds(pti.pti_total_user);
uint64_t system_time_ns = machTicksToNanoseconds(pti.pti_total_system);
uint64_t total_current_time_ns = user_time_ns + system_time_ns;
if (total_existing_time_ns && 1E-6 < timeIntervalNS) {
uint64_t total_time_diff_ns = total_current_time_ns - total_existing_time_ns;
proc->super.percent_cpu = ((double)total_time_diff_ns / timeIntervalNS) * 100.0;
} else {
proc->super.percent_cpu = 0.0;
proc->super.time = nanosecondsToCentiseconds(total_current_time_ns);
proc->super.nlwp = pti.pti_threadnum;
proc->super.m_virt = pti.pti_virtual_size / ONE_K;
proc->super.m_resident = pti.pti_resident_size / ONE_K;
proc->super.majflt = pti.pti_faults;
proc->super.percent_mem = (double)pti.pti_resident_size * 100.0
/ (double)dpl->host_info.max_mem;
proc->stime = system_time_ns;
proc->utime = user_time_ns;
dpl->super.kernelThreads += 0; /*pti.pti_threads_system;*/
dpl->super.userlandThreads += pti.pti_threadnum; /*pti.pti_threads_user;*/
dpl->super.totalTasks += pti.pti_threadnum;
dpl->super.runningTasks += pti.pti_numrunning;
* Scan threads for process state information.
* Based on:
* and
void DarwinProcess_scanThreads(DarwinProcess* dp) {
Process* proc = (Process*) dp;
kern_return_t ret;
if (!dp->taskAccess) {
if (proc->state == 'Z') {
task_t port;
ret = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), proc->pid, &port);
if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
dp->taskAccess = false;
task_info_data_t tinfo;
mach_msg_type_number_t task_info_count = TASK_INFO_MAX;
ret = task_info(port, TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t) tinfo, &task_info_count);
if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
dp->taskAccess = false;
thread_array_t thread_list;
mach_msg_type_number_t thread_count;
ret = task_threads(port, &thread_list, &thread_count);
if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
dp->taskAccess = false;
mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), port);
integer_t run_state = 999;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) {
thread_info_data_t thinfo;
mach_msg_type_number_t thread_info_count = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
ret = thread_info(thread_list[i], THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (thread_info_t)thinfo, &thread_info_count);
if (ret == KERN_SUCCESS) {
thread_basic_info_t basic_info_th = (thread_basic_info_t) thinfo;
if (basic_info_th->run_state < run_state) {
run_state = basic_info_th->run_state;
mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), thread_list[i]);
vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t) thread_list, sizeof(thread_port_array_t) * thread_count);
mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), port);
char state = '?';
switch (run_state) {
case TH_STATE_RUNNING: state = 'R'; break;
case TH_STATE_STOPPED: state = 'S'; break;
case TH_STATE_WAITING: state = 'W'; break;
case TH_STATE_UNINTERRUPTIBLE: state = 'U'; break;
case TH_STATE_HALTED: state = 'H'; break;
proc->state = state;
const ProcessClass DarwinProcess_class = {
.super = {
.extends = Class(Process),
.display = Process_display,
.delete = Process_delete,
.compare = Process_compare
.writeField = DarwinProcess_writeField,
.compareByKey = DarwinProcess_compareByKey,