# HTTP Proxy Server This is a lightweight proxy server written in Go that supports HTTP requests and HTTPS tunneling. Mirror on my [ Git](https://git.zeldon.ru/zeldon/http-proxy-server) ## Features - Proxying HTTP requests - Tunneling HTTPS requests - Optional Basic Proxy Authentication - Customizable port, username, and password using command-line arguments - Logging ## Prerequisites - Golang (if building from source) ## Usage ### Running the Proxy #### For Darwin/Linux: 1. Download the latest release for your platform from GitHub releases 2. Extract the downloaded archive: ```bash tar -xvzf http-proxy-server-v{version}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz ``` 3. Navigate to the extracted folder: ```bash cd http-proxy-server-v{version}-{platform}-{arch} ``` 4. Run the proxy: ```bash ./http-proxy-server --port [--username --password ] ``` #### For Windows: 1. Download the latest release for Windows from GitHub releases 2. Extract the downloaded ZIP archive 3. Navigate to the extracted folder. 4. Open a command prompt in this directory. 5. Run the proxy: ```bash proxy_name.exe --port [--username --password ] ``` #### From Source 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone https://github.com/xzeldon/http-proxy-server.git cd http-proxy-server ``` 2. Run the proxy: ```bash go run main.go --port [--username --password ] ``` By default, the proxy will run on port `3000`. If both `--username` and `--password` are omitted, authentication will be bypassed. For example: - To run the proxy on port `1489` without authentication: ```bash go run main.go --port 1489 ``` - To run the proxy on port `1489` with authentication: ```bash go run main.go --port 1489 --username admin --password admin123 ``` ### Authentication If you specify both `--username` and `--password` when starting the proxy, it will enforce Basic Proxy Authentication with the given credentials. If these parameters are omitted, the proxy will not require authentication. ### License This project is licensed under the MIT License.