# mineping This JavaScript library provides an implementation of the Minecraft server ping protocol. **It allows you to gather information about a Minecraft server**, such as the MOTD, current online players, server icon (Java Edition only), and more. Mirror on my [ Git](https://git.zeldon.ru/zeldon/mineping) ## Requirements > **[Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) 14 or newer is required** ## Install To install `mineping`, simply run the following command: ``` npm i @minescope/mineping ``` ## Loading and configuration the module ### ES Modules (ESM) If you are using ES Modules, you can import the library like this: ```js import { pingJava, pingBedrock } from '@minescope/mineping'; ``` ### CommonJS `mineping` is an ESM-only module — you are not able to import it with `require()`. If you cannot switch to ESM, you can use the async `import()` function from CommonJS to load `mineping` asynchronously: ```js const pingJava = (...args) => import('@minescope/mineping').then(module => module.pingJava(...args)); const pingBedrock = (...args) => import('@minescope/mineping').then(module => module.pingBedrock(...args)); ``` ## Usage Ping a Java server with default options: ```js import { pingJava } from '@minescope/mineping'; const data = await pingJava('mc.hypixel.net'); console.log(data); ``` Ping a Bedrock server with custom options: ```js import { pingBedrock } from '@minescope/mineping'; const data = await pingBedrock('mco.mineplex.com', { port: 19132, timeout: 500 }); console.log(data); ``` > More complex example can be found in the `example` folder! ## Acknowledgements Special thanks to the following projects: - [mcping](https://github.com/Scetch/mcping) crate for Rust - [mcping-js](https://github.com/Cryptkeeper/mcping-js) library for quering Minecraft Java Edition servers