// https://minecraft.wiki/w/Minecraft_Wiki:Projects/wiki.vg_merge/Protocol#Data_types /** * A utility object for encoding and decoding varints. */ const varint = { /** * Encodes an integer value into a varint byte buffer. * @param {number} val - The integer value to encode. * @returns {Buffer} */ encodeInt: (val) => { // "VarInts are never longer than 5 bytes" // https://minecraft.wiki/w/Minecraft_Wiki:Projects/wiki.vg_merge/Data_types#VarInt_and_VarLong const buf = Buffer.alloc(5); let written = 0; while (true) { const byte = val & 0x7f; val >>>= 7; if (val === 0) { buf.writeUInt8(byte, written++); break; } buf.writeUInt8(byte | 0x80, written++); } return buf.slice(0, written); }, /** * Encodes a string value into a UTF-8 byte buffer. * @param {string} val - The string value to encode. * @returns {Buffer} */ encodeString: (val) => { return Buffer.from(val, "utf-8"); }, /** * Encodes an unsigned short value into a byte buffer. * @param {number} val - The unsigned short value to encode. * @returns {Buffer} */ encodeUShort: (val) => { return Buffer.from([val >> 8, val & 0xff]); }, /** * Concatenates multiple byte buffers into a single byte buffer. * @param {Buffer[]} chunks - An array of byte buffers to concatenate. * @returns {Buffer} */ concat: (chunks) => { let length = 0; for (const chunk of chunks) { length += chunk.length; } const buffer = [varint.encodeInt(length), ...chunks]; return Buffer.concat(buffer); }, /** * Decodes a varint integer value from a byte buffer. * @param {Buffer} buffer - The byte buffer to decode from. * @param {number} offset - The offset in the buffer to start decoding from. * @returns {number} */ decodeInt: (buffer, offset) => { let val = 0; let count = 0; while (true) { const byte = buffer.readUInt8(offset++); val |= (byte & 0x7f) << (count++ * 7); if ((byte & 0x80) !== 0x80) { break; } } return val; }, /** * Calculates the number of bytes required to decode a varint integer value. * @param {number} val - The varint integer value. * @returns {5 | 7 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 10} */ decodeLength: (val) => { // Constants representing the powers of 2 used for comparison const N1 = Math.pow(2, 7); const N2 = Math.pow(2, 14); const N3 = Math.pow(2, 21); const N4 = Math.pow(2, 28); const N5 = Math.pow(2, 35); const N6 = Math.pow(2, 42); const N7 = Math.pow(2, 49); const N8 = Math.pow(2, 56); const N9 = Math.pow(2, 63); // Return the number of bytes required based on the value return val < N1 ? 1 : val < N2 ? 2 : val < N3 ? 3 : val < N4 ? 4 : val < N5 ? 5 : val < N6 ? 6 : val < N7 ? 7 : val < N8 ? 8 : val < N9 ? 9 : 10; }, }; export default varint;