/** * Implementation of the Java Minecraft ping protocol. * @see https://minecraft.wiki/w/Minecraft_Wiki:Projects/wiki.vg_merge/Server_List_Ping */ "use strict"; import net from "node:net"; import varint from "./varint.js"; /** * Ping a Minecraft Java server. * @param {string} host The host of the Java server. * @param {string} virtualHost The host sent in handshake. * @param {number} [port=25565] The port of the Java server. * @param {function} cb The callback function to handle the ping response. * @param {number} [timeout=5000] The timeout duration in milliseconds. * @param {number} [protocolVersion=-1] The protocol version of the Java client. */ function ping(host, virtualHost, port = 25565, cb, timeout = 5000, protocolVersion = -1) { const socket = net.createConnection({ host, port }); // Set manual timeout interval. // This ensures the connection will NEVER hang regardless of internal state const timeoutTask = setTimeout(() => { socket.emit("error", new Error("Socket timeout")); }, timeout); const closeSocket = () => { socket.destroy(); clearTimeout(timeoutTask); }; // Generic error handler // This protects multiple error callbacks given the complex socket state // This is mostly dangerous since it can swallow errors let didFireError = false; /** * Handle any error that occurs during the ping process. * @param {Error} err The error that occurred. */ const handleError = (err) => { closeSocket(); if (!didFireError) { didFireError = true; cb(null, err); } }; // #setNoDelay instantly flushes data during read/writes // This prevents the runtime from delaying the write at all socket.setNoDelay(true); socket.on("connect", () => { const handshake = varint.concat([ varint.encodeInt(0), varint.encodeInt(protocolVersion), varint.encodeInt(virtualHost.length), varint.encodeString(virtualHost), varint.encodeUShort(port), varint.encodeInt(1), ]); socket.write(handshake); const request = varint.concat([varint.encodeInt(0)]); socket.write(request); }); let incomingBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0); socket.on("data", (data) => { incomingBuffer = Buffer.concat([incomingBuffer, data]); // Wait until incomingBuffer is at least 5 bytes long to ensure it has captured the first VarInt value // This value is used to determine the full read length of the response // "VarInts are never longer than 5 bytes" // https://minecraft.wiki/w/Minecraft_Wiki:Projects/wiki.vg_merge/Data_types#VarInt_and_VarLong if (incomingBuffer.length < 5) { return; } let offset = 0; const packetLength = varint.decodeInt(incomingBuffer, offset); // Ensure incomingBuffer contains the full response if (incomingBuffer.length - offset < packetLength) { return; } const packetId = varint.decodeInt( incomingBuffer, varint.decodeLength(packetLength) ); if (packetId === 0) { const data = incomingBuffer.subarray( varint.decodeLength(packetLength) + varint.decodeLength(packetId) ); const responseLength = varint.decodeInt(data, 0); const response = data.subarray( varint.decodeLength(responseLength), varint.decodeLength(responseLength) + responseLength ); try { const message = JSON.parse(response); closeSocket(); cb(message, null); } catch (err) { handleError(err); } } else { handleError(new Error("Received unexpected packet")); } }); socket.on("error", handleError); } /** * Asynchronously ping Minecraft Java server. * The optional `options` argument can be an object with a `port` (default is `25565`) or/and `timeout` (default is `5000`) or/and `protocolVersion` (default is `-1`) property. * @param {string} host The Java server address. * @param {import('../types/index.js').PingOptions} options The configuration for pinging Minecraft Java server. * @returns {Promise} */ export function pingJava(host, options = {}) { if (!host) throw new Error("Host argument is not provided"); const { port = 25565, timeout = 5000, protocolVersion = -1, virtualHost = null } = options; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ping( host, virtualHost || host, port, (res, err) => { err ? reject(err) : resolve(res); }, timeout, protocolVersion ); }); }