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2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
use crate::{console::DebugConsole, manager::DeviceManager};
2024-09-05 22:55:10 +00:00
use log::{error, info, trace};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use tao::event_loop::{EventLoopBuilder, EventLoopProxy};
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
use tray_icon::{
menu::{IsMenuItem, Menu, MenuEvent, MenuItem},
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
TrayIcon, TrayIconBuilder,
const BATTERY_UPDATE_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(300); // 5 min
const DEVICE_FETCH_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
pub struct MemoryDevice {
pub name: String,
pub pid: u32,
pub battery_level: i32,
pub old_battery_level: i32,
pub is_charging: bool,
impl MemoryDevice {
fn new(name: String, pid: u32) -> Self {
Self {
battery_level: -1,
old_battery_level: 50,
is_charging: false,
pub struct TrayInner {
tray_icon: Arc<Mutex<Option<TrayIcon>>>,
menu_items: Arc<Mutex<Vec<MenuItem>>>,
debug_console: Arc<DebugConsole>,
impl TrayInner {
fn new(debug_console: Arc<DebugConsole>) -> Self {
Self {
tray_icon: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
menu_items: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())),
fn create_menu(&self) -> Menu {
let tray_menu = Menu::new();
let show_console_item = MenuItem::new("Show Log Window", true, None);
let quit_item = MenuItem::new("Exit", true, None);
let mut menu_items = self.menu_items.lock();
let item_refs: Vec<&dyn IsMenuItem> = menu_items
.map(|item| item as &dyn IsMenuItem)
.expect("Failed to append menu items");
fn build_tray(
tray_icon: &Arc<Mutex<Option<TrayIcon>>>,
tray_menu: &Menu,
icon: tray_icon::Icon,
) {
let tray_builder = TrayIconBuilder::new()
.with_tooltip("Service is running")
match tray_builder {
Ok(tray) => *tray_icon.lock() = Some(tray),
Err(err) => error!("Failed to create tray icon: {}", err),
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
pub struct TrayApp {
device_manager: Arc<Mutex<DeviceManager>>,
devices: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u32, MemoryDevice>>>,
tray_inner: TrayInner,
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
enum TrayEvent {
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
impl TrayApp {
pub fn new(debug_console: DebugConsole) -> Self {
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
Self {
device_manager: Arc::new(Mutex::new(DeviceManager::new())),
devices: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
tray_inner: TrayInner::new(Arc::new(debug_console)),
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
pub fn run(&self) {
let icon = Self::create_icon();
let event_loop = EventLoopBuilder::with_user_event().build();
let tray_menu = self.tray_inner.create_menu();
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
let proxy = event_loop.create_proxy();
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
self.run_event_loop(event_loop, icon, tray_menu, proxy);
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
fn create_icon() -> tray_icon::Icon {
let icon = include_bytes!("../assets/mouse_white.png");
let image = image::load_from_memory(icon)
.expect("Failed to open icon")
let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
let rgba = image.into_raw();
tray_icon::Icon::from_rgba(rgba, width, height).expect("Failed to create icon")
fn spawn_device_fetch_thread(&self, proxy: EventLoopProxy<TrayEvent>) {
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
let devices = Arc::clone(&self.devices);
let device_manager = Arc::clone(&self.device_manager);
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut last_devices = HashSet::new();
loop {
let (removed_devices, connected_devices) = {
let mut manager = device_manager.lock();
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
let mut devices = devices.lock();
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
for id in removed_devices {
if let Some(device) = devices.remove(&id) {
info!("Device removed: {}", device.name);
for &id in &connected_devices {
if !devices.contains_key(&id) {
if let Some(name) = device_manager.lock().get_device_name(id) {
devices.insert(id, MemoryDevice::new(name.clone(), id));
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
info!("New device: {}", name);
} else {
error!("Failed to get device name for id: {}", id);
let current_devices: HashSet<_> = connected_devices.iter().cloned().collect();
if current_devices != last_devices {
let _ = proxy.send_event(TrayEvent::DeviceUpdate(connected_devices));
last_devices = current_devices;
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
fn spawn_battery_check_thread(&self, proxy: EventLoopProxy<TrayEvent>) {
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
let devices = Arc::clone(&self.devices);
thread::spawn(move || loop {
let device_ids: Vec<u32> = devices.lock().keys().cloned().collect();
let _ = proxy.send_event(TrayEvent::DeviceUpdate(device_ids));
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
fn run_event_loop(
event_loop: tao::event_loop::EventLoop<TrayEvent>,
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
icon: tray_icon::Icon,
tray_menu: Menu,
proxy: EventLoopProxy<TrayEvent>,
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
) {
let devices = Arc::clone(&self.devices);
let device_manager = Arc::clone(&self.device_manager);
let tray_icon = Arc::clone(&self.tray_inner.tray_icon);
let debug_console = Arc::clone(&self.tray_inner.debug_console);
let menu_items = Arc::clone(&self.tray_inner.menu_items);
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
let menu_channel = MenuEvent::receiver();
event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
*control_flow = tao::event_loop::ControlFlow::Wait;
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
match event {
tao::event::Event::NewEvents(tao::event::StartCause::Init) => {
TrayInner::build_tray(&tray_icon, &tray_menu, icon.clone());
tao::event::Event::UserEvent(TrayEvent::DeviceUpdate(device_ids)) => {
Self::update(&devices, &device_manager, &device_ids, &tray_icon);
tao::event::Event::UserEvent(TrayEvent::MenuEvent(event)) => {
let menu_items = menu_items.lock();
if event.id == menu_items[0].id() {
let visible = debug_console.is_visible();
menu_items[0].set_text(if visible {
"Hide Log Window"
} else {
"Show Log Window"
trace!("{} log window", if visible { "showing" } else { "hiding" });
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
if event.id == menu_items[1].id() {
*control_flow = tao::event_loop::ControlFlow::Exit;
_ => (),
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
if let Ok(event) = menu_channel.try_recv() {
let _ = proxy.send_event(TrayEvent::MenuEvent(event));
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
fn update(
devices: &Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u32, MemoryDevice>>>,
manager: &Arc<Mutex<DeviceManager>>,
device_ids: &[u32],
tray_icon: &Arc<Mutex<Option<TrayIcon>>>,
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
) {
let mut devices = devices.lock();
let manager = manager.lock();
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
for &id in device_ids {
if let Some(device) = devices.get_mut(&id) {
if let (Some(battery_level), Some(is_charging)) = (
) {
info!("{} battery level: {}%", device.name, battery_level);
info!("{} charging status: {}", device.name, is_charging);
device.old_battery_level = device.battery_level;
device.battery_level = battery_level;
device.is_charging = is_charging;
if let Some(tray_icon) = tray_icon.lock().as_mut() {
2024-09-03 22:46:04 +00:00
let _ = tray_icon
.set_tooltip(Some(format!("{}: {}%", device.name, battery_level)));
fn check_notify(device: &MemoryDevice) {
if device.battery_level == -1 {
if !device.is_charging
&& (device.battery_level <= 5
|| (device.old_battery_level > 15 && device.battery_level <= 15))
info!("{}: Battery low ({}%)", device.name, device.battery_level);
} else if device.old_battery_level <= 99
&& device.battery_level == 100
&& device.is_charging
"{}: Battery fully charged ({}%)",
device.name, device.battery_level