mod buffertrim; use dirs; use colored::*; use serde::Deserialize; use fs::File; use io::Read; use std::{fs, io, path::{Path, PathBuf}}; pub fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), String> { let mut profiles = Vec::new(); let paths = fs::read_dir(config.profile_path).unwrap(); for path in paths { profiles.push(path.unwrap().path()); } if profiles.len() <= 0 { return Err(format!("{}: {} {} \n{}", "> Error".red().bold(), "Profile folder not found.".white(), "You must run the game at least once!".white().bold(), "> Aborting.".red())); } let scrns = grab_scrn_files(&profiles); if scrns.len() <= 0 { return Err(format!("{}: {} \n{}", "> Error".red().bold(), "Screenshot files not found".white(), "> Aborting.".red())); } println!("{} {} {} \n{}", ">".green(), scrns.len().to_string().green(), "Screenshots found.".green(), "> Converting...".green().bold()); let mut images = Vec::new(); for file in &scrns { let image = convert_file(file.to_path_buf()).unwrap(); images.push(image); } for image in &images { match fs::write(Path::new(&config.export_path).join(image.metadata.uid.to_string() + ".jpg"), &image.image_data) { Ok(ok) => ok, Err(_err) => { return Err(format!("{}: {} \n{}", "> Error".red().bold(), "System cannot find or create the specified path", "> Aborting.".red())) } } } println!("{}", "> Converting completed!".green()); println!("{} {}", "> Files saved to".green().bold(), Path::new(&config.export_path).to_string_lossy().bright_blue()); println!("{}", "> Removing old files...".green()); for path in scrns { let _remove = fs::remove_file(path).unwrap(); } Ok(()) } pub struct Config { pub profile_path: PathBuf, pub export_path: PathBuf, } impl Config { pub fn new() -> Result { let home_dir = dirs::home_dir().unwrap(); let profile_path = Path::new(&home_dir).join("Documents").join("Rockstar Games").join("Red Dead Redemption 2").join("Profiles"); let export_path = Path::new(&home_dir).join("Documents").join("Rockstar Games").join("Red Dead Redemption 2").join("Screenshots"); let _create_dirs = fs::create_dir_all(&export_path); Ok(Config {profile_path, export_path}) } pub fn set_custom_export_path<'a>(&'a mut self, path: &[String]) -> Result<&'a mut Config, String> { if path.len() < 2 { return Err(format!("{}", "Not enough arguments")); } let path = path[1].clone(); let custom_export_path = Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(); // TODO: Folders containing Cyrillic characters and spaces are created incorrectly i. e. anything after a space is ignored // let _create_dirs = fs::create_dir_all(&custom_export_path); self.export_path = custom_export_path; Ok(self) } } fn grab_scrn_files(profile_paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Vec { let mut prdr3s = Vec::new(); for path in profile_paths { match fs::read_dir(path) { Err(err) => println!("! {:?}", err.kind()), Ok(paths) => for path in paths { let file_path = path.unwrap().path(); let file_stem = file_path.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); if file_stem.chars().count() >= 5 { let file_stem_substr = &file_stem[0..5]; if file_stem_substr == "PRDR3" { prdr3s.push(file_path) } } } } } prdr3s } fn read_file_buf(path: PathBuf) -> Result, io::Error> { let mut file = File::open(path)?; let mut data = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut data)?; return Ok(data); } fn find_index_in_buf(buffer: &Vec, index: &[u8]) -> usize { let index =|window| window == index).unwrap(); index } fn grab_image_from_buf(buffer: &Vec) -> Vec { let first_index = find_index_in_buf(&buffer, b"JPEG"); let last_index = find_index_in_buf(&buffer, b"JSON"); let image_data = buffertrim::trim(&buffer[first_index + 12..last_index]); image_data } fn grab_metadata_from_buf(buffer: &Vec) -> Vec { let first_index = find_index_in_buf(&buffer, b"JSON"); let last_index = find_index_in_buf(&buffer, b"TITL"); let metadata = buffertrim::trim(&buffer[first_index + 8..last_index]); metadata } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Loc { x: f64, y: f64, z: f64 } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Time { hour: i32, minute: i32, second: i32, day: i32, month: i32, year: i32 } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Meta { horse: Option> } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct ImageMetadata { loc: Loc, regionname: usize, districtname: usize, statename: usize, nm: String, sid: String, crewid: usize, mid: String, mode: String, meme: bool, mug: bool, uid: usize, time: Time, creat: usize, slf: bool, drctr: bool, rsedtr: bool, inphotomode: bool, advanced: bool, width: usize, height: usize, size: usize, sign: usize, meta: Meta } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Image { metadata: ImageMetadata, image_data: Vec } fn convert_file(path: PathBuf) -> Result { let mut file_buf = read_file_buf(path).unwrap(); file_buf = buffertrim::trim(&file_buf); let image_data = grab_image_from_buf(&file_buf); let metadata = grab_metadata_from_buf(&file_buf); let parsed_metadata: ImageMetadata = serde_json::from_slice(&metadata).unwrap(); Ok(Image { metadata: parsed_metadata, image_data }) }