Action: sort key binding assignments

Avoid accidental duplicate usage.
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Christian Göttsche 2020-12-21 15:53:42 +01:00
parent 9a86577cf2
commit a09ad6b8b4
1 changed files with 49 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -639,60 +639,59 @@ static Htop_Reaction actionShowCommandScreen(State* st) {
void Action_setBindings(Htop_Action* keys) {
keys[KEY_RESIZE] = actionResize;
keys['M'] = actionSortByMemory;
keys['T'] = actionSortByTime;
keys['P'] = actionSortByCPU;
keys['H'] = actionToggleUserlandThreads;
keys['K'] = actionToggleKernelThreads;
keys['p'] = actionToggleProgramPath;
keys['m'] = actionToggleMergedCommand;
keys['t'] = actionToggleTreeView;
keys[KEY_F(5)] = actionToggleTreeView;
keys[KEY_F(4)] = actionIncFilter;
keys['\\'] = actionIncFilter;
keys[KEY_F(3)] = actionIncSearch;
keys['/'] = actionIncSearch;
keys['n'] = actionIncNext;
keys['N'] = actionIncPrev;
keys[']'] = actionHigherPriority;
keys[KEY_F(7)] = actionHigherPriority;
keys['['] = actionLowerPriority;
keys[KEY_F(8)] = actionLowerPriority;
keys['I'] = actionInvertSortOrder;
keys[KEY_F(6)] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys[KEY_F(18)] = actionExpandCollapseOrSortColumn;
keys['<'] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys[','] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys['>'] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys['.'] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys[KEY_F(10)] = actionQuit;
keys['q'] = actionQuit;
keys['a'] = actionSetAffinity;
keys[KEY_F(9)] = actionKill;
keys['k'] = actionKill;
keys[KEY_RECLICK] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys['+'] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys['='] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys['-'] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys['\177'] = actionCollapseIntoParent;
keys['u'] = actionFilterByUser;
keys['F'] = Action_follow;
keys['S'] = actionSetup;
keys['C'] = actionSetup;
keys[KEY_F(2)] = actionSetup;
keys['x'] = actionShowLocks;
keys['l'] = actionLsof;
keys['s'] = actionStrace;
keys[' '] = actionTag;
keys['\014'] = actionRedraw; // Ctrl+L
keys[KEY_F(1)] = actionHelp;
keys['h'] = actionHelp;
keys['+'] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys[','] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys['-'] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys['.'] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys['/'] = actionIncSearch;
keys['<'] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys['='] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys['>'] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys['?'] = actionHelp;
keys['C'] = actionSetup;
keys['F'] = Action_follow;
keys['H'] = actionToggleUserlandThreads;
keys['I'] = actionInvertSortOrder;
keys['K'] = actionToggleKernelThreads;
keys['M'] = actionSortByMemory;
keys['N'] = actionIncPrev;
keys['P'] = actionSortByCPU;
keys['S'] = actionSetup;
keys['T'] = actionSortByTime;
keys['U'] = actionUntagAll;
keys['Z'] = actionTogglePauseProcessUpdate;
keys['['] = actionLowerPriority;
keys['\014'] = actionRedraw; // Ctrl+L
keys['\177'] = actionCollapseIntoParent;
keys['\\'] = actionIncFilter;
keys[']'] = actionHigherPriority;
keys['a'] = actionSetAffinity;
keys['c'] = actionTagAllChildren;
keys['e'] = actionShowEnvScreen;
keys['h'] = actionHelp;
keys['k'] = actionKill;
keys['l'] = actionLsof;
keys['m'] = actionToggleMergedCommand;
keys['n'] = actionIncNext;
keys['p'] = actionToggleProgramPath;
keys['q'] = actionQuit;
keys['s'] = actionStrace;
keys['t'] = actionToggleTreeView;
keys['u'] = actionFilterByUser;
keys['w'] = actionShowCommandScreen;
keys['Z'] = actionTogglePauseProcessUpdate;
keys['x'] = actionShowLocks;
keys[KEY_F(1)] = actionHelp;
keys[KEY_F(10)] = actionQuit;
keys[KEY_F(18)] = actionExpandCollapseOrSortColumn;
keys[KEY_F(2)] = actionSetup;
keys[KEY_F(3)] = actionIncSearch;
keys[KEY_F(4)] = actionIncFilter;
keys[KEY_F(5)] = actionToggleTreeView;
keys[KEY_F(6)] = actionSetSortColumn;
keys[KEY_F(7)] = actionHigherPriority;
keys[KEY_F(8)] = actionLowerPriority;
keys[KEY_F(9)] = actionKill;
keys[KEY_RECLICK] = actionExpandOrCollapse;
keys[KEY_RESIZE] = actionResize;