mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:13:24 +03:00
Refactor makeCommandStr
This commit is contained in:
@ -241,6 +241,11 @@ static inline bool Process_isChildOf(const Process* this, pid_t pid) {
return pid == Process_getParentPid(this);
#define ONE_K 1024UL
#define ONE_M (ONE_K * ONE_K)
#define ONE_G (ONE_M * ONE_K)
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ static bool findCommInCmdline(const char *comm, const char *cmdline, int cmdline
if (*token) {
do {
} while ('\n' == *token);
} while (*token && '\n' == *token);
return false;
@ -268,14 +268,15 @@ static int matchCmdlinePrefixWithExeSuffix(const char *cmdline, int cmdlineBaseO
int i, j;
/* reverse match the cmdline prefix and exe suffix */
for (i = cmdlineBaseOffset - 1, j = exeBaseOffset - 1;
i >= 0 && cmdline[i] == exe[j]; --i, --j)
i >= 0 && j >= 0 && cmdline[i] == exe[j]; --i, --j)
/* full match, with exe suffix being a valid relative path */
if (i < 0 && exe[j] == '/') {
if (i < 0 && j >= 0 && exe[j] == '/') {
return matchLen;
/* Try to find the previous potential cmdlineBaseOffset - it would be
* preceded by '/' or nothing, and delimited by ' ' or '\n' */
for (delimFound = false, cmdlineBaseOffset -= 2; cmdlineBaseOffset > 0; --cmdlineBaseOffset) {
@ -310,11 +311,12 @@ returned by LinuxProcess_getCommandStr() for searching, sorting and filtering.
void LinuxProcess_makeCommandStr(Process* this) {
LinuxProcess *lp = (LinuxProcess *)this;
LinuxProcessMergedCommand *mc = &lp->mergedCommand;
const Settings* settings = this->settings;
bool showMergedCommand = this->settings->showMergedCommand;
bool showProgramPath = this->settings->showProgramPath;
bool searchCommInCmdline = this->settings->findCommInCmdline;
bool stripExeFromCmdline = this->settings->stripExeFromCmdline;
bool showMergedCommand = settings->showMergedCommand;
bool showProgramPath = settings->showProgramPath;
bool searchCommInCmdline = settings->findCommInCmdline;
bool stripExeFromCmdline = settings->stripExeFromCmdline;
/* lp->mergedCommand.str needs updating only if its state or contents changed.
* Its content is based on the fields cmdline, comm, and exe. */
@ -353,16 +355,37 @@ void LinuxProcess_makeCommandStr(Process* this) {
mc->commChanged = false;
mc->exeChanged = false;
/* Clear any separators */
mc->sep1 = 0;
mc->sep2 = 0;
/* Reset all locations that need extra handling when actually displaying */
mc->highlightCount = 0;
memset(mc->highlights, 0, sizeof(mc->highlights));
/* Clear any highlighting locations */
mc->baseStart = 0;
mc->baseEnd = 0;
mc->commStart = 0;
mc->commEnd = 0;
size_t mbMismatch = 0;
#define WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(_offset, _length, _attr, _flags) \
do { \
/* Check if we still have capacity */ \
assert(mc->highlightCount < ARRAYSIZE(mc->highlights)); \
if (mc->highlightCount >= ARRAYSIZE(mc->highlights)) \
continue; \
mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].offset = str - strStart + _offset - mbMismatch; \
mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].length = _length; \
mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].attr = _attr; \
mc->highlights[mc->highlightCount].flags = _flags; \
mc->highlightCount++; \
} while (0)
do { \
mbMismatch += SEPARATOR_LEN - 1; \
str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR); \
} while (0)
const int baseAttr = Process_isThread(this) ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD_BASENAME] : CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME];
const int commAttr = Process_isThread(this) ? CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD_COMM] : CRT_colors[PROCESS_COMM];
const int delAttr = CRT_colors[FAILED_READ];
/* Establish some shortcuts to data we need */
const char *cmdline = this->comm;
const char *procExe = lp->procExe;
const char *procComm = lp->procComm;
@ -382,32 +405,22 @@ void LinuxProcess_makeCommandStr(Process* this) {
assert(cmdlineBasenameOffset >= 0);
assert(cmdlineBasenameOffset <= (int)strlen(cmdline));
if (!showMergedCommand || !procExe || !procComm) { /* fall back to cmdline */
if (showMergedCommand && !procExe && procComm && strlen(procComm)) { /* Prefix column with comm */
if (!showMergedCommand || !procExe || !procComm) { /* fall back to cmdline */
if (showMergedCommand && !procExe && procComm && strlen(procComm)) { /* Prefix column with comm */
if (strncmp(cmdline + cmdlineBasenameOffset, procComm, MINIMUM(TASK_COMM_LEN - 1, strlen(procComm))) != 0) {
mc->commStart = 0;
mc->commEnd = strlen(procComm);
str = stpcpy(str, procComm);
mc->sep1 = str - strStart;
str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
if (showProgramPath) {
(void) stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline);
mc->baseStart = cmdlineBasenameOffset;
mc->baseEnd = cmdlineBasenameEnd;
WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(cmdlineBasenameOffset, cmdlineBasenameEnd - cmdlineBasenameOffset, baseAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_BASENAME);
(void)stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline);
} else {
(void) stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline + cmdlineBasenameOffset);
mc->baseStart = 0;
mc->baseEnd = cmdlineBasenameEnd - cmdlineBasenameOffset;
if (mc->sep1) {
mc->baseStart += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
mc->baseEnd += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(0, cmdlineBasenameEnd - cmdlineBasenameOffset, baseAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_BASENAME);
(void)stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline + cmdlineBasenameOffset);
@ -420,142 +433,111 @@ void LinuxProcess_makeCommandStr(Process* this) {
assert(exeBasenameOffset >= 0);
assert(exeBasenameOffset <= (int)strlen(procExe));
/* Start with copying exe */
if (showProgramPath) {
str = stpcpy(str, procExe);
mc->baseStart = exeBasenameOffset;
mc->baseEnd = exeLen;
} else {
str = stpcpy(str, procExe + exeBasenameOffset);
mc->baseStart = 0;
mc->baseEnd = exeBasenameLen;
bool haveCommInExe = false;
if (procExe && procComm) {
haveCommInExe = strncmp(procExe + exeBasenameOffset, procComm, TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) == 0;
mc->sep1 = 0;
mc->sep2 = 0;
/* Start with copying exe */
if (showProgramPath) {
if (haveCommInExe)
WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen, commAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_COMM);
WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen, baseAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_BASENAME);
if (lp->procExeDeleted)
WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen, delAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_DELETED);
str = stpcpy(str, procExe);
} else {
if (haveCommInExe)
if (lp->procExeDeleted)
str = stpcpy(str, procExe + exeBasenameOffset);
bool haveCommInCmdline = false;
int commStart = 0;
int commEnd = 0;
bool commInCmdline = false;
/* Try to match procComm with procExe's basename: This is reliable (predictable) */
if (strncmp(procExe + exeBasenameOffset, procComm, TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) == 0) {
commStart = mc->baseStart;
commEnd = mc->baseEnd;
} else if (searchCommInCmdline) {
if (searchCommInCmdline) {
/* commStart/commEnd will be adjusted later along with cmdline */
commInCmdline = findCommInCmdline(procComm, cmdline, cmdlineBasenameOffset, &commStart, &commEnd);
haveCommInCmdline = findCommInCmdline(procComm, cmdline, cmdlineBasenameOffset, &commStart, &commEnd);
int matchLen = matchCmdlinePrefixWithExeSuffix(cmdline, cmdlineBasenameOffset, procExe, exeBasenameOffset, exeBasenameLen);
/* Note: commStart, commEnd are offsets into RichString. But the multibyte
* separator (with size SEPARATOR_LEN) has size 1 in RichString. The offset
* adjustments below reflect this. */
if (commEnd) {
mc->unmatchedExe = !matchLen;
bool haveCommField = false;
if (matchLen) {
/* strip the matched exe prefix */
cmdline += matchLen;
if (commInCmdline) {
commStart += str - strStart - matchLen;
commEnd += str - strStart - matchLen;
} else {
/* cmdline will be a separate field */
mc->sep1 = str - strStart;
str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
if (commInCmdline) {
commStart += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
commEnd += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
mc->separateComm = false; /* procComm merged */
} else {
mc->sep1 = str - strStart;
str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
commStart = str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
if (!haveCommInExe && !haveCommInCmdline && procComm) {
str = stpcpy(str, procComm);
commEnd = str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1; /* or commStart + strlen(procComm) */
mc->unmatchedExe = !matchLen;
if (matchLen) {
if (stripExeFromCmdline) {
cmdline += matchLen;
if (*cmdline) {
mc->sep2 = str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
mc->separateComm = true; /* procComm a separate field */
haveCommField = true;
if (matchLen) {
/* strip the matched exe prefix */
cmdline += matchLen;
commStart -= matchLen;
commEnd -= matchLen;
if (!matchLen || (haveCommField && *cmdline)) {
/* cmdline will be a separate field */
if (!haveCommInExe && haveCommInCmdline && !haveCommField)
WRITE_HIGHLIGHT(commStart, commEnd - commStart, commAttr, CMDLINE_HIGHLIGHT_FLAG_COMM);
/* Display cmdline if it hasn't been consumed by procExe */
if (*cmdline) {
(void) stpcpyWithNewlineConversion(str, cmdline);
mc->commStart = commStart;
mc->commEnd = commEnd;
static void LinuxProcess_writeCommand(const Process* this, int attr, int baseAttr, RichString* str) {
const LinuxProcess *lp = (const LinuxProcess *)this;
const LinuxProcessMergedCommand *mc = &lp->mergedCommand;
int strStart = RichString_size(str);
int baseStart = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.baseStart;
int baseEnd = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.baseEnd;
int commStart = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.commStart;
int commEnd = strStart + lp->mergedCommand.commEnd;
// int commAttr = CRT_colors[Process_isUserlandThread(this) ? PROCESS_THREAD_COMM : PROCESS_COMM];
int commAttr = CRT_colors[Process_isUserlandThread(this) ? PROCESS_THREAD_COMM : PROCESS_COMM];
bool highlightBaseName = this->settings->highlightBaseName;
baseAttr = CRT_colors[FAILED_READ];
const bool highlightBaseName = this->settings->highlightBaseName;
const bool highlightSeparator = true;
const bool highlightDeleted = true;
RichString_appendWide(str, attr, lp->mergedCommand.str);
if (lp->mergedCommand.commEnd) {
if (!lp->mergedCommand.separateComm && commStart == baseStart && highlightBaseName) {
/* If it was matched with procExe's basename, make it bold if needed */
if (commEnd > baseEnd) {
RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | baseAttr, baseStart, baseEnd - baseStart);
RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | commAttr, baseEnd, commEnd - baseEnd);
} else if (commEnd < baseEnd) {
RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | commAttr, commStart, commEnd - commStart);
RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | baseAttr, commEnd, baseEnd - commEnd);
} else {
// Actually should be highlighted commAttr, but marked baseAttr to reduce visual noise
RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | baseAttr, commStart, commEnd - commStart);
for (size_t i = 0, hlCount = CLAMP(mc->highlightCount, 0, ARRAYSIZE(mc->highlights)); i < hlCount; i++)
const LinuxProcessCmdlineHighlight* hl = &mc->highlights[i];
baseStart = baseEnd;
} else {
RichString_setAttrn(str, commAttr, commStart, commEnd - commStart);
if (!hl->length)
if (!highlightSeparator)
if (!highlightBaseName)
if (!highlightDeleted)
RichString_setAttrn(str, hl->attr, strStart + hl->offset, hl->length);
if (baseStart < baseEnd && highlightBaseName) {
RichString_setAttrn(str, baseAttr, baseStart, baseEnd - baseStart);
if (mc->sep1)
RichString_setAttrn(str, CRT_colors[FAILED_READ], strStart + mc->sep1, 1);
if (mc->sep2)
RichString_setAttrn(str, CRT_colors[FAILED_READ], strStart + mc->sep2, 1);
static void LinuxProcess_writeCommandField(const Process *this, RichString *str, char *buffer, int n, int attr) {
@ -31,28 +31,34 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
/* Holds information about regions of the cmdline that should be
* highlighted (e.g. program basename, delimiter, comm). */
typedef struct LinuxProcessCmdlineHighlight_
size_t offset; /* first character to highlight */
size_t length; /* How many characters to highlight, zero if unused */
int attr; /* The attributes used to highlight */
int flags; /* Special flags used for selective highlighting, zero for always */
} LinuxProcessCmdlineHighlight;
/* LinuxProcessMergedCommand is populated by LinuxProcess_makeCommandStr: It
* contains the merged Command string, and the information needed by
* LinuxProcess_writeCommand to color the string. str will be NULL for kernel
* threads and zombies */
typedef struct LinuxProcessMergedCommand_ {
char *str; /* merged Command string */
int maxLen; /* maximum expected length of Command string */
int baseStart; /* basename's start offset */
int baseEnd; /* basename's end offset */
int commStart; /* comm's start offset */
int commEnd; /* comm's end offset */
int sep1; /* first field separator, used if non-zero */
int sep2; /* second field separator, used if non-zero */
bool separateComm; /* whether comm is a separate field */
bool unmatchedExe; /* whether exe matched with cmdline */
bool cmdlineChanged; /* whether cmdline changed */
bool exeChanged; /* whether exe changed */
bool commChanged; /* whether comm changed */
bool prevMergeSet; /* whether showMergedCommand was set */
bool prevPathSet; /* whether showProgramPath was set */
bool prevCommSet; /* whether findCommInCmdline was set */
bool prevCmdlineSet; /* whether findCommInCmdline was set */
char *str; /* merged Command string */
size_t maxLen; /* maximum expected length of Command string */
size_t highlightCount; /* how many portions of cmdline to highlight */
LinuxProcessCmdlineHighlight highlights[8]; /* which portions of cmdline to highlight */
bool separateComm : 1; /* whether comm is a separate field */
bool unmatchedExe : 1; /* whether exe matched with cmdline */
bool cmdlineChanged : 1; /* whether cmdline changed */
bool exeChanged : 1; /* whether exe changed */
bool commChanged : 1; /* whether comm changed */
bool prevMergeSet : 1; /* whether showMergedCommand was set */
bool prevPathSet : 1; /* whether showProgramPath was set */
bool prevCommSet : 1; /* whether findCommInCmdline was set */
bool prevCmdlineSet : 1; /* whether stripExeFromCmdline was set */
} LinuxProcessMergedCommand;
typedef struct LinuxProcess_ {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user